Compact Monitor
radiating soft dome tweeter. The tweeter is wide and smooth frequency response shown
ferro-fluid cooled and uses flexible tinsel in Figure 1. This response was measured at
The Electro-Voice S-40 is an extremely com- lead wires to prevent thermal or mechanical 1 meter, using a 2 Volt (1 watt) input in an
pact high- performance monitor loudspeaker failure. These features in addition to the large anechoic chamber. The response is 1/3-oc-
system. It is ideally sui
S-40 Compact Monitor the drive level to the woofer increases and low frequencies than typical actual program, loudspeaker, 2.5 cm (1 inch) high-frequency limits the power being delivered to the adding an extra measure of reliability. Third, loudspeaker and frequency dividing network woofer. The HPCCR is similar to a lamp the test signal includes not only the overall installed in a vented enclosure. The divid- and will produce light that is visible thru the “long-term average” or “continuous”
S-40 Compact Monitor S-40 Compact Monitor proof of purchase of the product in the form FIGURE–1 Axial Frequency Response of a bill of sale or receipted invoice. 100 Incidental and Consequential Damages Excluded: Prod- uct repair or replacement and return to the customer are the only remedies provided to the customer. Electro-Voice shall not be li- able for any incidental or consequential dam- ages including, without limitation, injury to persons or property or loss of use. Some states do n
S-40 Compact Monitor FIGURE–3 Directivity vs Frequency Whole Space (anechoic) FIGURE–4 Polar Response 44 S-40 Compact Monitor DIRECTIVITY FACTOR R (Q)
S-40 Compact Monitor S-40 Compact Monitor (Q),1,500-20,000 Hz Enclosure Materials: Directivity Factor R Specifications q Median: High impact polystyrene structural foam Frequency Response, 1 Meter on Axis, 9.5 (+3.8 dB, -3.6 dB) Colors: Swept 1/3-Octave, Anechoic Directivity Index D , 2,000-20,000 Hz Me- Black or white i Environment … 3 dB: dian: Optional Accessories: 85-20,000 Hz 9.8 dB (+3.8 dB, -3.6 dB) S-40MB Black, mounting bracket Usable Low-Frequency Limit Transducer Complement, S-40MB
S-40 Compact Monitor 12000 Portland Ave. South, Burnsville, MN 55337 952/884-4051 Phone, 952/884-0043 Fax SPEAKERS–Compact Monitor Part Number 531683 — Rev C ©Telex Communications 1999 • Litho in U.S.A. 6 S-40 Compact Monitor