Craftsman 316.7919の取扱説明書

デバイスCraftsman 316.7919の取扱説明書

デバイス: Craftsman 316.7919
カテゴリ: トリマー
メーカー: Craftsman
サイズ: 4.24 MB
追加した日付: 6/12/2014
ページ数: 28



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Craftsman 316.7919 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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Operator's Manual
Model No. 316.791900
_BII_LlffV, CBLI_ _rA_rttif6 t_A S E _
CAUTION: Before usingthis product,
read this manual and follow all safety
rules and operating instructions.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our website"
769-003836 1/08


CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible dangers. The safety symbols, and their explanations, deserve your careful attention and understanding. The safety warnings do not by themselves eliminate any danger. The instructions or warnings they give are not substitutes for proper accident prevention measures. THE ENGINE EXHAUST FROM THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE SYMBOL MEANING CANCER, BIRTH DE


• This unit has a clutch. The cutting attachment remains stationary • Use only replacement parts or accessories recommended for this when the engine is idling. If it does not, take the unit to a Sears or tool that are distributed by Sears or a Craftsman outlet. Use of other qualified service dealer for an adjustment. any replacement parts or accessories purchased elsewhere may be hazardous, and will also void your warranty. • Adjust the D-handle to your size in order to provide the best grip. •


CRAFTSMAN FULL WARRANTY If this Craftsman product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within two years from the date of purchase, return it to any Sears store, Parts & Repair Service Center, or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free repair (or replacement if repair proves impossible). This warranty applies for only 90 days from the purchase date if this product is ever used for commercial or rental purposes. This warranty covers ONLY defects in material and workmanship


OILANDFUEL MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Oldand/or improperly mixed fuelare themain reasons fortheunit not WARNING: outdoor area, Carbon Operatemonoxide this unit only exhaust in a well-ventilated fumes can be running properly. Besure touse fresh, clean unleaded fuel, Follow the lethal in a confined area. instructions carefully fortheproper fuel/oil mixture. Definition ofBlended Fuels WARNING: Avoid accidental starting. Make sure you are in the starting position when pulling the starter rope (Fig, 5), Tod


OPERATING THE CONVERTIBLE TM COUPLER SYSTEM HOLDING THE TRIMMER WARN ING: Before you begin using any attachment, read protection to reduce the risk of injury when operating this unit. A IWARNING: Always wear eye, hearing, foot and body and understand the manual that came with the attachment. Follow all safety information contained within. Before operating the unit, stand in the operating position (Fig. 8). Check for the following: CAUTION: These attachments are to be snapped into • The operator


AIR FILTER MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY MAINTENANCE REQUIRED SEE Before starting Fill fuel tank with fresh fuel p. 6 your unit off and allow it to cool before you clean or service it. engine A i o vo'0s 'oos0 so " ,o ,a'wa stom I The condition of the airfilter is Every 10 hours Clean and re-oil air filter p. 8 important to the operation of the Every 25 hours Check and clean spark arrestor p. 9 unit.A dirty air filterwill restrict air Check spark plug condition and gap p. 9 flow and change the air/fu


SPARK ARRESTOR MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTING NOTE: Pay close attention when disassembling the muffler so you ° Allow the engine to cool before transporting. can put it back together correctly. Failure to do so will ° Drain fuel from unit. damage the unit and may cause serious personal injury. ° Tighten fuel cap before transporting. 1. Remove air filter/muffler cover. Refer to Removing the Air ° Secure the unit while transporting. Filter/Muffler Cover. CLEANING 2. Locate the muffler, but do not remove


PROBLEM SOLUTION Primer bulb wasn't pressed enough Press primer bulb fully and slowly 10 times Old or improperly mixed fuel Drain gas tank and add fresh fuel mixture Plugged spark arrestor Clean or replace spark arrestor The outside temperature is above 90° F Pull the starter rope up to 10-15 times Old or improperly mixed fuel Drain gas tank and add fresh fuel mixture :1 #[=tl#I:::U, vA Im111 #toilf,_T_e.]::1 n! ::1 :r,__ / Old or improperly mixed fuel Drain gas tank and add fresh fuel mixture C


llillill Engine Type ............................................................................................................................................................................ Air-Cooled, 2 Cycle Displacement ........................................................................................................................................................................ 31.5 cc (1.95 cu in.) Idle Speed RPM ...................................................................


CALIFORNIA / EPA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENT Your Warranty Rights and Obligations The California Air Resources Board, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Sears, Roebuck and Co. (Sears) are pleased to explain the emission control system warranty on your 2007 and later small off-road engine. In California and the 49 states, new small off-road engines must be designed, built and equipped to meet the state's stringent anti-smog standards. Sears must warrant the emission control system o


Defects Warranty Requirements (a) The warranty period begins on the date the engine or equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser. (b) General Evaporative Emissions Warranty Coverage. The fuel tank must be warranted to the ultimate purchaser and any subsequent owner that the evaporative emission control system when installed was: (1) Designed, built, and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations; and (2) Free from defects in materials and workmanship that causes the failure


Manual del Operador M 2-Tiempos WEEDWACKER_ RECORTADOR A GASOLINA Modelo No. 316.791900 W_.pI_.WJH TM #!_BII_LIf[V,4BLI_ _ rAR r t tif 6 t: A S E _ • SEGURIDAD • MONTAJE • FUNCIONAMIENTO • MANTENIMIENTO • LISTADO DE PIEZAS PRECAUCION: Lea el manual del operador y siga todas las advertencias e instrucciones de seguridad. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. Visite nuestro sitio web" 769-03836 1/08


Toda la informacion, las ilustraciones y las especificaciones contenidas en PROPOSICION 65 DE CALIFORNIA este manual se basan en la informacion mas reciente disponible en el momento de impresi6n del manual. Nos reservamos el derecho de hacer cambios en cualquier momento sin aviso previo. LAS EMISIONES DEL MOTOR DE ESTE PRODUCTO CONTIENEN Los simbolos de seguridad se utilizan para Ilamar su atencion sobre SUBSTANCIAS QUlMICAS QUE EL ESTADO DE CALIFORNIA posibles peligros. Los dmbolos de seguridad


• Use pantalones largos ygruesos, botas, guantes ycamisa demanga • Sigolpea oseenreda conalgQn objeto extrado, apague elmotor de larga. Nouse ropa holgada, alhajas, pantalones cortos, sandalias ni inmediato yverifique sihay dados. Repare todos losdados antes de este descalzo. Sostenga elcabello sobre elnivel deloshombros. volver aintentar operar launidad. Noopere launidad sitiene piezas flojas odadadas. • LaprotecciCn accesoria decorte debe estar siempre colocada en sulugar mientras opere launid


GARANTIA TOTAL DE CRAFTSMAN Si este producto de Craftsman Professional falla debido a un defecto en el material o en la mano de obra dentro de un perfodo de tres ahos a partir de la fecha de compra, devuelvalo a cualquier tienda o Centro de Servicio de Piezas y Reparaciones Sears u otro establecimiento de Craftsman en los Estados Unidos para que sea reparado sin costo alguno (o ser reemplazado si resulta imposible repararlo). Esta garantfa se aplica solamente durante 90 dias si este producto en


INSTRUCCIONES PARA MEZCLAR EL ACEITE Y EL COMBUSTIBLE El combustible viejo o real mezclado son los motivos principales del ADVERTENCIA: Use esta unidad s61o en un area exterior bien ventilada. Los gases de escape de mon6xido real funcionamiento de la unidad. AsegL_resede uear combustible de carbono pueden ser letales en un Area cerrada. nuevo, limpio y sin plomo. Siga las instrucciones en detalle para mezclar correctamente el aceite y el combustible. _ DVERTENCIA: Evite los arranques accidentale


OPERACION DEL SISTEMA DEL ACOPLADOR CONVERTIBLE TM COMO SOSTENER EL RECORTADOR protecci6n del pie y del cuerpo para reducir el riesgo de lea y comprenda el manual que viene con el accesorio. Siga toda ADVERTENCIA" Siempre ojo del desgaste, el err, 1_, ADVERTENCIA: Antesde comenzara usaresteaccesorio, lesi6n al funcionar esta unidad. la informaci6n de seguridad contenida en el mismo. Antes de operar esta unidad, parese en posici6n de operaci6n (Fig. 8). Verifique Io I _tl_ ADVERTENOIA" Para evita


Afindegarantizar elrendimiento maximo desumotor, pudiera ser 6, Si la linea se instala correctamente, tendra la misma Iongitud en ambos lados, necesaria lainspecci6n delalumbrera deescape delmotor despues de50 horas deoperaci6n. Siusted nota perdida deRPM, unrendimiento NOTA: AI instalar la linea nueva, asegOrese de que la Ifnea quede Io insuficiente ouna falta general deaceleraci6n, pudiera requerirse este mas uniforme posible, Cualquier variaci6n en la Iongitud puede servicio. Siusted consider


4. Apliquesuficienteaceite 2. Limpie alrededor de la bujia de encendido. Saque la bujia de limpio SAE 30para recubrir encendido de la cabeza del cilindro girando una Ilave de casquillo ligeramente elfiltro (Fig. 16). de 5/8 de pulgada en sentido antihorario. 5. Apriete elfiltro para esparcir yretirar elexceso raspe ni limpie los electrodos. El motor podrfa datarse si deaceite (Fig. 17). A IADVERTENCIA" No limpie con chorro de arena, ni penetran pequetas partfculas en el cilindro. 6. Cambie elfil

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