MM23016 6 OPENSKY OPERATION 6.1 CH721 FRONT PANEL COMPONENTS The front panel of the control head includes a dot matrix display, controls for menu navigation, an emergency button, three pre-set buttons, a power button/rotary volume dial, and a microphone connector. In addition, the system model control head features a DTMF keypad. Table 6-1 lists all default front panel controls and their functions. Figure 6-1: System Model Figure 6-2: Scan Model The buttons on the front panel
MM23016 In addition, the front panel contains a light-level sensor that samples ambient light levels for automatic display and button backlight brightness adjustments. In other words, it automatically brightens the display and backlights when higher external light levels exist and it automatically dims the display and backlights during lower external light levels. Button function may vary depending upon system programming, radio hardware, and optional configurations. Complete the table in
MM23016 6.2 POWER UP AND VOLUME CONTROL 6.2.1 Power Up 1. Rotate the Power/Volume Control knob clockwise to power on the radio. The display will illuminate when the radio powers up. 2. Wait for the power-up sequence to complete, which takes approximately ten (10) seconds. During this time, if enabled for auto registration, the radio is provisioned with a customized user personality designed for the user’s specific needs by the OpenSky network administrator. If this personality contains
MM23016 The User ID may be remembered from the previous log-in. (Refer to Section 6.5 for further details regarding log-off commands.) The password will be established before the radio is put into operation. Contact the local OpenSky network administrator for more information. If necessary, contact radio system administration personnel for log-in assistance and/or radio-specific log-in instructions. 6.5 LOG OFF THE NETWORK The *0## command de-registers the radio. Typically, this is auto
MM23016 6.8 RADIO STATUS ICONS Status Icons indicate the various operating characteristics of the radio. The icons show operating modes and conditions (see Table 6-2). The location of icons on the display may vary depending on configuration. Table 6-2: ICONS and Descriptions ICON DESCRIPTION Indicates data registration. Volume bars – indicates relative volume level. 6.9 DWELL DISPLAY When not engaged in menu selection, the first two lines of the display default to the user-defined
MM23016 Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 TG a TG a TG d TG b TG d TG e TG g TG c TG f TG x TG h TG y TG i TG z TG = Talk Group Figure 6-3: Personality Structure Example 6.10.2 Talk Groups A talk group represents a set of users that regularly need to communicate with one another. There can be any number of authorized users assigned to a talk group. Talk groups are established and organized by the OpenSky network administrator. An OpenSky talk group is similar to a channel within a convent
MM23016 NAME TONE DESCRIPTION Emergency Cleared one long low-pitched tone Sounds when and emergency is cleared Tone Ringing is repeated every four (4) seconds until the call Selective Call Ring a ringing tone similar to a is accepted or rejected by the radio being called or until Tone telephone the network drops the call if unanswered after one (1) minute Two ring tone - one generated by the radio when there is an incoming telephone call or an outgoing telephone call attempt a single
Operator’s Manual
M7200 Series
Digital Mobile Radio
MM23016 MANUAL REVISION HISTORY REV DATE REASON FOR CHANGE - Nov/06 Initial Release. M/A-COM Technical Publications would particularly appreciate feedback on any errors found in this document and suggestions on how the document could be improved. Submit your comments and suggestions to: Wireless Systems Business Unit or fax your comments to: 1-434-455-6851 M/A-COM, Inc. Technical Publications or e-mail us at: techpubs@tycoelectronics.com 221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway Lynchburg, VA 2450
MM23016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 SAFETY SYMBOL CONVENTION....................................................................................................6 2 RF ENERGY EXPOSURE INFORMATION .....................................................................................7 2.1 RF ENERGY EXPOSURE AWARENESS, CONTROL INFORMATION, AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FCC OCCUPATIONAL USE REQUIREMENTS ................................7 2.1.1 Federal Communications Commission Regulations..........
MM23016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 6.18.2 Disabling Stealth Mode .................................................................................................25 6.19 ADJUSTING SIDE TONE AUDIO LEVEL..............................................................................25 6.20 CHANGE OPERATING MODE................................................................................................25 6.21 RECEIVING AND TRANSMITTING VOICE CALLS.................................................
MM23016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FIGURES Figure 6-1: System Model.......................................................................................................................14 Figure 6-2: Scan Model...........................................................................................................................14 Figure 6-3: Personality Structure Example .............................................................................................19 TABLES Table 2-1: R
MM23016 1 SAFETY SYMBOL CONVENTION The following conventions are used throughout this manual to alert the user to general safety precautions that must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the product. M/A-COM, Inc. assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these stan
MM23016 2 RF ENERGY EXPOSURE INFORMATION 2.1 RF ENERGY EXPOSURE AWARENESS, CONTROL INFORMATION, AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FCC OCCUPATIONAL USE REQUIREMENTS Before using your mobile two-way radio, read this important RF energy awareness and control information and operational instructions to ensure compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure guidelines. This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled conditions, where users have full knowledge of their exposure and can exercise
MM23016 2.2 COMPLIANCE WITH RF EXPOSURE STANDARDS Your MA/COM, Inc. M7200 mobile two-way radio is designed and tested to comply with a number of national and international standards and guidelines (listed below) regarding human exposure to RF electromagnetic energy. This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure environment at duty factors of up to 50% talk-50% listen and is authorized by the FCC for occupational use. In terms of measur
MM23016 2.2.1 Mobile Antennas Install the radio’s antenna (refer to Table 2-1 for applicable antenna part numbers) in the center of the vehicle’s roof. These mobile antenna installation guidelines are limited to metal body motor vehicles or vehicles with appropriate ground planes. The antenna installation should additionally be in accordance with the following. 1. The requirements of the antenna manufacturer/supplier included with the antenna. 2. Instructions in the M7200 Radio Installati
MM23016 3 OPERATION SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 TRANSMITTER HAZARDS The operator of any mobile radio should be aware of certain hazards common to the operation of vehicular radio transmitters. A list of several possible hazards is given: • Explosive Atmospheres – Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with the motor running, similar hazards exist when operating a mobile radio. Be sure to turn the radio off while fueling a vehicle. Do not carry containers of fuel in the trunk of a v
MM23016 4 OPERATING RULES AND REGULATIONS Two-way FM radio systems must be operated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the local, regional, or national government. In the United States, the M7200 mobile radio must be operated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). As an operator of two-way radio equipment, you must be thoroughly familiar with the rules that apply to your particular type of radio operation. Following these
MM23016 5 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The M7200 mobile is a state-of-the-art radio that operates seamlessly between the 800 MHz frequency band and the 700 MHz frequency band. The M7200 is designed to meet the critical communications demands of public service users and complies with MIL-STD-810F specifications. The M7200 is capable of supporting multiple operating modes, including OpenSky digital operation, EDACS or ProVoice trunked modes, P25 digital trunked mode, P25 digital conventional mode, an
MM23016 5.2 INTERCOM OPERATION The intercom option, a licensed option, allows the M7200 radio to pass audio locally between control heads and not over the network. It gives users at multiple control heads connected to the same radio the ability communicate with each other without transmitting over-the-air. When activated, incoming network radio calls are still scanned and broadcast at each control head. 13