Nikon SU-BOOの取扱説明書

デバイスNikon SU-BOOの取扱説明書

デバイス: Nikon SU-BOO
カテゴリ: フラッシュ
メーカー: Nikon
サイズ: 4.25 MB
追加した日付: 7/19/2014
ページ数: 24



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Nikon SU-BOO 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書Nikon SU-BOOの内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


Close-up Speedlight Photography Examples


'71~VAt-=I6';'t"~Q, ~~lj:71T1/7: A variety of lighting effects can be achieved by taking advantage of wireless close-up flash operation.


SU·BOO/SB·R200 i'FiJ~~.O)tll3.I11It.t~~ISU-800/SB-R200i~ffl ~1lJl.J'::!ctil-""c\ ':\:9 0 ':::~lffi


m -lj-1Fn\;0)**-;0)71T1/~l-r:~ ~~~l, :tf~~~I~JL--C~ The S8-R200 held in the hand illuminates the subject from the left to eliminate shadows and highlight the subject. o 2n!l~ (H1 1cl:l.;:;I;(9i;0iIfi 1;:~1I, H11cl:¥~"5) :tJ;(5 : 070 l.;:;I;(: ~AFY-{?D=~:::J-JI;105mm F2.80 A'/JI;-7 : SB-R200 (TTL) B'/JI;-7 : SB-R200(TTL) Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand) Camera: 0 70 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.80 Group A: SB-R200 (TTL) Gro


SU·BOO/SB·R200 2n •• H 1 :t11


IE] *ttt>q)SB-R200-Crtl'i;tj'{;~~-C j[f*~c:fi~~m-t With one handheld SB-R200, the subject is illuminated from the lower left to emphasize the contours of the subject and highlight texture. o 2n!l~ (HJI;j;l.;YA:7'C~I;::~JS , HJI;j;=F~"!5) ;1])<5 : 070 8-1 l.;YA: : ~AF~-{?D= :;I ::::J-JI; 60mm F2.BO A~:I"JI;-7:SB-R200 (TTL) B~J I;-7 : SB-R200 (TTL) Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand) Camera: 070 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.80 G


SU·BOO/SB·R200 8-2 2nlft~ (1 nld:L/:O:5t!liliiI;::~JI, 1 nld:'¥m!l) Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand) 2n!l~ (1 nld:L/:,;;;(5t!liliiI;::~7l!J, 1 nld:'¥m!l) Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand) 2nll~ (1 nld:l./:;;;(5t!liliiI;::~7l!J, 1 nld:'¥m!l) Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand)


[!I tJAfftfi ~~"'J t::*fJ;!p tJ:3'f -C, *It!li ~fi'U~ -t Q The Diffuser SW-12 is used to diffuse light from the flash and soften shadows in order to enhance the detail of the cake. 2ntl~ (:!It~~&SW-12jfffl) 11:1-5: 070 [..1:/;( : ~AF~-17D=~::J-)\; 60mm F2.BO A';l)\;--::J: SB-R200(TTL) B~')\;--::J: SB-R200(TTL) Dual-light flash operation (with Diffuser SW-12) Camera: 070 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.80 Group A Group A: SB-R200 (TIL) Group B: SB-R200 (TIL) ~ SB-R200 I \ I \ I \ I \


SU·BOO/SB·R200 2n!ft~ (:I11;~f&1(j:L.,) P3il75~V~ 1 n!ft~ Dual-light flash operation Single built-in flash operation (without Diffuser) c-s 2n!ft~ (1J1;~f&SW- 1 21~JfI) Dual-light flash operation Dual-light flash operation (without Diffuser) (with Diffuser SW-12) SU-800 SW-Cl -----,~S8-R200 S8-R20~~----- Group B Group A ",_ SW-12


m lJ11'1/Aq)~ij"mi~1:~f*l:J'G~OOfl, ~*.leU!t¥HJl-tQ Multiple flash operation provides sufficient overall illumination, enabling a true rendition of the color and texture of the dishes. 3nll~ t.J)<5: 070 V::;A: AF-S OX A-L>.=~:::J-J[; ED 18-70mm F3.5·4.5G (IF) A:1J[;-7:SB·800 (TIL) B-:1J[;-7:SB-R200 (TIL) C~;I'J[;-7 : SB-R200 (M) Triple-light flash operation Camera: D70 Lens: AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor SU_80~~'~1~t'·\--G-ro -u-p-c-/ 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED Group A: SB-800 (TIL) , , \ Group


SU-BOO/SB-R200 F*3i!75~V.::J.l n!l~ Single built-in flash operation 0-2 3ml~ tJ)l.5: 070 v::;:;( : ~AFy-1:7D=~::::J-)[; 105mm F2.BO A::7)[;-:1 : SB-R200 (TIL) B::7)[;-:1 : SB-R200 (TIL) C::7)[;-:1: SB-R200 (M) Triple-light flash operation Camera: D70 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm 1/2.8D Group A: SB-R200 (TTL) Group B: SB-R200 (TTL) Group C: SB-R200 (M) 0-3 SU-800


1121i1PJ~\;0)},{;"C, IJ\~tdi~~f*O)~*ilt *IB$O)~L,~~.~ Two SB-R200 units illuminate the small subjects from both sides to bring out their delicate detail and texture. E-1 2nll~ (jI1;~*JXSW- 1 2 ffffl) ;iJ,>(5: D7 0 1.I::;;;( :~AF"'<-1?O=:;;:::J-J["105mm F2.BD A-::JJ["-7: SB-R200 (TIU B-::JJ["-7: SB-R200(TIU Dual-light flash operation (with Diffuser SW-12) Camera: 0 70 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm 1 /2.80 Group A: SB-R200 (TIL) Group B: S8-R200 (TIL) ~GrOUpB ~<~ SB-R200 /~ ' -l~ ~ ',ij


SU·BOO/SB·R200 E-2 2ntl~ (~~f&ta: l;) Dual-light flash operation (without Diffuser) 2nll~ (1 nlc!: l.;YA5'c!liliiI~~1i, 1 nlC!:~ u l:!i~I~J \oJ YA) l.;Y A :AF-S DXA-~='Y:::J-)IJ ED 1B-70mm F3.5-4.5G (IF) Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other placed off-camera and flash bounced off the wall) Lens: AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED 2nll~ (1 nlC!:l.;YA5'c!liliiI~~7il!i, 1 nlC!:~ V[ml~J\oJYA) l.;YA : AF-S DXA-~ = 'Y:::J-)IJED 1B-70mm


m 1~o)lJ1~VA1)-1:-HmPJj--r, ~i~"ild:f3~?1iim-tG With a single wireless remote flash unit, a variety of lighting and shadow effects can be achieved. 1 :tJtI~ (t.J)(5b\S~L.,nlHiI) t.J)(5 : 070 l/::'O:: AF-S ox A-b= 'Y ::::J-)lJ E01B-70mm F3.5-4.5G (IF) A:1)lJ- :t :SB-R200 (TIL) Single-light flash operation (off-camera flash) Camera: 070 Lens: AF-S OX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED Group A: SB-R200 (TIL) Group A SU-800


SU·BOO/SB·R200 F-3 Single-light flash operation (off-camera flash) Single built-in flash operation .~~.(7)~~ '1:J::~7-171/7<~Jm(7)!t~ Comparison of lighting effects resulting from differences in shooting distances_ F-5 l/::;;(: ai AF-;;>-{:70= 'Y:J-Ju l/::;;(: ai AF-;;>-{:70= 'Y:J-Ju 60mm F2.80 ED 200mm F40 (IF) Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.80 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/40 IF-ED SB-R200 Group A


m lJ1~VAO)~ij"IUt~-r:', IIg~i-r~iltJ[-f*~~m11t"~ Wireless multiple flash operation creates a more natural looking picture of flowers in terms of color and solidity. 3ntl~ 1)<5 : 070 l..I:/:;(: a)AFx-1:7D='Y::J-)l;105mm F2.8 0 A'j)l;--.:J :SB-R200 (TIL) B~j')l;--.:J:SB-R200 (TIL) C'j)l;--.:J : SB-R200 (M) Triple-light flash operation Camera: 070 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm 1/2.80 Group A: SB-R200 (TIL) Group B: SB-R200 (TIL) Group C: SB-R200 (M) Group A SB-R200 Group B Group A


SU·BOO/SB·Reoo G-3 G-2 In!l~ 2n!l~ Dual-light flash operation Single-light flash operation IftB'{;7?t7°~-Sw-ll~M!mG--r, *":J7AO)~*-r'fl\i1¥-t~ Using the Extreme Close-Up Positioning Adapter SW-11 to create detailed images within the can. 2n!l~ G-5 C~/'Jt:?~'J5-SW-l 11a:l.J) 2n!l~ G-4 Dual-light flash operation (without the SW-11) (~7t7'~'J5-SW- 1 11~ffl ) LO;(: ~AF~4':7D= 'Y:::J-}l; 60mm F2.BO A:1'}l;-J : SB-R200 (TTL) B:1'}l;-J : SB-R200 (TTL) Group A Dual-light flash operation


CI /\'j7ip6Q)W:;C ~p.n;>j:ir~f*Q)JLf* .S~t£~-t~ With two flash units placed behind the subjects, the texture and solidity of the glasses are successfully rendered. 2n!l~ ]).;>(5: 070 1./::;;(: AF-S ox :;(-b= 'Y:J-)l; ED 18-70mm F3.5-4.5G (IF) A~)l;-:t: SB-R200(TTL) B~)l;-:t: SB-R200(TTL) Dual-light flash operation Camera: D70 Lens: AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED Group A: SB-R200 (TTL) Group B: SB-R200 (TTL)


SU-BOO/SB-R200 Dual-light flash operation (with one colored gel filter) Dual-light flash operation Single built-In flash operation (with two colored gel filters) 2ntl~ (;tJ5-7-{ )v$'-2t9:ifffl) Dual-light flash operation (with two colored gel filters) H-5


o iJ7-71 )v!l--rJ'f'::~~"J'tl~lA:r Using colored gel filters to add specific color to the scene 1-1 3nll~ (:t.r5-7-{)l;$'- 1 :&j~ffl) :1:J)(5: 070 Lt::O::AF-S ox ::<:-L=~:J-)l; ED 18-70mm F3.5-4.5G (IF) A~)l;-7 : S8-800 (TTL) 8~)l;-7 : SB-600 (TTL) C~:%-7: SB-R200 (M) Triple-light flash operation Group A ~ (with one colored gel filter) Camera: 070 58-800 '" Lens: AF-S OX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm ' f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED '- Group A: SB-800 (TIL) '- Group B: SB-600 (TIL) '- Group C: SB-R200 (M) ~

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