Definitive Technology
BP7000SC SuperTower Speaker System
Sound as if you spent three or four times as much
... these new creations are simply extraordinary
Praise the Lord and pass the SuperTowers.
by Darryl Wilkinson
I don’t know much about the moving experience (literally) that mortgage check, filled up a gro-
Blind Boys of Alabama. I assume you could easily find yourself cery cart, and bought a DVD or
that these soulful gospel songsters shouting, “Amen, brother!” a
HIGH-PERFORMANCE THEA TER Definitive Technology BP7000SC SuperTower Speaker System lot of speaker for the money. In in place, whether you use feet or “SuperCube tech- terms of performance, the compe- spikes (both are included). Here’s nology is one of tition at this price level gets pretty a tip: Lest you want to risk being the latest and, intense, so they’d better sound nailed to the floor like the silver- flippin’ awesome, too. masked opponent who battled in my opinion, Maximus in Gladiator, be
“I have always Fifth Symphony or thinking about D the Queen of England farting—but liked DefTech there it is. Whether it’s the new speakers because differential crossovers, the results they were really of the new Definitive Technology fine-sounding “a fundamentally speakers that moving experience” were exception- Advanced Research Facility (where ally exciting and they use their own special ane- fun to listen to” choic chamber rather than rely- built-in subs simply by connecting ing on computerize
HIGH-PERFORMANCE THEA TER Definitive Technology BP7000SC SuperTower Speaker System Parisian-café/Gypsy-jazz music is Group until you’ve heard it through “Those BPVX/P more your style, you’ll be instantly this system. Those BPVX/P sur- surrounds can smitten with the life and energy rounds can rock! (and bass) that come from the rock!” “You’ll experience BP7000SCs with “Danse des Esprits” and “Attraction” from music and Foley sound throughout a rare treat: truly Paris Combo’s Attraction disc. the b