Tannoy SUBWOOFERSの取扱説明書

デバイスTannoy SUBWOOFERSの取扱説明書

デバイス: Tannoy SUBWOOFERS
カテゴリ: スピーカー
メーカー: Tannoy
サイズ: 0.64 MB
追加した日付: 7/14/2014
ページ数: 28



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Tannoy SUBWOOFERS 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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110TB (TileBridge)
110SR (SheetRock)
110CS (Corner Sub)


2 WARRANTY/DAMAGE CLAIMS Congratulations onthe purchase of yourTannoy110 Series Subwoofer. Noregular maintenanceofthesubwoofer is necessary. All Tannoy professional loudspeaker products arecoveredby a 5 year warranty for loudspeaker components andoneyear for electronic components fromthe date of purchase subject tothe absenceof misuse, overload, or accidental damage. Claims will notbeconsiderediftheserial number has beenalteredor removed. Work under warrantyshouldonlybecarriedoutbyaTannoyProfess


3 110 SERIES SUBWOOFERS ANDINPUT MODULES 110TB (Tile Bridge) 110SR (Sheet Rock) 110CS (Corner Sub) This manual is intended for the owner, operator, or installer of Tannoy 110 series subwoofers. It is a guide for installing, settingupandoperatingthe 110 series inaccordance withestablishedcodes andpractices available atthe time of publication. Itdoes notandcannotdetail all possible mountingor wiringconfigurations. The enduser is advised toretainthe advice andservices of a qualifiedcontractor whois




5 TABLE OF CONTENTS WARRANTY/DAMAGE CLAIMS 2 TITLE PAGE 3 CONTENTS 5 CABINET OPTIONS 6 110TB (Tile Bridge) 6 110SR (Sheet Rock) 6 110CS (Corner Subwoofer) INPUT MODULE OPTIONS 7 Passive 7 Crossover 8 Passive70V Passive70VCrossover 8 9 Active w/2 channel feed-through ACTIVE MODULE CONTROLS 10, 11 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 12 110TB 16 110SR 20 110CS SPECIFICATIONS 23 110TB Dimensions 24 110SR Dimensions 110CS Dimensions 25 26 Technical Specifications 27 TANNOY IN-CELING& IN-WALL LOUDSPEAKERS


6 CABINET OPTIONS 110TB (Tile Bridge) Cabinet Simple yetsophisticated, the 110TB is the firstproductof its kind: a true ceiling mountedsubwoofer. Engineeredtodeliver low frequency extension(-3 dB @ 31 Hz) andimpact froma concealedceilingmountedposition, the 110TB inte- grates almost invisibly intoany indoor environment by usinga standardair handlingventcover as a speaker grille. The easytoinstall 110TB drops seamlessly intoa 2’ x2’ ceilingtilewithoutanyspecial constructionrequirements. Eachcorne


7 INPUT MODULE OPTIONS Passive(standard) Thebasic connectionpanelsuppliedwithanyofthe110Series subwoofers is an8Ohmspeakerlevelinputviabarrier strip. Itis highlyrecommendedthattheaudiosignalbelowpass filteredviaanoutboardactivecrossover. This input moduleis idealforsystems requiringseveralsubs thatshareacommonoutboardcrossoverandamplifier. PASSIVE110INPUTMODULE LOWPASS MADEINCANADA Crossover Speakerlevelinputandoutputs viabarrierstriparepassivelyfiltered(100Hz12db/octavelowpass forthesubwoofer a


8 INPUT MODULE OPTIONS Passive 70 Volt Available for either optiononpassive units frompage 7 A70Voltdistributionamplifier is capable of supplyingpower toa number of remote speakers withoutconcernof long cableruns orvariedimpedanceloads (limitedtoamplifierpowerandlineload). Thepassive70Voltmoduletakes advantageofthis typeofinstallationwitha150Wattinterfacetransformer, definitelyplacingthis 70Voltunitabovethe "wimpy" crowd. PASSIVE110INPUTMODULE 70V 70V 150W 150W LOWPASS MADEINCANADA Passive70Volt


9 INPUT MODULE OPTIONS Active (activesubwoofer with2-channel feed-through) Adedicatedpoweramplifierthatreallybrings your110Series subwoofertolife. Balancedlinelevelinputs withswitchable, balanced80 Hz highpass feed-throughs provide appropriate signals toyour satellite speaker's amplifier. Anautostand- byfeatureautomaticallyswitches power onandoff inresponsetoanaudiosignal. Afull complementof signal condi- tioningcontrols rounds outthis veryversatilecontroller (See"ActiveModuleControls" for compl


10 ACTIVE 110 INPUT MODULE CONTROLS Active Module with output for 2 speakers 12 813 4 HI PASS INPUT OUTPUT R O 180 PHASE LF BOOST 5 L OdB +4 dB EARTH 120VAC- 60 Hz LIFT GND LFT 6 X-OVER LOW ALL MODE PASS PASS 7 X-OVER FREQ 1.25A 250Volts 150 Hz 40Hz 110 Series Auto ON OFF 8 SUB LEVEL 9 3


11 ACTIVE 110 INPUT MODULE CONTROLS 1) INPUT- Twochannel (stereo)balancedlinelevel input. Connectvia XLR maleplugs fromyour signal source. Usehighquality2conductorshieldedaudiocable(Belden8451)forruns ofupto200'. TheXLR pinoutis: pin1(Shield), pin2(Signalhigh), pin3(Signallow). 2) HIGHPASS OUTPUT- Twochannel linelevel balancedoutput(maleXLR)filteredof frequencies below80Hz (12db/octave). Connects toyouramplifierfordrivingfullrangesatellitespeakers. Usehighquality2-conductorshielded audiocable(Be


12 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110TB NEW/ EXISTINGCONSTRUCTIONINSTALLATIONPROCEDURES: BeforeYouBegin: Please readandunderstandall of these instructions thoroughly before beginningany work. Notethatconstructionwork for theinstallationof all Tannoyproducts mustbedonetolocal buildingcodes by qualified, licensedinstallers. Alocal buildinginspector shouldapproveanyoverheadinstallations. Tannoyassumes noliabilityfor causeandeffectof improper installationwork. Your PackageIncludes: The 110TB ceilingsubis co


13 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110TB Figure 3: BackingNut Figure 1: Hanger Bolt Figure 4: ThreadedRodAssembly Figure 2: CouplingNut Figure 5: Turnbuckle Figure 6: Wire Rope Nut & Thimble Figure 7: Quick-link 2’ x 2’ TileGridInstallation Procedures: 1) The110TB was designedfor quick andsimpleinstallationdirectlyintoa 2’ x 2’ T-bar ceilinggrid(Figs. 9 & 10). 2) Removeseveral tiles aroundtheinstallationlocationtogaineasier access for lacingthesubwoofer intheceiling grid. 3) Be certainthat there is suffi


14 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110TB 3) Back off the couplingnutcompletely(Fig. 11) andthreadona backingnutwithwhichtolock threads tothe coupler. Holdthe coupler uptothe hanger bolt toestimate the half way point of the coupler, andset the backingnut to that height before re-installingthe coupler andtighteningit inplace witha socket andanopenendwrench. Threada backingnut ontothe threadedrod(or aneyebolt) far enoughsothe rodcanbe threadedintothe coupler until itstops, havingreachedthe hanger boltinside


15 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110TB 7) Inthis photo(Fig. 15)wehaveremovedthethreadedrod, andinstalledeyebolts withbackingnuts intothecouplers, as describedearlier. Detailoftheconnectionwithwireropeis shownin(Fig.8),whichis identicaltopand bottom. Takemeasurements toapproximatethelengths of ropeyouwill need. Itmightbeconvenienttomake some, or perhaps all of your wireropes ontheground, andusea quick link (Fig. 7) oneachendtoconnect betweenboththesuspensionpointandat thesubwoofer. Again, itis important


16 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110SR NEW/ EXISTINGCONSTRUCTIONINSTALLATIONPROCEDURES: BeforeYouBegin: Please readandunderstandall of these instructions thoroughly before beginningany work. Notethatall constructionwork for theinstallationof all Tannoyproducts mustbedonetolocal buildingcodes by qualified, licensedinstallers. Alocal buildinginspector shouldapproveany overheadinstallations. Always usesafety goggles when cutting material using a Rotozip™ . Tannoy assumes noliability for cause and effect o


17 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110SR Figure 1: Instalationof blockingfor flushmounting of PIR to joists. Figure 2: Overhead view of PIR, showing blocking attached to joist. Figure 4: PIR installedonsteel furringchannel prior Figure 3: AttachingPIR toblocking. to drywall being placed. 3) (Fig. 4) shows the PIR installedagainsta steel studfurringchannel. Attachthe PIR withscrews directly through the furringandinto24” strips of blockinginstalledon the upper side of the channel sothat the screws will go


18 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110SR 6) Leave some excess wire hangingthroughthe openinginthe PIR sothe drywall contractors cancut a locate hole anddropthe wires through. You may alsowant toconsult with themon cutting out the opening for the sub as theywill likelyhavethepower tools (Fig. 11) necessarytoquicklyandaccuratelycutouttheopening(Fig. 5). 7) If youare inexperienced, butplanondoingthis yourself, the jobcanbe made easier byproceedingintwosteps. 1)“Hog” outthe major inside portionof the materia


19 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110SR 10) After clearingthe remainingdebris anddustfromthe opening, itshouldlook like (Fig. 6). Take note of the location andcolor of the 11 “T”-nuts, andthe location andorientation of the cutout in the PIR. The four corner “T”-nuts are goldincolor, todifferentiate themfromthe remainingsevenwhichare for securingthe 110SR inplace. 11) Youmust alignthe cutout onthe 110SR withthe same control access cutout (indicatedwithredpaint) onthe PIR thatwill allowyoutomake adjustmen


20 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION110CS The 110CS subwoofer is easily installedinalmost any indoor locationwhere access toa corner is available. Althoughits appearance is handsome in full view, the wide dispersion of its down firingwoofer andthe dispersion of low frequencies ingeneral, allowmoderate obstructions suchas chairs, plants etc. tobe placeddirectly infrontof the cabinet. Acorner positionagainstsolidwalls will heightenthe bass performance resultingina woofer soundinglarger andmore powerful than

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