PROE j ctOR PERiPhERaLS Interactive Unit ELPIU01 iMagiN g iNNOvatiON Compatible with all projectors. Its interactive pen and easy-to-use interactive tools combine to turn any presentation into a lively and engaging session in corporate or classroom settings. aFFORDaBLE iNtERactivity With DiREct USB cONNEctiON aNy PROE j ctOR Enjoy instant interactivity by connecting to any existing Powers up easily from a PC via USB connection; there are no ceiling-mounted projector. The easy-to-use interact
iMagiNg iNNOvatiON ELPIU01 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NUMBER ELPIU01 120mm (4.72”) ScREEN SizE (PROE j ctED DiStaNcE) XGA (4:3) 63” to 102” 88mm (3.46”) WXGA (16:10) 60” to 96” EaSy iNtERactivE FUNctiON Available 1051.6mm (41.4”) iNPUt/OUtPUt I/F USB Slave-A Type ELEctRicaL SUPPLiED accESSORiES POWEr SUPPL y mEThOd USB Bus power Easy Interactive Pen 2 pens POWEr SUPPL y vOLTAGE 5v Battery Alkaline AAA x 4 (for POWEr CONSUmPTION 180mA Easy Interactive Pen) USB Cable 5m, USB A / USB B OPE
PROE j ctOR PERiPhERaLS Document Camera ELPDC06 Compatible with all projectors via PC. iMagiN g direct USB connection to selected Epson projectors; iNNOvatiON for details refer to website www.epson.com This high performance visualiser is easy to set up via USB connection, and displays documents or 3D objects at a sharp XGA (1024 x 768) resolution. LightWEight, cOMP act DiREct USB cONNEctiON, 4x zOOM, aND FOLDaBLE ONE-tOUch aUtOFOcUS Quick and simple to set up with no extra power cable requ
PROE j ctOR PERiPhERaLS Desktop Document Camera ELPDC11 iMagiN g iNNOvatiON Compatible with all projectors. A versatile addition to any projector, its rotating camera head with intuitive digital zoom (10x) and microscope adaptor lets you show small specimens, A3 documents, still images and 3D objects, in clear detail. ROtatiNg caMERa hEaD, aDvaNcED FEatURES With 10X DIgItIaL zoom anD manUaL zoom SPLit ScREEN FUNctiON Its split screen capability enables projection of a live video and still
iMagiNg iNNOvatiON ELPdC06, ELPdC11 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NUMBER ELPdC06 ELPdC11 ELPDC06 viDEO PICk-UP dEvICE 1/3” CmOS Sensor 1/4” CmOS Sensor EFFECTIvE PIXELS 1.92m pixels 5m pixels FrAmE rATE W/PC mAX 15fps mAX 30fps 388mm OUTPUT ANALOG NA SXGA / XGA / WXGA USB XGA QvGA / vGA / SvGA / XGA / SXGA / UXGA (15.27”) w/PJ, UXGA / SXGA / XGA / SvGA / vGA / QvGA w/PC WhITE BALANCE Auto Auto EXPOSUrE Auto Auto BrIGhTNESS Auto Auto 76mm (2.99”) 260mm (10.2”) ImAGE FrEEz
Make your presentations come alive
with these easy-to-use accessories
iMagiN g
These simple-to-use accessories make your presentations come alive
when you demonstrate with real specimens or interact and update content
together with the audience.
• Portable document camera ELPDC06
This high performance visualiser is easy to set up via USB connection, and
displays documents or 3D objects at a sharp XGA (