Lanzar Car Audio VECTOR VCT-2010の取扱説明書

デバイスLanzar Car Audio VECTOR VCT-2010の取扱説明書

デバイス: Lanzar Car Audio VECTOR VCT-2010
カテゴリ: カーアンプ
メーカー: Lanzar Car Audio
サイズ: 4.1 MB
追加した日付: 3/7/2013
ページ数: 15



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Lanzar Car Audio VECTOR VCT-2010 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書Lanzar Car Audio VECTOR VCT-2010の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。



congratulations ... table of contents features and specificatIons stereo/mono Input connections 2-3 15-16 Congratulations on !.lour purchase of a Lanzar VECTOR series amplll'ler. You have purchased VCT-2DID VCT-26ID a quallt!.l product designed and engineered to give !.IOU man!.l !.Iears of uncompromlsed s!.lstem wirIng speakRr connections features and specIfIcatIons 4 -5 musical service. VECTOR series ampll'lers are designed with the latest technolog!.l avaDable. 17 VCT-26ID VCT-2DID


features and controls features and specifications 2 ch amp VCT-2010 2 ch limp VCT-2010 WPJen us«f wfth notmIi, full tantIt system, III this swItr:h to 'RILL' . ... _1I14A1 DC, IIOt1 Jlt:T-2Itll "you wi$h to use the intmJM cnmover to power • drive, or specific .'-'84_ 35 Kl/ttsx2 --- frequency range, use the 1PPor 1/PP FOR the 'l.OWPASS" OR 11184_ 45 Kl/ttsx2 000000000000000000000 HIGHPASS" ssttillflS. .,..81_ 70 Kl/ttsx2 11 EfIIlb/es the matching uf Input levels to the output leve


features and specifications features and controls 2 ch amp VCT-26ID 2 ch amp VCT-26ID sub sonic level control -----t~=====~~IL------- _r ....... I •• r When used with normal, tuff range system, set this swltdl to 'FULL' . oUlp" ,_OlUrOC, 1KHz VCT·261D "you wish ro use the internal crossover ro power a driver or specific I/JII ,."" II 4 /IIw 300 Waltsx2 frequency range, /IS8 the "LPPor 'HPF" FOR the 'WWPASS' OR 1111 II 4 "",. 450 Waltsx2 P>ii --------- bass boost level control HIGHPAS


features and specifications features and controls .q ch amp VCT -.qIlO .q ch amp VCT-.qIlO _r ....... I •• r When used with normal, tuff range system, set this swltdl to 'FULL' . oUlp" ,_OlUrOC, 1KHz VCT·411D "you wish ro use the internal crossover ro power a driver or specific I/JII ,."" II 4 /IIw 50 Waltsx4 frequency range, /IS8 the "LPPor 'HPF" FOR the 'WWPASS' OR --t-it--- '_tR.tEl,!Jii]'_lIil Bass Boost selector ~~~ ;LI 1111 II 4 "",. - 15 Waltsx4 HIGHPASS' ssttings. 1111 !;IT '


features and controls features and specifications I ch amp VCT-ISOOD I ch amp VCT-ISOOD f_the_oflnput-"'the_---unIt D",,,,_014A111C.1111z IICT·'UII' (ar __ """",J. .",...04_ 3W tIlIttsx 1 --- "'" contTOIpermlfrld/USfment "the bass - up 0> III - 01 III 04 _ 450 tIlItts x 1 _uptol8dB. ---- VaJlablold/ustment_,5O>4O/Iz. .",.".,02_ 450 tIlIttsx 1 lUll ...... 1II1II 77ti, amp _'" RCA type jac/r$ for high impodanco Input l1li 0 2 ... 650 tIlItts X 1 1_111111''111: Use these with car stereo


features and controls features and specifications I ch limp VCT-3000D I ch limp VCT-3000D f_the_oflnput-"'the_---unIt D",,,,_014A111C.1111z IIcr-l_' (ar __ """",J. .",...04_ 5W tIlIttsx 1 --- "'" contTOIpermlfrlli/USfment "the bass - up 0> III - 01 III 04 _ 650 tIlItts x 1 _upO>f8dB. ---- VaJlablolli/ustment_,5O>4O/Iz. .",.".,02_ 650 tIlIttsx I lUll ...... 1II1II 771;, amp _'" RCA type jac/r$ for high impodanco Input l1li 0 2 ... 650 tIlItts X 1 1_111111''111: Use these wfthcarstereo


stereo Input connections electrical connections VCT-2DID • VCT-26ID • VCT-.qIlD 2 ch amp • VCT-2DID @ 000000000000000000000 Dalng low IBVBllnputa II~i~1 000000000000000000000 ..... "" ..... @® An GA. ~ L..-__ I@ el12Vbattery L@R head unit head unit to remote turn-on [§~I l/R Audio +12V Outputs ..... --------"1l;;J~a VCT-ISDDD • VCT-3DDDD Dalng high IBvBllnputa 000000000000000000000 1;:;11 = = 12V battery Ie 1 -_ ...... head untt L HI lEVEL INPUT ADAPTOR ANOTHER VECTOR


mono Input connections stereo Input connections 2 ch amp • VCT-2010 2 ch amp • VCT-2610 ualng low levellnputa ualng low levellnputa head unit ljRAudio To a second amplifier Outputs ..... ---------1J;~ Y Adaptors ualng high levellnputa ualng high levellnputa 0000000000000 0000000000000 ~lll~~ ~ """",""" ...... ~...... A JID"l §~ ~ HI LEVEL INPIIT ADAPTOR 1-__ ...... ANOlliER VECTOR AMPLIFIER ANOTHER VECTOR AMPLIFIER :~H~I L~EVEL~ INP~UT~ AO~ APT~O~ R ~:~~~:~~ t::::::j::::3 HI LEV


mono Input connections speaker connections 2 ch amp • VCT-2610 2 ch amp· VCT-2010 • VCT-2610 Btereo Output mode ualng low levellnputa @ @ 000000000000000000000 iIIll!1l1 2 1,"";,)11 H-DUEH I []]]] I ~~lMf +~ +~ To • second amplifier « • « • Y Adaptors LEFT speaker RIGHT speaker 2·4 OHMS 2·4 OHMS Bridged mono Output mode uRlng high levellnputa 000000000000000 000000000000000000000 m~lIiill ~ ~ @@ ~]qJ!f~ T L @i • H-DUER I []]]]I ~~W'f MINIMUM SPEAKER « • HI LEVEL I


Input connections speaker connections .q ch amp VCT-.qIlO .q ch amp VCT-.qIlO ualng IDW levellnputa 0000000000000 @®~:~r~~ l~iUat3/1 1ft' a-DOER ""'~-'"""@ - -- - ==.=:; •• ~~ I ~A'~III-DUER DlI/2 II'I'FULJ. f 2·11 OHMS 2·11 OHMS 2·11 OHMS 2·11 OHMS head unit URAudio URAudio Outputs Outputs L..--ill;;~ "'311 ualng high level inputs :uw II-DOER ITTTTTT1 II-DOER WilllJ DlI/2 1 II'I'FULJ. f 000000000000000000000 ®~~ ®@~j§j{~ ~~(?) ~ ~Dlln~ --Dl5I4~ I J7!.Dl3/4 WilllJ a-D


mono Input connections speaker connections I ch amp VCT-ISDDD • VCT-3DDDD I ch amp VCT-ISDDD· VCT-3DDDD Interconnection Low Paaa·mode Interconnection Low Paaa·mode 00000 ~s;-;;;;;;-;:i'f' I;:; II + + • • • • speaker speaker 2·IOHMI 2·IOHMI 00000 1;:;11 .IIIIIOIMIII( maater Him r speaker '·80HIIS ;;f;u;;;;; VECTOR O •• I!.'I MANUAL - 21 ;;f;u;;;;; YEe OR 0 NII'I .KUL-.10


speaker connections speaker connections I ch amp VCT-ISDDD • VCT-3DDDD I ch amp VCT-ISDDD· VCT-3DDDD Interconnection master/Hlave mode Interconnection master/Hlave mode Interconnection example 1 aubwooFer with a Dual-Yolcecoll ~ RJlIIE I4ISIEIII ~ Interconnection example 1 lubwooFer with a Iingle-Yoicecoll © 000000 0000 °0000 I •••• -: :: [;:; [I maater .. - § FIIEIO(? 6 maIler Hlave The subwoofer on the SLAVE + __ + amp neOOs to be comected .-. SubwoofBr Voice CII2 wilh a conver


mounting and Installation troubleshooting ID output_ • Confinm that all terminal strip connections are secure and tight. Your new I:lmzar Vector'Series amplifier comes complete with all required mounting hardware. When determining a suitable location in your vehicle for the amp, please remember Check both in-line and buill-in fuses. Both the + 12V and the Remote tenminals roost have + 12v referenced to chassis that it is a high-power electronic ~evice capable of generating high heat. p'rot


notes precautions (~) Do not operate the amplifier wfleo it is unmounted. _---.' ,----. 8 Attach all audio system components securely within ~ t...' the automobile to prevent damage, especially in an accident. Do not mount this amplifier so that the wire connections are unprotected, or in a pinched condition, or likely to be damaged by nearby objects. Before making or breaking power connections in your system, disconnect the vehicle battery. Confirm that your head unit or other equ

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