Topfield TF6000Fの取扱説明書

デバイスTopfield TF6000Fの取扱説明書

デバイス: Topfield TF6000F
カテゴリ: 衛星テレビシステム
メーカー: Topfield
サイズ: 4.92 MB
追加した日付: 11/4/2013
ページ数: 58



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Topfield TF6000F 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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User Manual
Digital Satellite Receiver
Free To Air


ii CONTENTS Contents Contents ii 1 Overview 1 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 ControllingTheDigitalReceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1 FrontPanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.2 RemoteControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Installation 5 2.1 PackingContents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 SafetyPrecautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 TheConnec


iii 2.6.2 ServiceSearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.6.3 MotorizedDiSEqC1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.6.4 USALSSetting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.6.5 EditingTheTransponderList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.6.6 FactorySetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.6.7 SystemRecovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3 PreferenceSettings 20 3.1 TimeSetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20


iv CONTENTS 6 FirmwareUpdateandDataTransfer 36 6.1 FirmwareUpdate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 6.1.1 FromTheSatellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 6.1.2 FromaPersonalComputerviaRS232Port . . . . . . . 37 6.1.3 FromanotherDigitalReceiverviaRS232Port . . . . . 38 6.2 DataTransfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 A Information 40 A.1 OperationalFunctionsandFeatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 A.2 TechnicalSpecification . . . . .


1 Chapter1 Overview 1.1 Introduction The TF6000F digital receiver is fully compliant with the in- ternational digital video broadcasting standard, and can play digitalsatelliteservices. Tooperateit,youneedasatellitean- tenna, which must be installed and directed at the required satellite. Unlikeanaloguebroadcasting,digitaltelevisionandradioser- vices are not all assigned their own frequencies; instead, sev- eraltelevisionandradioaretransmittedbyasingletranspon- der. Tohelpyouwiththechoiceandsett


2 Overview • This digital receiver supports DiSEqC 1.0, DiSEqC 1.1, DiSEqC1.2andUSALS(DiSEqC). • This digtial receiver saves up to 5000 TV and radio ser- vices. • Youcanedittheservicelistandmakeyourownfavorite servicelist. • Youcanviewtheprogramguide • YoucanviewtheinformationofaTVprogramme. • You can update the firmware of the digital receiver to thelatest,whichwillbeprovidedbyTopfield. RefertoSectionA.1onpage40fordetailedfeatures. 1.2 ControllingTheDigitalReceiver You can control the digital rec


1.2ControllingTheDigitalReceiver 3 1.2.2 RemoteControl ⃝ 1 Standby button togglesthedigitalre- ceiver between operation mode andstandbymode. ⃝ 2 Mute button mutes the television or audioappliance. ⃝ 3 Numeric buttons selects a service to watch, or enters a parameter valuesuchasrecordingtime. ⃝ 4 Recall button makes a return to the previousservice. 5 ⃝FAV button displays the favorite ser- vicelist. ⃝ 6 Menu button displays the menu, or escapes to a higher level menu outofasubmenu. ⃝ 7 Exit button


4 Overview ⃝ 14 SAT button displaysthesatellitelist. (availableonlyforthe satellitereceiver) ⃝ 15 V+ and V− buttons changethevolume,andselectandchange individualentriesinthemenus. 16 ⃝ P+ and P− buttons switchservicesupanddown,andmove thecursorupanddowninthemenus. ⃝ 17 Function buttons haveotherfunctionspermenu. Theirfunc- tions will be guided in the help window on a menu screen. ⃝ 18 Sound, Subtitle and Teletext button selectssoundtrackand mode,enablessubtitledisplay,andenablesteletextdis- play


5 Chapter2 Installation 2.1 PackingContents Unpack your receiver and check the following cables and ac- cessoriesarealsoincludedinthepackage: • 1remotecontrol. • 2batteries(AAA1.5V). • 1usermanual 2.2 SafetyPrecautions Pleasereadthefollowingsafetyprecautionscarefullyforyour safety. • Themainssupplymustbe90to250volt. Checkitbefore connectingthedigitalreceivertothemainssupply. • This digital receiver is designed to receive, record and playbackvideoandaudiosignals. Anyotheruseisex- presslyprohibite


6 Installation • When setting up the digital receiver, make sure it is in ahorizontalpositionandthatthemainssocketiseasily accessible. • Do not expose the digital receiver to any moisture. The digital receiverisdesigned for usein dry rooms. If you douseitoutdoors,pleaseensurethatitisprotectedfrom moisture, such as rain or splashing water. Do not place any vessels such as vases on the digital receiver. These may be knocked over and spill fluid on the electrical components,thuspresentingasafetyrisk


2.3TheConnectionPanel 7 2.3 TheConnectionPanel RF OUT LNB IN RF IN LNB OUT RS-232 R - AUDIO - LVIDEO 1)LNB IN: Satellitebroadcastinputsocket. 2)LNB OUT: Satellitebroadcastoutputsocket. 3)VIDEO: CompositevideooutputsocketfortelevisionorAV receiver. 4)R-AUDIO-L: Stereoaudiooutputsocketfortelevisionorau- dioappliance. 5)RF IN: Terrestrialbroadcastinputsocketfromconventional aerialantenna. 6)RF OUT: AVoutputsocketfortelevision. 7)RS232: Serialportforfirmwareupdateanddatatransfer 2.4 Connecting


8 Installation RF OUT LNB IN RF IN LNB OUT RS-232 R - AUDIO - LVIDEO 2.4.2 ConnectingtoTheTVbyRCACable Plug a RCA cable into the VIDEO (yellow), L AUDIO (white) andRAUDIO(red)socketsonthedigitalreceiverandthecor- respondinginputsocketsonthetelevisionoraudioappliance. RF OUT LNB IN RF IN LNB OUT RS-232 R - AUDIO - LVIDEO 2.4.3 ConnectingtoTheTVbyRFCable Connect the aerial antenna cable to the RF IN socket on the digital receiver, and then plug a RF cable into the RF OUT socketonthedigitalreceiver


2.5InsertingBatteriesinTheRemoteControl 9 RF OUT LNB IN RF IN LNB OUT RS-232 R - AUDIO - LVIDEO 2.5 InsertingBatteriesinTheRemoteControl 1. Openthebatterycompartmentbyremovingthelid. 2. InsertthebatteriesObservethepolarity(markedonthe baseofthebatterycompartment). 3. Closethebatterycompartment. Ifthedigitalreceivernolongerreactsproperlytoremotecon- trol commands, the batteries may be flat. Be sure to remove usedbatteries. Themanufactureracceptsnoliabilityfordam- ageresultingfromleakingbatteries.


10 Installation ingtoyourantennasystem. 2.6.1 LNBSetting The LNB (Low Noise Block) down-converter amplifies the signal received by the antenna and lowers the frequency of the signal. The signal is then fed from the LNB to the digital receiver. ToconfiguretheLNBsetting,se- lect the Installation > LNB Set- tingmenu. SatelliteName ¤ ¡ Pressing OK buttondisplaysthesatellitelist,whichislistedin £ ¢ alphabeticalorder. Selectoneofthepreprogrammedsatellites that corresponds to the direction of the antenna


2.6StationSettings 11 DiSEqC1.1andDiSEqC1.0 ThisdigitalreceiverisdesignedtobeDiSEqC1.1compatible. This allows multiple antennas to be connected to one digital receiver at the same time. If you have two or more fixed an- tennas,thenitisrecommendedtouseaDiSEqC1.1switch. IfyouhaveanonlyDiSEqC1.1switch,itispossibletoconnect up to 4 antennas. Set the DiSEqC 1.0 to Disable and select an iteminDiSEqC1.1. IfyouuseaDiSEqC1.1switchandDiSEqC 1.0 switches, it is possible to connect up to 16 antennas. Con- ne


12 Installation 2.6.2 ServiceSearch To search services, select the Installation > Service Search menu. SatelliteName ¤ ¡ Pressing OK buttondisplaysthesatellitelist,whichislistedin £ ¢ alphabeticalorder. Selectoneofthepreprogrammedsatellites that corresponds to the direction of the antenna. If a desired satelliteisnotinthelist,thenselectOther. SearchMode The Auto mode uses the information the digital receiver has. TousetheManualmode,youhavetoknowinadvancethefre- quency,symbolrateandpolarizationty


2.6StationSettings 13 SymbolRate In manual, advanced or SMATV search mode, select or enter thesymbolrateofthetransponderyouwanttosearch. Polarization In manual or advanced search mode. select the polarization typeofthetransponderyouwanttosearch. NetworkSearch In automatic or manual search mode, if NIT (Network Infor- mation Table) is available and this parameter is set to on, the information of the transponder you want to search will be found. PID PID (Packet Identifier) is a set of numbers that


14 Installation 2.6.3 MotorizedDiSEqC1.2 To configure the settings with DiSEqC1.2,selecttheInstallation >Motorized DiSEqC 1.2menu. SatelliteName Selectasatellitethatwillbeusedtoidentifyamotorposition. Frequency Selectatransponderofwhichsignalisstrong. MotorizedDiSEqC1.2 SetthisparametertoenableifyouhaveDiSEqC1.2antenna. DiSEqCCommandMode Tofinelytunethepositionoftheantennaforbetterreception, selecttheUsermode. Tosearchthepositionofasatelliteman- ullay,selecttheInstallermode. Movement Intheusermode


2.6StationSettings 15 MotorControl Goto: Move the motor to the stored position of the selected satellite. Store: Storethecurrentpositionofthemotorfortheselected satellite. ThefollowingsareavailableonlyintheInstallermode. Recalculate: RecalculatethepositionoftheStabRotormotor. Goto Ref: Gotoreference. Limit E, Limit W: SetthelimitsofEastandWestposition. Limit Off: Removethelimitation. Reset: Resetallthestoredpositionofthemotorrelativetothe ‘0’position 2.6.4 USALSSetting USALS is very convenient m


16 Installation SatelliteAngle This parameter represents the longitude of the selected satel- liteanditcanbesetautomaticallyincaseofselectingasatellite name. You can use the numeric buttons enter the angle. East orWestwillbeselectedby and buttons. b d MyLongitude Thisparameterrepresentsthelongitudeofyourlocation. You can select the angle, East and West by , or numeric but- b d tons. MyLatitude This parameter represents the latitude of your location. You can select the angle, South or North by ,

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