Copyright © mA r Ch , 2008 By g rizzly industri Al, in C.
#Bl 10436 printed in Chin A
Table of c ontents INTRODUcTION ............................................... 2 SEcTION 5: AccESSORIES ......................... 29 Foreword ........................................................ 2 SEcTION 6: MAINTENANcE ......................... 31 Contact info.................................................... 2 schedule ...................................................... 31 Functional overview ...................................... 2 Cleaning ..........................................
INTRODUc TION f oreword f unctional Overview We are proud to offer the model g0495X 8" Jointer A jointer is mainly used to flatten the face or edge w/digital readout. this machine is part of a grow- of a workpiece, which is required when properly ing grizzly family of fine woodworking machinery. "squaring up" a workpiece for later construction When used according to the guidelines set forth in or joining multiple pieces with glue. A jointer can this manual, you can expect years of trouble-fr
Machine Data Sheet MACHINE DATA SHEET Customer Service #: (570) 546-9663 · To Order Call: (800) 523-4777 · Fax #: (800) 438-5901 MODEL G0495X 8" X 84" JOINTER WITH EXCLUSIVE DIGITAL HEIGHT READOUT Product Dimensions: Weight.............................................................................................................................................................. 596 lbs. Length/Width/Height..........................................................................................
Cutterhead Info Table Information Construction Other Information Other Specifications: Features: -4- Model G0495X Page 2 of 2 g 0495X 8" Jointer w/d igital r eadout
Identification B C d A e F g h i J K l o p m n figure 1. g0495X identification. I. Fence Adjustment Wheel A. outfeed table J. Fence lock b. Fence K. tilt lock c. rabbeting extension L. digital sensor D. Cutterhead guard E. Fence tilt handle M. infeed depth stops f. Control panel with digital readout N. infeed handwheel G. depth scale O. outfeed handwheel h. infeed table p. outfeed depth stops -5- g 0495X 8" Jointer w/d igital r eadout
c ontrol panel & Digital Sensor f eatures B C A h d e F g figure 2. Control panel and digital readout features. A. poWer light b. stop Button c. stArt Button D. oFF/on Button E. in/mm Button f. m Button G. zero Button h. digital display o i J n K m l figure 3. infeed table digital sensor and controls. I. on/oFF/zero Button J. hold Button K. ABs Button L. mm/in Button M. set Button N. tol Button O. digital readout -6- g 0495X 8" Jointer w/d igital r eadout
Additional Safety Instructions for Jointers 1. JOINTER KIcKbAcK. "Kickback" is when 6. MAXIMUM cUTTING DEpTh. the maxi- 1 the workpiece is thrown off the jointer table mum cutting depth for one pass is ⁄8". by the force of the cutterhead. A kick- to minimize kickback, never attempt any back may quickly pull your hand into the single cut deeper than this! cutterhead or cause injury from the thrown workpiece. if you do not understand what 7. JOINTING WITh ThE GRAIN. Jointing kickback is, or ho
SEc TION 2: c IRc UIT REQUIREMENTS power connection Device 220v Operation t he type of plug required to connect your machine to power depends on the type of service you cur- rently have or plan to install. We recommend using the plug shown in f igure 4. Serious personal injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before com- pleting the setup process. DO NOT connect the machine to the power until instructed later in this manual. Electrocution or fire could result if machine is n
SEc TION 3: SETUp Setup Safety Items Needed for Setup t he following items are needed to complete the This machine presents setup process, but are not included with your serious injury hazards machine: to untrained users. Read through this entire manu- Description Qty al to become familiar with • safety g lasses (for each person) ............... 1 the controls and opera- • straightedge 4' (or longer) .......................... 1 tions before starting the • d ust Collection s ystem ......
Inventory B t he following is a description of the main compo- C g nents shipped with your machine. l ay the compo- d nents out to inventory them. e J h Note: If you can't find an item on this list, check the mounting location on the machine or examine F the packaging materials carefully. Occasionally we pre-install certain components for shipping i purposes. box 1: (f igure 5 & 6) Qty figure 5. tools inventory. A. Jointer Assembly (not shown) .................... 1 b. h ex Wrench 3mm ....
c lean Up Site c onsiderations t he unpainted surfaces are coated with a waxy floor Load oil to prevent corrosion during shipment. r emove r efer to the Machine Data Sheet for the weight this protective coating with a solvent cleaner and footprint specifications of your machine. or degreaser shown in f igure 7. For thorough some residential floors may require additional cleaning, some parts must be removed. f or opti- reinforcement to support both the machine and mum performance from you
Moving & placing Mounting to Shop Jointer floor Although not required, we recommend that you mount your new machine to the floor for increased stability and vibration dampening. Because this The Model G0495X is a is an optional step and floor materials may vary, heavy machine. Serious floor mounting hardware is not included. if you personal injury may occur bolt your machine to the floor, it is necessary to if safe moving methods level your machine with a precision level. are not us
Dust c ollection Setting Outfeed Table height the outfeed table height must be level with the DO NOT operate the Model G0495X without carbide inserts when they are at top-dead-center. an adequate dust collection system. This if the outfeed table is set too low, the workpiece jointer creates substantial amounts of wood will be tapered from front to back. if the outfeed dust while operating. f ailure to use a dust table is set too high, the workpiece will hit the edge collection system c
—if your outfeed table is correctly set, no Bracket Battery holder thumb Knob adjustments are necessary. —if the insert lifts the straightedge off the table or the table is below the straightedge, loosen the outfeed table lock and outfeed table positive stop bolts and jam nuts (figure 1, page 5) and adjust the outfeed table height with the handwheel until the straightedge just touches a insert at its highest point of rotation. phillips head screw Access door Tip: some advanced woodworker
6. press the stop button to stop the machine. 7. Without resetting the switch, press the before starting the jointer, make sure you st Art button. t he machine should not have performed the preceding assembly start. and adjustment instructions, and you have read through the rest of the manual and —if the machine does not start, the stop are familiar with the various functions and button safety feature is working correctly. safety features on this machine. f ailure to the test run is co
SEc TION 4: OpERATIONS Operation Safety basic Jointer c ontrols t his section covers the basic controls used during To reduce the risk of routine operations. serious injury when using this machine, read and START button: starts motor only if the stop understand this entire button is popped out. manual before beginning any operations. STOp button: d isables the st Art button. enable the st Art button by twisting the stop button until it pops out. Damage to your eyes, lungs, and ears co