Upgrade Instructions and
Operation Manual Addendum
Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Please readthrough these operating instructions so youwill know how to operate your model properly. – Checkingwhethertheupgradewas Important doneproperly 27 – UpdatingtheBluetoothwireless ! Thescreensshownin theexamplesmay technologysoftware 27 differ fromactualscreens. ! Actualscreensmaybechangedwithout Howtousethenavigationmenuscreens noticeforperformance andfunctionim- Screenswitching overview 28 provements. Whatyoucandooneachmenu 29 Shortcut
Contents Searchingforandselectingalocation – Registeringalocationby Thebasicflowofcreatingyourroute 40 “Favorites” 53 Searchingforalocationby address 41 – Registeringalocationbyscroll – Searchingforanamebyentering mode 53 multiplekeywords 42 Editingregisteredlocations 53 Settinguparoutetoyourhome 43 – Editingtheentryin the “Favorites” SearchingforPointsofInterest(POI) 43 list 53 – SearchingforaPOIdirectlyfromthe – Editingyourhome 54 nameof thefacilities 43 – Sortingtheentryin the “Favorites” – S
Contents – Dialingfromthehistory 65 Launching theapplication 77 – Dialingtheentry storedinthe Basicoperationsoftheaudiosource “Favorites”list 66 Switchingtheaudiosource 79 – Dialingafacility’sphonenumber 66 Turningoff theaudiosource 79 – Dialingfromthemap 66 Audioscreenswitchingoverview 80 Receivingaphonecall 67 Whatyoucandooneachmenu 81 – Answeringan incomingcall 67 Displayingthe “FunctionMenu”screen 81 – Rejecting anincomingcall 67 Transferringthephonebook 68 Usingtheradio(TUNER) Clearingmemor
Contents Scanningtracksof aCD 89 Settingarepeatplayrange 102 PlaybackandPause 89 Playingsongsin randomorder(shuffle) 102 UsingSoundRetriever 89 PlaybackandPause 103 Settingtheaudiobook playspeed 103 PlayingmusicfilesonROM Readingthescreen 90 UsingtheXMtuner Usingthetouchpanelkeys 91 Readingthescreen 104 Operatingbyhardwarebuttons 91 Usingthetouchpanelkeys 105 Selectingatrackfromthelist 92 Operatingbyhardwarebuttons 105 Settingarepeatplayrange 92 Storingandrecallingbroadcast Playingtracks inrando
Contents UsingtheAUXsource Adjustingthescreenbrightness 123 Readingthescreen 114 Recordingyourtravelhistory 123 Selecting“AUX” asthesource 114 Usingthedemonstrationguidance 123 Restoringthedefaultsetting 124 Customizingpreferences Turningoff thescreen 124 Displayingthe “SettingsMenu”screen 115 Displayingthe “InitialSetting” screen 124 Settingthevolumefornavigation Settingtheilluminationcolor 125 system 115 Switchingtheauxiliarysetting 125 Customizing theregionalsettings 115 Settingtherearoutputa
Precaution Chapter Precaution 01 Conventionsusedinthismanual ! Readtheentiremanualbeforeupgrading Beforemoving on,take afew minutesto read theprogramof yournavigation system. the followinginformation about the conven- ! Thispackageisunique,andcannotbein- tions usedinthis manual. Familiaritywith stalledonmorethanoneunit. theseconventions willhelpyougreatly as you ! Web-connectedcomputerisrequiredfor learn howto use yournew equipment. onlineissuanceof password. ! Buttons on yournavigation system a
Chapter 01 Precaution “SDmemorycard” After-salesserviceforPioneerproducts The SD memorycardand SDHCmemorycard Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from arecollectively referred toas the“SD memory whichyoupurchasedtheproductforafter- card”. salesservice(includingwarrantyconditions) oranyotherinformation.Incasethenecessary informationisnot available,pleasecontactthe Failuretooperate companieslistedbelow. Pleasedonotshipyourproducttothecompa- ! Shouldthe navigation systemfailto oper- niesat theaddre
Precaution Chapter Precaution 01 p SDHCLogo is atrademarkofSD-3C, LLC. iPodcompatibility Thisproduct supports only thefollowing iPod modelsand iPodsoftwareversions. Others maynot workcorrectly. ! iPod nanofirst generation: Ver.1.3.1 ! iPod nanosecond generation: Ver.1.1.3 ! iPod nanothird generation:Ver. 1.1.3 ! iPod nanofourth generation: Ver. 1.0.4 ! iPod nanofifthgeneration:Ver. 1.0.1 ! iPod fifthgeneration: Ver. 1.3 ! iPod classic80GB:Ver. 1.1.2 ! iPod classic120GB:Ver. 2.0.1 ! iPod classic1
Chapter 02 Licenseagreement othermeans. You shallnotuse the Softwareto PIONEERCNSD-130FM-for operate aservicebureau or forany otheruse U.S.A. involving the processing ofdata forother per- THIS IS ALEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN sonsorentities. YOU,AS THEEND USER, ANDPIONEER Pioneerandits licensor(s) shallretain allcopy- ELECTRONICS (USA)INC. (“PIONEER”). right, tradesecret, patentand otherproprie- PLEASE READ THE TERMSAND CONDI- taryownership rightsinthe Software. The TIONS OF THIS AGREEMENTCAREFULLY B
Licenseagreement Chapter Licenseagreement 02 3 LIMITATIONOFLIABILITY regulations of the UnitedStates. If theSoft- IN NOEVENT SHALLPIONEER BELIABLE ware has been rightfully obtainedbyyouout- FORANY DAMAGES, CLAIMOR LOSS IN- side of theUnited States, youagree that you CURREDBYYOU(INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIM- willnot re-exportthe Softwarenor any other ITATION, COMPENSATORY, INCIDENTAL, technical data received fromPioneer,nor the INDIRECT,SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR direct product thereof, except aspermitt
Chapter 02 Licenseagreement othermeans. You shallnotuse the Softwareto PIONEERCNSD-130FM-for operate aservicebureau or forany otheruse Canada involving the processing ofdata forother per- THIS IS ALEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN sonsorentities. YOU,AS THEEND USER, ANDPIONEER Pioneerandits licensor(s) shallretain allcopy- ELECTRONICS OFCANADA, INC. right, tradesecret, patentand otherproprie- (“PIONEER”).PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND taryownership rightsinthe Software. The CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENTCARE- So
Licenseagreement Chapter Licenseagreement 02 3 LIMITATIONOFLIABILITY obtainedby yououtside ofCanada, youagree IN NOEVENT SHALLPIONEER BELIABLE that youwillnot re-exportthe Software norany FORANY DAMAGES, CLAIMOR LOSS IN- othertechnical datareceived from Pioneer, CURREDBYYOU(INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIM- nor thedirect product thereof,except asper- ITATION, COMPENSATORY, INCIDENTAL, mittedby the lawsandregulations of Canada INDIRECT,SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR andthe lawsand regulations of the jurisdic- E
Chapter 02 Licenseagreement erate,orobscureanycopyright notice orpro- TERMSANDCONDITIONS prietarylegend containedin oronthe Data. FORTELEATLASDATA 3 LimitationofLiability. EndUserLicensingTerms NEITHER TELE ATLASNORITS SUPPLIERS THIS IS ALEGAL AGREEMENT (THE “AGREE- SHALLBELIABLE TOTHE UNDERSIGNED MENT”)BETWEEN YOU, THE ENDUSER,AND FORANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PIONEER andits licensors ofData product SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR EXEMPLARY DA- (sometimes collectively “Licensors”).BY MAGES ARISINGOUT
Licenseagreement Chapter Licenseagreement 02 4 WarrantyDisclaimer. claimof anykindor character,including but THE DATA IS PROVIDED ONAN “ASIS” AND notlimited to attorney’s fees, arising outof or “WITHALLFAULTSBASIS” AND PIONEER, inconnection withany useorpossession by ITS LICENSORS, AND ITS LICENSED DISTRI- youof the Data. BUTORSAND SUPPLIERS (COLLECTIVELY, 7 US.GOVERNMENTRIGHTS. “SUPPLIERS”)EXPRESSLYDISCLAIM ALL If End Useris an agency, department, orother OTHERWARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIM- entityof
Chapter 02 Licenseagreement (a)except as otherwisespecifically setforth Data by herein,license orotherwiseprovide the POILi- censed TeleAtlas Productsto any thirdparty for thepurposes ofresale, sublicensing, redis- Copyright C 2009 All Rights Reserved tribution or for the purposeofcompiling, en- hancing, verifying, supplementing, addingto ® 9 AdditionalprovisionsforTeleAtlas ordeletingfrom any mailinglist, geographic BrandIconLicensedTeleAtlasProduct(the ortrade directories, business directories
Licenseagreement Chapter Licenseagreement 02 c ShouldEndUserenterintoanycommercial Licensed TeleAtlas Products onthe initial arrangementforadvertising, pay-for-place- splash screen,in thecode, onthe storage ment,promotionoranysimilarpaidbrand medium, onthe packaging, inthe “Help/ marketingexposurewithanyowners(or About”section,inthe operator’smanual, and theirrepresentatives)of anyof thebrand inany displayed orprintedmap image,for iconssuppliedwiththeBrandIconLi- each Value AddedProductthat is b
Chapter 02 Licenseagreement 12 Miscellaneous. Thisis the exclusiveand completeAgreement betweenthe Licensors and youregarding its subject matter. Nothing inthis Agreement shallcreate ajointventure, partnership or principal-agent relationship between the Li- censors andyou.Sections 2,5and7- 11shall survivetheexpiration ortermination of this Agreement. ThisAgreement maybe amended, altered,ormodified only byPIONEER.You maynot assignany partof thisAgreement withoutPIONEER’prior writtenconsent. You a
Licenseagreement Chapter Licenseagreement 02 Licenses 19 En
Chapter 02 Licenseagreement 20 En