VPH-V20M Specifications
Analogue RGB/Component: BNC
Projection system: 3 picture tubes, 3 lenses, direct projection system
R/R-Y: 0.7 Vp-p ±2 dB, positive, 75 Ω
CRT: 7-inch (Phosphor size: 5.5-inch) liquid cooled high
G: 0.7 Vp-p ±2 dB, positive, 75 Ω
brightness monochrome tubes
Video Projector
G with Sync/Y: 1.0 Vp-p ±2 dB, sync negative, 75 Ω
Projection lens: High performance hybrid multi-coated lens F1.0/130 mm
B/B-Y: 0.7 Vp-p ±2 dB, positive, 75 Ω
Screen: 70-inch (177.8 cm)
he stunning pictures from the Sony VPH-V20M CRT video projector ensure that your visual T messages have a powerful impact on audiences. These large, bright, projected images are a clear demonstration of the Sony commitment to the continuing development of optical and electronic technologies for video projection. The VPH-V20M features an RGB and component (Y/R-Y/B-Y, Y/CR/CB) input facility, enabling the projector to show images from different types of equipment while maintaining the superior qua
he stunning pictures from the Sony VPH-V20M CRT video projector ensure that your visual T messages have a powerful impact on audiences. These large, bright, projected images are a clear demonstration of the Sony commitment to the continuing development of optical and electronic technologies for video projection. The VPH-V20M features an RGB and component (Y/R-Y/B-Y, Y/CR/CB) input facility, enabling the projector to show images from different types of equipment while maintaining the superior qua
VPH-V20M Specifications INPUT A: Optical Analogue RGB/Component: BNC Projection system: 3 picture tubes, 3 lenses, direct projection system R/R-Y: 0.7 Vp-p ±2 dB, positive, 75 Ω CRT: 7-inch (Phosphor size: 5.5-inch) liquid cooled high G: 0.7 Vp-p ±2 dB, positive, 75 Ω brightness monochrome tubes Video Projector G with Sync/Y: 1.0 Vp-p ±2 dB, sync negative, 75 Ω Projection lens: High performance hybrid multi-coated lens F1.0/130 mm B/B-Y: 0.7 Vp-p ±2 dB, positive, 75 Ω Screen: 70-inch (177.8 cm)