Soundstream Technologies Granite 180.6の取扱説明書

デバイスSoundstream Technologies Granite 180.6の取扱説明書

デバイス: Soundstream Technologies Granite 180.6
カテゴリ: ステレオアンプ
メーカー: Soundstream Technologies
サイズ: 0.51 MB
追加した日付: 6/5/2013
ページ数: 20



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Soundstream Technologies Granite 180.6 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書Soundstream Technologies Granite 180.6の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


Granite 60.2,
Granite 120.4 and
Granite 180.6


CONGRATULATlONS You now own the Soundstream Granite Amplifier, the result of a unique design and engineering philosophy. To maximize the performance of your system, we recommend that you thoroughly acquaint yourself with its capabilities and features. Please retain this manual and your sales and installation receipts for future reference. Soundstream amplifiers are the result of American craftsmanship and the highest years of listening pleasure. Should your amplifier ever need service or replace


l Internal Signal Routing (Granite 120.4, Granite 180.6) - Permits one pair of signal cables to drive all 4 channels (Granite 120.4) or two pairs of signal cables to drive all 6 channels (Granite 180.6). l Drive Delay Muted Tunum/off Circuit - a unique circuit which completely elimi- nates any amplifier-related turn-on/off noises. l Flexible Input Sensitivity - accepts input voltages from 100 permits maximum output from amplifier with virtually any source unit. *“Balancing Act” Input Topology f


Side View MONO STEREO STEREO 8 o- . MAIN FUSE 9 -0 Underside View 1. +W - Connected to fuse or circuit breaker, then battery’s positive post. Ground - 3. Remote - tumon input from the head unit. Accepts LED - 5. Speaker Output ConnectIons - Channels + 2 ) Input Level - + 7. Inputs - Right and Left Channel inputs; only right channel input used in “Mono” position. 8. [underside] Mono/Stereo/Stereo Switch - Select “Mono” for bridged operation (only use [underside] Main Fuse - 3 Main power suppl


GRANIlE120.4 0’ -- 1 5’ ‘7 8 6 0 Side View CflOnllOlS3UldA Channets 1 and 2 MONO MONO r STEREO 7 twut tnprt twut tnpur tnput tnwt mm Right FKlm3u ficm3+4 FmmRkJht Ffom1+2 Fmm3+4 15 a u L-J Underside View - 2. Ground - Main ground connection. Bolt to a clean chassis ground in the vehicle. 3. Remote - Remote turn-on input from the head unit. Accepts +12V. 4. LED - indicates amplifier power on. 5. Speaker Du@ut Connections - Channels + 2 ) Input Level - 100mV to 2.W (Channels 1 + 2). 7. Inputs - S


GRANITE180.6 u u UndersIde View u 1. - Connected to fuse or circuit breaker, then battery’s positive post. 2. Ground - Main ground connection. Bolt to a clean chassis ground in the vehicle. 3. Remote - Remote turn-on input from the head unit. Accepts 4. LED - Indicates amplifier power on. 5. Speaker Output Connections - Channels (1 + 2 ) 6. Input Level - Variable from 1OOmV to (Channels 1 + 2). 7. Inputs - Standard RCA-type connectors (Channels 1 + 2). Use only right channel for mono. 8. Speak


SPEAKER WBRlNG CONFlGlJRAVlONS (per pair of channels) STEREO MONO MIXED MONO Use L & R inputs Use Right input only Use L & R inputs @ STEREO MONO m STEREO SWITCH SETTINGS (bottom of amp) For each pair of’channels, there are two switches (one on 60.2) accessible from the bottom of the amplifier. Mono/Stereo Switch: Set to “Mono” to bridge one pair of channels into a single channel. Only Right channel input is active. When in “Stereo,” a mono channel can be driven using Left - & Right + speaker o


2. Granite 60.2 2 Channel Input / 3 Channel Output ] 1 MONO STEREO STEREO AMPLIFIER +B- +L- SATELLITES SUBWOOFER 3. Granite 60.2 Single Input / Bridged Amps Output _ I I AMPLIFIER #l I AMPLIFIER #2 -A I-I R L R MONO STEREO STEREO MONO STEREO STEREO 0 @ A*- *L_ L LECT s FULL-RANGE x SPEAKER SPEAKER 7 I.


4. Granite 120.4 4 Channel Full Range Channels 3 and 4 ch8nnels 1 and 2 MONO STEREO MONO STEREO AMPLIFIER 5. Granite 120.4 2 Channel Full Range R R I Channels 3 and 4 Channels 1 and 2 MONO STEREO MONO STEREO 33~ G-z “,S@ @ PASS R?kE l%!z R%k AMPLIFIER +*L - +‘L_ +a_ +R- I 8 ---1 I. 4.


6. Granite 320.4 4 Channel - HEAD UNIT Satellites/2 Subwoofers Channels 3 and 4 Channels 1 and 2 MONO STEREO MONO STEREO 3J+i 15-Z AMPLIFIER SATELLITE SPEAKERS SUBWOOFERS 7. Granite 120.4 3 Channel - Satellites/Subwoofer L R Channels 3 and 4 Channels 1 and 2 MONO FTERE? MONO STEREO 3+4 3+4 13+4 AMPLIFIER I SATELLITE SPEAKERS SUBWOOFER 9 +=- +‘_ +=_


8. Granite l20.4 2 Channel - HEAD UNIT Satellites/Subwoofer “” R Channels 3 and 4 Chammlsl and2 MONO STEREO MONO STST &i--z 1+2 3+4 AMPLlFlER +L_ +R_ +L_ +=- SATELLITE SUBWOOFER SPEAKERS 9. Granite 120.4 I I HEAD UNIT 4 Channel Full Range Channels 3 and 4 Channels 1 and 2 MONO BTERECj MONO STEREO 3+4 3+4 l3+4 ",G@ LOW@ PASS R?ii%E PASS R%k AMPLIFIER FULL-RANGE SPEAKERS 10 +=- +L_ +R_ +‘_ I.


10. Granite 120.4 I 1 2 Channel lrtput with External Crossover - Satellites/Subwoofer I 1 High Pass Low Pass I ’ L R 1 R 1 Channels3and4 2 MONO STEREO MONO Sm AMPLIFIER SATELLITE SPEAKERS IA.. Granite 120.4 HEAD UNIT 2 Channel Input - 2 pair Satellites/ 2 Subwoofer mr, 4. R Charm&land2 Channels3and4 MONO ST$T MONO STEREO 3+4 3+4 G-z~ .a @ PASS R?i%E P% R~iE AMPLIFIER +:‘ - +R- +R- land Channels


l2. Granite 180.6 2 Channel input - [,r.,:,,] Satellites/Subwoofer Channels 5 and 6 +L_ +=_ +L_ +=_ +L_ +=- I I I I I I ~=vPc RIGHT SA;E,TE SATELLITE SUBWOOFER 13. Granite 180.6 4 Channel Input (fadable) - 3 Channel + Sub AMPLIFIER fin r\rl L R R R Channels S and 6 Channels 3 and 4 Channels 1 and 2 MONO STEREO MONO STEREO MONO STEREO 55-z z-z4 ;+2z-z ..@ ..“@ Low@ PASS R?i%E PASS R%%E PASS R%tE +‘_ I . SUBWOOFER RIGHT 12 +=- +L_ +=_ +L_ +=_ L. I.


14. Granite 180.6 HEAD UNIT Ti-iamp with External 2-way I I Crossover sx-2 34ooHz 34ooHz LowPass b AMPLIFIER Fl c1m Channels 5 and 6 MONO STEREO TWEETERS MID-WOOFERS SUBWOOFER 15. Grantte 180.6 2 Channel Input - HEAD UNIT 6 Satellites/ 3 Subwoofers AMPLIFIER mm Channels 5 and 6 13


16. Granite 280.6 4 Channel Input - HEAD UNIT 4 Satellites/ Subwoofer I 1 AMPLIFIER mm L L R t R Channels 5 and 6 Channels 3 and 4 Channels 1 and 2 MONO S5 MONO ST- MONO STEREO 5+6 3+4 3;44 1+2 3+4 HIGH-FULL LOW-FULL HIGH-FULL RANGE PAS!5 RANGE PASS RANGE PASS ‘j SUBWOOFER 17. Granite 180.6 4 Channel input - 4 Satellites/ HEAD UNIT 2 Subwoofers Channels 5 and 6 MONO “,Gi BTERE? yjAi& ~tK~ R%%E R%%E PASS Z-k PASS PASS FRONT SATELLITES REAR SATELLITES SUBWOOFERS 14 +R- +L_ +R_ +‘_ +R_ +L_ I?


18. Granite l80.6 6 Channel Input using External Crossover - Front & Rear Satellites/ 2 Subwoofers Channels 3 and 4 Channels 1 and 2 Channels 5 end 6 19. Granite 180.6 6 Channel Input using External Crossover/ Triamp Tweeters, Mid Woofers, Subwoofers HI& Pass >3cwoNz Channels 5 and 6 SUBWDOFERS


PASSIVE AND ELECTRONlC CROSSOyERS Your Granite amplifier is capable of driving a complete subwoofer and satellite sys imum output and sound quality, we recommend that you use electronic crossovers and multiple channels of amplification, as provided in the Granite 120.4 and the Granite 180.6. If only two channels of your Granite amplifier are going to be used to drive a sub woofer and satellite system, passive high and low pass crossovers will be neces- crossover components. db/Octave Passive Cro


2 Ohms 4 Ohms 8 Ohms Ll Cl Ll Cl Ll Cl mEQ 80Hz 5.5mH 68Oj.lF IlmH 33OpF 22mH IOOHz 4.7mH 56OpF 9.lmH 27OpF 18mH 15OpF 130Hz 3.3mH 4OOcF 6.8mH 2OOpF 15mH 1OObF 200Hz 2.2mH 3OOpF 4.7mH 15OpF 9.lmH 75pF 260Hz 1.8mH 2OOpF 3.6mH 1OOpF 6.8mH 5OpF 400Hz l.lmH 15OpF 2.2mH 68pF 4.7mH 33pF 600Hz 0.75mH 1oopF 1.5mH 47~F 3.0mH 26pF 800Hz 0.5mH 68pF l.OmH 33lF 2.0mH 15pF IOOOHz 0.47mH 5OpF 0.9lmH 27pF 1.8mH 13~F 1200Hz. 0.33mH 44pF 0.75mH 22pF 1.5mH IlpF 1800Hz 0.27mH 3OpF 0.50mH 15pF l.OmH 6.8pF 4000Hz O.l


least 16 gauge speaker wire, preferably a flexible multi-strand cable, such as Soundstream Speaker 120 or Speaker 160. C. Carefully run the positive power cable from the battery to a fuse or circuit breaker and then to the amplilier. Connect the lead to the battery via either a fuse or a circuit breaker within 18 inches of the battery. Leave the fuse out or the circuit breaker off until the installation is otherwise finished. If the circuit breaker cannot be shut off manually, do not make the fi


PROTECTBON ClRClJmS Your Granite amplifier is protected against both overheating and short circuits by means of the following circuits: l A main power supply fuse l A fail-safe protection circuit activating at 85°C. . Overcurrent Channel Circuit Breakers l Short-circuit shutdown TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM CAUSE No Sound and LEDs are not lit l no power or ground at amp l no remote turn-on signal l blown fuse near battery l blown power supply fuse (accessible through access cover on-bottom of amp) R

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