Vertical deflection power amplifier
for monitors
1997 Oct 27
Product specification
Supersedes data of 1996 Nov 26
File under Integrated Circuits, IC02
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Vertical pre-amplifier with differential inputs The TDA4860 is a vertical power amplifier for differential input signals suitable for colour monitor/TV systems with • Powerless vertical shift deflection frequencies up to 160 Hz. • Flyback voltage generation suitable for two operating modes (doubling the supply voltage or external supply for the short flyback time, thi
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors BLOCK DIAGRAM handbook, full pagewidth TDA4860 THERMAL AND VOLTAGE VERTICAL FLYBACK SOAR STABILIZER DRIVER DRIVER PROTECTION DIFFERENTIAL VERTICAL FLYBACK PULSE INPUT OUTPUT GENERATOR CIRCUIT AMPLIFIER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V V V-OUT SUB FLB V P1 P2 P3 BAX13 + 8.8 V PCO 5.6 Ω 470 μF 150 kΩ 270 Ω 0.1 μF 470 μF R 10 kΩ 1.8 kΩ PCO yoke 4.3 Ω 470 μF 1.8 kΩ R1 from TDA4850 V 1 Ω 1 MΩ N MHA591 - 8.1 V +52 V
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors PINNING SYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTION handbook, halfpage V 1 supply voltage 1 V P1 P1 1 INP1 2 input 1 of differential input amplifier INP1 2 INP2 3 input 2 of differential input amplifier INP2 3 V supply voltage 2 for vertical output P2 4 V 4 P2 stage V-OUT 5 TDA4860 V-OUT 5 vertical output SUB 6 substrate SUB 6 FLB 7 flyback generator output 7 FLB V 8 flyback supply voltage 3 P3 V 8 P3 PCO 9 pulse circuit o
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134); voltages referenced to substrate (pin 6); unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNIT V supply voltage (pin 1) - 40 V P1 V supply voltage (pin 4) - 60 V P2 V supply voltage (pin 8) - 60 V P3 V voltage on pins 2, 3 and 9 - V V 2,3,9 P1 V voltage on pins 5 and 7 - 60 V 5,7 I current on pin 4 - 1
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors CHARACTERISTICS V =V = 25 V; V =V =0V; T =25 °C; voltages referenced to substrate (pin 6); unless otherwise specified. P1 P2 N 6 amb SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT V supply voltage 1 (pin 1) 9 25 30 V P1 V supply voltage 2 (pin 4) 9 25 60 V P2 V supply voltage 3 (pin 8) 9 - 60 V P3 I supply current (pin 1) -- 10 mA P1 I quiescent supply current (pin 4) without input signal - 9 - mA
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors handbook, full pagewidth INP1 input signal on pin 2 t INP2 input signal on pin 3 t t = 250 μs pFLB V-OUT output signal on pin 5 t PCO output signal t p9 on pin 9 for normal condition t PCO 50% output signal on pin 9 for deflection unit open-circuit t PCO output signal on pin 9 for thermal protection active t MEH361 Fig.3 Vertical timing. 1997 Oct 27 7
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors APPLICATION INFORMATION V k, full pagewidth P3 8 V P BAX13 TDA4860 >1 kΩ GUARD output HIGH = error 2.2 Ω 3.3 kΩ 5 BC548 2N5819 22 μF 220 kΩ vertical output MEH262 signal Fig.4 GUARD circuit application on vertical output. handbook, full pagewidth TDA4860 THERMAL AND VOLTAGE VERTICAL FLYBACK SOAR STABILIZER DRIVER DRIVER PROTECTION DIFFERENTIAL VERTICAL FLYBACK PULSE INPUT OUTPUT GENERATOR CIRCUIT
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors handbook, full pagewidth V INP1 INP2 V V-OUT SUB V PCO P1 P2 P3 12 3 4 576 8 9 cooling fin TDA4860 MEH266 Fig.6 Internal circuitry. 1997 Oct 27 9
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors PACKAGE OUTLINE SIL9MPF: plastic single in-line medium power package with fin; 9 leads SOT110-1 D D 1 q P P A 2 1 A 3 q 2 q 1 A A 4 E pin 1 index c L 19 b Z e Q b w M 2 b 1 0 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions) (1) A 2 Z (1) (1) UNIT A Abc b b D D E eL P P Q q q q w A 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 max. max. 18.5 8.7 15.8 1.40 0.67 1.40 0.48 21.8 21.4 6.48 3.9 2.75 3.4 1.75 15.1 4.4 5.9 2.54
Philips Semiconductors Product specification Vertical deflection power amplifier for TDA4860 monitors SOLDERING The device may be mounted up to the seating plane, but the temperature of the plastic body must not exceed the Introduction specified maximum storage temperature (T ). If the stg max printed-circuit board has been pre-heated, forced cooling There is no soldering method that is ideal for all IC may be necessary immediately after soldering to keep the packages. Wave soldering is often prefe
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