Philips TDA8566の取扱説明書

デバイスPhilips TDA8566の取扱説明書

デバイス: Philips TDA8566
カテゴリ: カーアンプ
メーカー: Philips
サイズ: 0.13 MB
追加した日付: 7/10/2014
ページ数: 21



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Philips TDA8566 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書Philips TDA8566の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier with
differential inputs and diagnostic outputs
Rev. 06 — 15 October 2007 Product data sheet
1. General description
The TDA8566 is an integrated class-B output amplifier which is available in several
packages. TDA8566TH is contained in a 20-lead small outline plastic package. The
TDA8566TH1 is a 24-lead small outline plastic package which is pin compatible with the
I C-bus controlled amplifier TDA1566TH for one board layout. TDA8566Q is a


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 3. Quick reference data Table 1. Quick reference data V = 14.4 V; T =25 °C; f = 1 kHz; measured in test circuit of Figure 9; unless otherwise P amb i specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit [1] V supply voltage 6 14.4 18 V P I repetitive peak output - - 7.5 A ORM current I quiescent current R = ∞Ω - 115 180 mA q L I standby current - 0.1 10 μA stb Z input impedance differential 100 120 150 kΩ i P output po


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 5. Block diagram V V P1 P2 mute IN1+ switch C M IN1- OUT1+ V A 2.3 kW 2.3 kW (9· ) mute switch C M OUT1- V A 60 60 2.3 kW kW kW 2.3 kW (9· ) n.c. standby MODE switch TDA8566 standby V A reference V ref mute voltage switch CLIP CLIP SGND 1· DIAG DIAG mute reference 60 60 voltage kW kW mute IN2+ switch C M IN2- OUT2+ V A 2.3 kW 2.3 kW (9· ) mute switch C M OUT2- V A 2.3 kW (1) HEATTAB 2.3 kW (9· ) mgu358 PGND2 PGND1 (1) Pi


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 6. Pinning information 6.1 Pinning HEATTAB 24 1 DIAG MODE 20 1 DIAG V 23 2 IN2+ P2 V 19 2 IN2+ n.c. 22 3 IN2- P2 OUT2- 18 3 IN2- OUT2- 21 4 n.c. PGND2 17 4 n.c. PGND2 20 5 n.c. OUT2+ 16 5 n.c. OUT2+ 19 6 n.c. TDA8566TH1 TDA8566TH OUT1- 15 6 n.c. OUT1- 18 7 MODE PGND1 14 7 n.c. PGND1 17 8 n.c. OUT1+ 13 8 IN1+ OUT1+ 16 9 n.c. V 12 9 IN1- n.c. 15 10 IN1+ P1 CLIP 11 10 SGND V 14 11 IN1- P1 CLIP 13 12 SGND 001aag902 001aah015


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 6.2 Pin description Table 3. Pin description TDA8566TH and TDA8566TH1 Symbol Pin Description TDA8566TH TDA8566TH1 DIAG 1 1 short-circuit and temperature pre-warning diagnostic output IN2+ 2 2 channel 2 input positive IN2- 3 3 channel 2 input negative n.c. 4 4 not connected n.c. 5 5 not connected n.c. 6 6 not connected n.c. 7 - not connected n.c. - 8 not connected n.c. - 9 not connected IN1+ 8 10 channel 1 input positive


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier Table 4. Pin description TDA8566Q …continued Symbol Pin Description OUT2+ 10 channel 2 output positive PGND2 11 power ground 2 OUT2- 12 channel 2 output negative V 13 supply voltage 2 P2 MODE 14 mode select switch input (standby/mute/operating) DIAG 15 short-circuit and temperature pre-warning diagnostic output IN2+ 16 channel 2 input positive IN2- 17 channel 2 input negative 7. Functional description The TDA8566 contain


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier V O (V) 0 V CLIP (V) 0 t (s) mgu357 Fig 5. Clip detection waveforms 7.3 Short-circuit diagnostic (pin DIAG) When a short-circuit occurs at one or more outputs to ground or to the supply voltage, the output stages are switched off until the short-circuit is removed and the device is switched on again (with a delay of approximately 20 ms after the removal of the short-circuit). During this short-circuit condition, pin DIAG


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 7.6 Differential inputs The input stage is a high-impedance fully differential balanced input stage that is also capable of operating in a single-ended mode with one of the inputs capacitively coupled to an audio ground. It should be noted that if a source resistance is added (input voltage dividers) the CMRR degrades to lower values. 8. Limiting values Table 5. Limiting values In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rat


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 10. Static characteristics Table 7. Static characteristics V = 14.4 V; T =25 °C; measured in test circuit of Figure 9; unless otherwise specified. P amb Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply [1] V supply voltage 6 14.4 18 V P I quiescent current R = ∞Ω - 115 180 mA q L Operating condition V mode select switch 8.5 - V V MODE P level I mode select switch V = 14.4 V - 15 40 μA MODE MODE current [2] V output vol


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 11. Dynamic characteristics Table 8. Dynamic characteristics V = 14.4 V; T =25 °C; R =2 Ω; f = 1 kHz; measured in test circuit of Figure 9; unless P amb L i otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit P output power THD = 0.5 % 25 30 - W o THD = 10 % 33 40 - W THD = 30 % 45 55 - W V = 13.5 V; THD = 0.5 % - 25 - W P V = 13.5 V; THD = 10 % - 35 - W P THD = 0.5 %; R =4 Ω 16 19 - W L THD = 10 %; R =4 Ω 2


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier Table 8. Dynamic characteristics …continued V = 14.4 V; T =25 °C; R =2 Ω; f = 1 kHz; measured in test circuit of Figure 9; unless P amb L i otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit V output signal V =V = 1 V (RMS) - - 2 mV o(mute) in in(max) voltage in mute [5] CMRR common mode R =0 Ω 60 75 - dB s rejection ratio [6] R =45kΩ 40 --dB s [1] Dynamic distortion detector active; pin CLIP is LOW. [2] Fr


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 13. Test information + + 100 2200 μF V = V P MODE _ (16V) nF _ 14.4 V V V MODE P1 P2 220 nF R /2 s IN1+ OUT1+ 60 kΩ TDA8566 V R L1 in1 60 V V P P OUT1- kΩ 220 nF R /2 s IN1- 10 10 kΩ kΩ CLIP CLIP V ref DETECTOR - SGND DIAGNOSTIC DIAG INTERFACE R /2 220 nF s IN2+ OUT2+ 60 kΩ R V L2 in2 60 OUT2- kΩ 220 nF R /2 s IN2- PGND1 PGND2 mgu359 Fig 9. Stereo BTL test diagram TDA8566_6 © NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved. Product


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 14. Package outline HSOP20: plastic, heatsink small outline package; 20 leads; low stand-off height SOT418-3 E A D x X c y E 2 H v M A E D 1 D 2 1 10 pin 1 index Q A A 2 (A ) 3 E 1 A 4 q L p detail X 20 11 w M Z b p e 0 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions) A (1) (2) (2) UNIT A A A b c D D D E E E e H L Q v w x yZ q 2 3 4 p 1 2 1 2 E p max. 8 3.5 +0.08 0.53 0.32 16.0 13.0 1.1 11.1 6.2 2.9 14.5 1.1 1.


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier HSOP24: plastic, heatsink small outline package; 24 leads; low stand-off height SOT566-3 E A D x X c y E 2 H v M A E D 1 D 2 1 12 pin 1 index Q A A 2 (A ) 3 E 1 A 4 q L p detail X 24 13 w M Z b p e 0 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions) A (1) (2) (2) UNIT A A A b c D D D E E E e H L Q v w x yZ q 2 3 4 p 1 2 1 2 E p max. 8 3.5 +0.08 0.53 0.32 16.0 13.0 1.1 11.1 6.2 2.9 14.5 1.1 1.7 2.7 mm 3.5 0.35 1


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier DBS17P: plastic DIL-bent-SIL power package; 17 leads (lead length 12 mm) SOT243-1 non-concave D h x D E h view B: mounting base side A d 2 B j E A L 3 L Q c v M 117 e e w M m Z 1 2 b p e 0 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions) (1) (1) (1) UNIT A A b cDde D E e e E j LL m Q v w x Z 2 p h 1 2 h 3 17.0 4.6 0.75 0.48 24.0 20.0 12.2 3.4 12.4 2.4 2.00 2.1 mm 10 2.54 1.27 5.08 6 0.8 4.3 0.4 0.03 15.5 4.4 0.6


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 15. Soldering This text provides a very brief insight into a complex technology. A more in-depth account of soldering ICs can be found in Application Note AN10365 “Surface mount reflow soldering description”. 15.1 Introduction to soldering Soldering is one of the most common methods through which packages are attached to Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), to form electrical circuits. The soldered joint provides both the mecha


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 15.4 Reflow soldering Key characteristics in reflow soldering are: • Lead-free versus SnPb soldering; note that a lead-free reflow process usually leads to higher minimum peak temperatures (see Figure 13) than a PbSn process, thus reducing the process window • Solder paste printing issues including smearing, release, and adjusting the process window for a mix of large and small components on one board • Reflow temperature pr


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier maximum peak temperature = MSL limit, damage level temperature minimum peak temperature = minimum soldering temperature peak temperature time 001aac844 MSL: Moisture Sensitivity Level Fig 13. Temperature profiles for large and small components For further information on temperature profiles, refer to Application Note AN10365 “Surface mount reflow soldering description”. TDA8566_6 © NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved. Produ


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 16. Revision history Table 11. Revision history Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes TDA8566_6 20071015 Product data sheet - TDA8566Q_5 TDA8566TH_2 Modifications: • The format of this data sheet has been redesigned to comply with the new identity guidelines of NXP Semiconductors. • Legal texts have been adapted to the new company name where appropriate. • Section 9 “Thermal characteristics”:


TDA8566 NXP Semiconductors 2 × 40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier 17. Legal information 17.1 Data sheet status [1][2] [3] Document status Product status Definition Objective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification. [1] Ple

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