2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio
power amplifier
1997 Aug 14
Preliminary specification
Supersedes data of 1997 Jun 11
File under Integrated Circuits, IC01
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Low dissipation due to switching from Single-Ended The TDA1561Q is a monolithic power amplifier in a 13 lead (SE) to Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) mode single-in-line (SIL) plastic power package. It contains two identical 23 W amplifiers. The dissipation is minimized by • High Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) switching from SE to BTL mode, only when a higher output
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier BLOCK DIAGRAM V handbook, full pagewidth P 7 MUTE 1 6 IN1 OUT1 5 OUT1 R 12 REFERENCE THERMAL/ HIGHER CIN 1/2R 0.5V 11 P SOURCES SHORT-CIRCUIT TEMPERATURE C 11 MUTE/STANDBY PROTECTION BTL DISABLE 3 MODE 9 OUT2 2 HV P R 8 13 OUT2 IN2 TDA1561Q MUTE 4 10 MLD214 GND1 GND2 Fig.1 Block diagram. 1997 Aug 14 3
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier PINNING SYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTION IN1 1 input 1 handbook, halfpage HV 2 half supply voltage control input P IN1 1 MODE 3 mute/standby/operating/SE-only HV 2 P GND1 4 ground 1 MODE 3 OUT1 5 inverting output 1 GND1 4 OUT1 6 non-inverting output 1 5 V 7 supply voltage OUT1 P OUT2 8 inverting output 2 OUT1 6 OUT2 9 non-inverting output 2 V 7 TDA1561Q P GND2 10 ground 2 OUT2 8 C 11 electrolytic capa
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The device is fully protected against short-circuiting of the output pins to ground and to the supply voltage. It is also The TDA1561Q contains two identical amplifiers with protected against short-circuiting the loudspeaker and differential inputs. At low output power (up to output high junction temperatures. In the event of a permanent amplitudes of 3 V (RMS) at V =
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNIT V supply voltage operating - 18 V P non operating - 30 V load dump; t > 2.5 ms - 50 V r V short-circuit safe voltage - 18 V P(sc) V reverse polarity voltage - 6V rp I non-repetitive peak output current - 6A OSM I repetitive peak output current - 4A ORM P total power dis
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier Heatsink design There are two parameters that determine the size of the virtual junction handbook, halfpage heatsink. The first is the rating for the virtual junction OUT 1 OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 2 temperature and the second is the ambient temperature at which the amplifier must still deliver its full power in the BTL mode. 3.6 K/W 3.6 K/W 3.6 K/W 3.6 K/W With a conventional BTL amplifier, the maxim
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier DC CHARACTERISTICS V = 14.4 V; T =25 °C; measured in Fig.6; unless otherwise specified. P amb SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Supplies V supply voltage note 1 6.0 14.4 18.0 V P I quiescent current R =∞- 95 150 mA q L I standby current - 150 μA stb V average electrolytic capacitor - 7.1 - V C voltage at pin 11 ⎪ΔV ⎪ DC output offset voltage on state -- 150 mV O mute state -- 50
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier AC CHARACTERISTICS V = 14.4 V; R =4 Ω; C = 1000 μF; f = 1 kHz; T =25 °C; measured in Fig.6; unless otherwise specified. P L 11 amb SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT P output power THD = 1% 15 18 - W o THD = 10% 21 23 - W EIAJ - 36 - W V = 13.2 V; THD = 0.5% - 14 - W P V = 13.2 V; THD = 10% - 20 - W P THD total harmonic distortion P = 1 W; f = 1 kHz; note 1 - 0.1 - % o P dissipat
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier TEST AND APPLICATION INFORMATION handbook, full pagewidth 1000 μF 220 nF 16 V V MODE P 3 7 R s IN1 1 input 1 6 OUT1 220 nF 10 nF 4 Ω 3.9 Ω 5 OUT1 100 nF HV P 2 3.9 Ω C 11 11 0.5V P 0.5R s 1000 μF CIN 12 (16 V) 9 OUT2 470 nF 100 10 nF nF TDA1561Q 4 Ω 3.9 Ω 3.9 Ω 8 OUT2 R s IN2 13 input 2 220 nF 4 10 GND1 GND2 MLD223 Fig.5 Test diagram. 1997 Aug 14 10
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier handbook, full pagewidth (1) 1000 μF 100 nF 16 V V MODE P 3 7 R s IN1 1 6 OUT1 220 nF 10 nF 4 Ω 3.9 Ω 5 OUT1 100 nF HV 2 P 100 nF 3.9 Ω C 11 11 0.5R s 12 CIN 0.5V P 1000 μF 2 x 220 nF (16 V) OUT2 9 100 10 nF nF TDA1561Q 4 Ω 3.9 Ω 3.9 Ω 8 OUT2 R s IN2 13 220 nF 4 10 GND1 GND2 MLD213 signal ground power ground Connect Boucherot filter to pin 4 respectively pin 10 with the shortest possible c
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier handbook, full pagewidth 86.36 43.18 gnd GND Vp Mode select Cool Power m s s m 4 × 220 nF Out 1 Out 2 In1 sgnd In2 TDA1561Q MGK182 Dimensions in mm. Fig.7 PCB layout (component side) for the application of Fig.6. 1997 Aug 14 12
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier handbook, full pagewidth 86.36 43.18 gnd GND Vp Mode m s s m Out2 Out1 In2 sgnd In1 MGK183 Dimensions in mm. Fig.8 PCB layout (soldering side) for the application of Fig.6. 1997 Aug 14 13
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier INTERNAL PIN CONFIGURATIONS PIN NAME EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 1,12,13 IN1, CIN, IN2 V h P pin 12 pin 1 pin 13 MLD217 2HV P handbook, halfpage MLD218 pin 2 3 MODE V handbook, halfpage P pin 3 MLD221 1997 Aug 14 14
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier PIN NAME EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 5, 9 OUT1, OUT2 V handbook, halfpage P pins 5, 9 MLD220 6, 8 OUT1, OUT2 V handbook, halfpage P pins 6, 8 MLD219 11 C 11 MLD222 pin 11 1997 Aug 14 15
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier ADDITIONAL APPLICATION INFORMATION MBH692 MBH693 25 25 handbook, halfpage handbook, halfpage P P d d (W) (W) 20 20 (1) (1) 15 15 (2) (2) 10 10 5 5 0 0 01 2 46 80 01 2 46 80 P (W) P (W) o o (1) For a conventional BTL amplifier. Input signal 1 kHz, sinusoidal; V = 14.4 V. P (2) For TDA1561Q. (1) For a conventional BTL amplifier. (2) For TDA1561Q. Fig.10 Dissipation; pink noise through IEC-268
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier on condition handbook, full pagewidth V MODE P 3 7 1 IN1 OUT1 6 220 nF 10 nF 4 Ω 3.9 Ω 5 OUT1 100 nF HV P 2 100 nF 3.9 Ω C 11 11 IEC-268 12 FILTER CIN 1/2V P 2× 1000 μF 220 nF (16 V) pink 9 OUT2 noise 10 100 nF nF TDA1561Q 4 Ω 3.9 Ω 3.9 Ω 8 OUT2 220 nF 13 IN2 4 10 GND1 GND2 MGC427 Fig.12 Test and application diagram for dissipation measurements with a music-like signal (pink noise). MBH
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier MBH696 MBH697 160 80 handbook, halfpage handbook, halfpage I MODE I P (μA) (mA) 64 120 48 80 SE/BTL SE only 32 40 off mute 16 0 0 02 4 6 8 02 4 6 8 V (V) V (V) MODE MODE V = 14.4 V; V = 0 mV; R = ∞. P in I Fig.15 I as a function of V (pin 3). Fig.16 I as a function of V . P ms ms ms MBH698 MBH699 2 60 10 handbook, halfpage handbook, halfpage THD + N P o (%) (1) (W) 10 40 (2) 1 (3) (1) 20 (
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier MBH700 MBH701 10 20 handbook, halfpage handbook, halfpage B p (W) THD + N (1) (%) 18 (2) 1 16 (1) 14 - 1 (2) 10 12 - 2 10 10 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 f (Hz) f (Hz) (1) P =10W. (1) For OUT2. o (2) P =1W. (2) For OUT1. o Fig.19 THD + noise as a function of frequency. Fig.20 Power bandwidth at THD = 1%. MBH702 MBH703 36 - 20 handbook, halfpage handbook, halfpage G SVRR v
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 × 23 W high efficiency car radio power TDA1561Q amplifier MBH704 0 handbook, halfpage α cs (dB) - 20 - 40 handbook, halfpage 10 kΩ 5 V/40 μA MODE (1) 47 μF - 60 (2) MBH690 - 100 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 f (Hz) (1) P =1W. o (2) P =10W. o Fig.23 Channel separation as a function of frequency. Fig.24 Mode select circuit. 1997 Aug 14 20