Ceompetitiv BenChmarking
Kodak i780 Scanner vs. Canon DR-X10C Scanner
Kodak i780 Scanner Canon DR-X10C Scanner
Table of Contents
Speed and throughput Misfeed management
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Speed and throughput appendix Misfeed management appendix
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Image and data integrity Real-world environment
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Image and data integrity appendix Real-world environment appendix
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Sensor durability
Count on Kodak for consistent and true performance.
Count out Canon.
©Kodak, 2009. Kodak is a trademark
Speed and throughput Kodak i780 Scanner vs. Canon DR-X10C Scanner T T The t he t he test r est r est results r esults r esults repor epor eport the actual thr t the actual thr t the actual throughput of each scanner using r oughput of each scanner using r oughput of each scanner using real- eal- eal-w w world scanner c orld scanner c orld scanner configur onfigur onfigurations. ations. ations. i780 % performance i780 % performance Test 1 through 6 Settings Kodak i780 ISIS Results DR-X10C VRS
Appendices Appendix 1—Testing methodology and results for speed and throughput Kodak’s Quality Assurance Team conducted a series of comprehensive, competitive benchmark Chart 2—Data and differences on number of pages scanned in one hour tests comparing the Kodak i780 Scanner with ISIS to the Canon DR-X10C Scanner with VRS. i780 Increase i780 Increase DR-X10C DR-X10C Over Over i780 VRS ISIS DR-X10C VRS DR-X10C ISIS Throughput tests Performance Performance The intent of these tests was to d
Reference A—Testing configuration details* Test Job 1 Test Job 2 Test Job 3 Test Job 4 Test Job 5 Test Job 6 200 dpi, bitonal, duplex, 300 dpi, bitonal, duplex, 300 dpi, bitonal, simplex, 200 dpi, color, duplex, 300 dpi, color, duplex, 300 dpi, color, simplex, AO, auto thresholding, AO, auto thresholding, AO, auto thresholding, EMC QuickScan Settings AO, multifeed detection, AO, multifeed detection, AO, multifeed detection, multifeed detection, multifeed detection, multifeed detection, mult
Test Job 1 Test Job 2 Test Job 3 Test Job 4 Test Job 5 Test Job 6 i780 ISIS driver, main, Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive cropping i780 ISIS driver, main, iThresholding iThresholding iThresholding iThresholding iThresholding iThresholding thresholding i780 ISIS driver, main, 0 0 0 0 0 0 contrast i780 ISIS driver, layout, image orientation (both front Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic and back image #1) i780 ISIS driver, layout, pa
Image and data integrity Kodak i780 Scanner vs. Canon DR-X10C Scanner OCR Read Rate OCR Read Rate for Canon Reduced-size for Kodak i780 Test: Light Document Challenge DR-X10C 2 Scanner versions of the 2 Scanner documents scanned Batch of documents with light text density (8-point type) scanned at 200 dpi during testing 0% 94% (LO82) with default settings for both scanners Batch of documents with light text density (8-point type) scanned at 200 dpi (LO82); brightness and contrast se
Appendices Appendix 2—Testing methodology and results for image and data integrity (OCR read rates) Kodak’s Quality Assurance Team conducted a series of comprehensive, competitive benchmark tests comparing the Kodak i780 Scanner with VRS to the Canon DR-X10C Scanner ISIS. Image and data integrity—complete testing results Canon DR-X10C Scanner— Canon DR-X10C Scanner— Kodak i780 Scanner— optimized brightness and Default configuration settings Default configuration settings contrast settings P
Sensor durability Kodak i780 Scanner vs. Canon DR-X10C Scanner K K Kodak’ odak’ odak’s C s C s CCD ( CD ( CD (Char Char Charg g ge C e C e Coupled De oupled De oupled Devic vic vice) sensor pr e) sensor pr e) sensor pro o ovides enhanc vides enhanc vides enhanced dur ed dur ed durabilit abilit ability o y o y ov v ver Canon’ er Canon’ er Canon’s CIS ( s CIS ( s CIS (C C Contact Imag ontact Imag ontact Image Sensor) t e Sensor) t e Sensor) technology echnology echnology, which r , which r , whi
Conclusions Competitive knockouts The Canon Canon Scanner Scanner, because of its C , because of its Contact Imag ontact Image Sensor e Sensor, r , requir equires documents es documents Key takeaways: t t to c o c o come int ome int ome into ph o ph o phy y ysical c sical c sical contact with the sensor glas ontact with the sensor glas ontact with the sensor glass, cr s, cr s, creating a r eating a r eating a rang ang ange of pot e of pot e of potential ential ential The K K Kodak odak odak i
Misfeed management Canon DR-X10C Scanner Kodak i780 Scanner Kodak i780 Scanner vs. Canon DR-X10C Scanner Side-b Side-b Side-by y y-side t -side t -side testing sho esting sho esting show w ws that with a challeng s that with a challeng s that with a challenge set of 50 documents, f e set of 50 documents, f e set of 50 documents, fed fiv ed fiv ed five times as c e times as c e times as consecutiv onsecutiv onsecutive bat e bat e batches, ches, ches, Canon’s misfeed detection/retry mechanism an
Testing observations and conclusions Competitive knockouts The Canon Canon DR DR- -X10C Scanner does not off X10C Scanner does not offer fle er flexible options f xible options for the oper or the operat ator t or to o Key takeaways: manag manag manage misf e misf e misfeeds in the most time-efficient manner eeds in the most time-efficient manner eeds in the most time-efficient manner... The K K Kodak odak odak i7 i780 Sc 80 Scanner deliv anner deliver ers f s far gr ar great eater fle er fle
Appendices Appendix 3—Part A—Misfeed management—Testing methodology and results Kodak’s Quality Assurance Team conducted a series of comprehensive, competitive benchmark tests comparing the Kodak i780 Scanner/ISIS to the Canon DR-X10C Scanner ISIS/ Canon DR-X10C Scanner with VRS. Challenging document productivity test Misfeed management—test results This test was intended to simulate a very challenging document including a wide range of sizes, Multifeed productivity test thicknesses and fini
Appendix 3—Part B—Misfeed management—Job stream configurations Challenge document productivity test, continued This appendix defines the job streams used in the multifeed productivity test and the challenge document productivity test. Doc # Qty Description Orientation 19 1 8.125" x 17" Photo Portrait Multifeed productivity test This is a set of 100 pages of 20# 8.5in x 11in copier paper. Sticky notes (3in x 3in) were 20, 21 2 Personal checks (Perfect Page set) Landscape placed on the documen
Appendix 3—Part C— Misf eed manag ement — W ork station c onfigur ations Scanner Related Components Version Workstation Components Version PC Scanning Software EMC QuickScan Pro 6.5.1 demo (build 8372) Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6850 (3.0GHz, 4M, VT, OptiPlex 755 Minitower: 1333MHz FSB) Created with QuickDriver Version PixTools 32-Bit Runtime Libraries Version 7.0 build 2124 1.0.10710.10002 Genuine Windows XP Professional, SP2, x32, with Operating system(s): Media, English Canon DR-X10C Sca
Appendix 3—Part D—Misfeed management—Scanner features and settings profile Kodak i780 Scanner configuration EMC Captiva QuickScan Pro v6.5.1 demo settings Kodak i780 Scanner ISIS Multifeed Productivity Test Challenge Document Productivity Test 200 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding, 300 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding, multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output QuickScan scan profile name i780 Test job 01 i780 Test job 02 C:\Prog
Appendix 3—Part D— Misfeed management—Scanner features and settings profile, continued Canon DR-X10C Scanner, VRS configuration EMC Captiva QuickScan Pro v6.5.1 demo settings Canon DR-X10C with VRS Option Multifeed Productivity Test Challenge Document Productivity Test 200 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding, 300 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding, multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output QuickScan scan profile name DR-X10C VRS test
Appendix 3—Part D— Misfeed management—Scanner features and settings profile, continued Canon DR-X10C Scanner, VRS configuration, continued Canon DR-X10C with VRS Option Multifeed Productivity Test Challenge Document Productivity Test PixKofax, advanced (VRS adjustments), clarity, contrast 50 50 PixKofax, advanced (VRS adjustments), clarity, Enabled @ level 2 Enabled @ level 2 advanced clarity PixKofax, advanced (VRS adjustments), clarity, gamma 17 17 PixKofax, advanced (VRS adjustments), noise
Appendix 3—Part D— Misfeed management—Scanner features and settings profile, continued Canon DR-X10C Scanner, VRS configuration, continued Canon DR-X10C with VRS Option Multifeed Productivity Test Challenge Document Productivity Test PixKofax, advanced (VRS Adjustments), Canon ISIS, color, JPEG compression Good Good PixKofax, advanced (VRS Adjustments), Canon ISIS, picking rectangle Not checked Not checked PixKofax, advanced (VRS Adjustments), Canon ISIS, rotation (front/rear) 0 0 PixKofax, adva
Appendix 3—Part D— Misfeed management—Scanner features and settings profile, continued Canon DR-X10C Scanner, ISIS configuration EMC Captiva QuickScan Pro v6.5.1 demo settings Canon DR-X10C ISIS Multifeed Productivity Test Challenge Document Productivity Test 200 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding, 300 dpi, bitonal, duplex, AO, auto thresholding, multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output multifeed detection, multipage TIFF output QuickScan scan profile name DR-X10C ISIS test job 01 DR
Appendix 3—Part D— Misfeed management—Scanner features and settings profile, continued Canon DR-X10C Scanner, ISIS configuration, continued Canon DR-X10C ISIS Multifeed Productivity Test Challenge Document Productivity Test Canon DR-X10C Operator control panel settings Canon DR-X10C OCP—buzzer control (ON2 ON1 OFF) ON2 ON2 Canon DR-X10C OCP—double feed control (ON/OFF) ON ON Canon DR-X10C OCP—double feed retry (3-2-1-OFF) 1 1 Canon DR-X10C OCP—staple detection (ON/OFF) ON ON Canon DR-X10C OCP—st