Star Micronics Dot Impactの取扱説明書

デバイスStar Micronics Dot Impactの取扱説明書

デバイス: Star Micronics Dot Impact
カテゴリ: プリンタ
メーカー: Star Micronics
サイズ: 3.83 MB
追加した日付: 4/8/2013
ページ数: 104



私たちの目的は、皆様方にデバイスStar Micronics Dot Impactの取扱説明書に含まれたコンテンツを可能な限り早く提供することです。オンラインプレビューを使用すると、Star Micronics Dot Impactに関してあなたが抱えている問題に対する解決策の内容が素早く表示されます。


説明書Star Micronics Dot Impactをこちらのサイトで閲覧するのに不都合がある場合は、2つの解決策があります:

  • フルスクリーン表示 – 説明書を(お使いのコンピュータにダウンロードすることなく)便利に表示させるには、フルスクリーン表示モードをご使用ください。説明書Star Micronics Dot Impactのフルスクリーン表示を起動するには、全画面表示ボタンを押してください。
  • コンピュータにダウンロード - Star Micronics Dot Impactの説明書をお使いのコンピュータにダウンロードし、ご自身のコレクションに加えることもできます。デバイス上のスペースを無駄にしたくない場合は、いつでもManualsBaseサイトでダウンロードすることもできます。
Star Micronics Dot Impact 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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多くの人々は画面表示ではなく印刷された説明書を読むほうを好みます。説明書を印刷するオプションも提供されており、上記のリンクをクリックすることによりそれを利用できます - 説明書を印刷。説明書Star Micronics Dot Impactを全部印刷する必要はなく、選択したページだけを印刷できます。紙を節約しましょう。


次のページにある説明書Star Micronics Dot Impactの内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


Dot Impact Printer
Command Specifications
Rev. 0.70
Star Micronics Co., Ltd. Special Products Operating Division


Contents 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 2. COMMAND FUNCTION LIST 2-1 3. COMMAND DETAILS 3-1 3-1 Explanation of Terms 3-1 3-2 Exception processing 3-2 3-3 Standard Command Details 3-3 3-3-1 Font style and character set 3-3 ESC GS t n 3-3 ESC R n 3-4 ESC / N 3-4 ESC 6 3-5 ESC 7 3-5 ESC M 3-6 ESC P 3-6 ESC : 3-7 ESC SP n 3-7 3-3-2 Character Expansion Settings 3-8 SO 3-8 DC4 3-8 ESC W n 3-9 ESC h n 3-9 3-3-3 Print mode 3-10 ESC E 3-10 ESC F 3-10 ESC – n 3-11 ESC n 3-11 ESC 4 3-12


ESC GS R n1 n2 3-32 3-3-7 Download 3-33 ESC & NUL n1 n2 [m d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 (d6 d7)] n2 - n1 + 1 3-33 ESC & m n1 n2 [d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 .... ak dk] n2 - n1 + 1 3-36 ESC % N 3-39 3-3-8 Bit Image Graphics 3-40 ESC K n NUL d1 d2 … dn 3-40 ESC L n1 n2 d1 d2 … dk 3-41 ESC ^ m n1 n2 d1 d2 … dk 3-42 3-3-9 Logo 3-45 ESC FS q n [x11 x12 y11 y12 d1…dk]1…[xn1 xn2 yn1 yn2 d1…dk] n 3-45 ESC FS p n m 3-47 3-3-11 Cutter Control 3-48 ESC d n 3-48 3-3-12 External Device Drive 3-49 ESC BE


4. CHARACTER CODE TABLE 4-1 5. APPENDIX 5-1 5-1 Status Specifications 5-1 5-1-1 ENQ Command Status 5-1 5-1-2 EOT Command Status 5-1 5-1-3 Automatic Status 5-2 5-1-4 Printer Status T ransmission Specification when using Ethernet and Wireless LAN Interfaces 5-7 5-2 Expansion Position 5-9 5-2-1 7 x 9 Fonts 5-9 5-2-2 5 x 9 (2P-1) Fonts 5-9 5-2-2 Japanese Character Fonts 5-10 6. SPECIAL APPENDIX COMMAND LIST BY MODEL 6-1


Rev. 0.70 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This specifications document describes the command specifications for the ST AR MODE on dot impact printers. Information contained herein applies to models with the following conditions. • Dot impact printers • Printer head: 72 DPI (vertical direction) • Interfaces: Parallel/RS-232C/USB/Ethernet/Wireless LAN • Paper width: 3 inch/2.25 inch/1.75 inch • Paper feed minimum pitch: 1/144 inch (0.176 mm) < Applicable Models:> • Individual boards: BD100, BD500 • Co


Rev. 0.70 2. COMMAND FUNCTION LIST • Standard Commands Class Commands Name Font Style and ESC GS t Specify code page ESC R Specify international character set Character Set ESC / Specify/cancel slash zero ESC 6 S w i t c h t o I B M c h a r a c t e r s e t # 2 ( o n l y w i t h s t a n d a r d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s ) ESC 7 S w i t c h t o I B M c h a r a c t e r s e t # 1 ( o n l y w i t h s t a n d a r d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s ) ESC M Specify 7 x 9 f


Rev. 0.70 Class Commands Name Horizontal ESC RS A Set print region Direction ESC I Set left margin Position ESC Q Set right margin HT M o v e p r i n t p o s i t i o n t o h o r i z o n t a l t a b p o s i t i o n ESC D S e t / c a n c e l h o r i z o n t a l t a b p o s i t i o n ESC GS a Specify position alignment ESC GS A S p e c i f y a b s o l u t e p o s i t i o n ESC GS R Specify relative position Download ESC & Register download characters ESC % Specify/cancel downl


Rev. 0.70 Class Commands Name Others RS R i n g b u z z e r CAN Cancel print data and initialize commands DC3 Printer deselect DC1 Select printer ESC @ Command initialization ESC U Select printing direction ESC GS # Set memory switch ESC # Set memory switch ESC ? LF NUL Reset printer and execute self print Note 1 Kanji characters • Japanese character control commands are ignored on models not installed with Japa- nese character fonts. • All Japanese character control commands are ignored


Rev. 0.70 3. COMMAND DETAILS 3-1 Explanation of Terms • Reception buf fer The buf fer for storing data (reception data) received from the host, as it is called the reception buf fer . Reception data is temporarily stored in the reception buf fer , then processed sequentially . • Line buf fer The buf fer for storing image data for printing is called the line buf fer . • Line buf fer full The state in which the buf fer has no more space available is called line buf fer full.When th


Rev. 0.70 3-2 Exception processing 1) Undefined codes Codes from <00>H to <1F>H are targeted.When codes not defined as commands in this region are received, they are discarded. (Ex.) If processing the data string of <30>H<31>H<03>H<32>H<0A>H<33>H, the printer will discard <03>H as an undefined code. 2) Undefined commands When data continuing the codes of ESC and FS are codes not defined as commands, ESC and FS and subsequent codes are dis


Rev. 0.70 3-3 Standard Command Details 3-3-1 Font style and character set ESC GS t n [Name] Select code page [Code] ASCII ESC GS t n Hexadecimal 1B 1D 74 n Decimal 27 29 116 n [Defined Area] n dif fers depending on the specifications. (See the table below .) [Initial Value] Memory switch setting [Function] Specifies the code page according to the value of n. When installed with Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese language charaters and DBCS setting, this commandis ignored. S p e c i fi c a t


Rev. 0.70 ESC R n [Name] Specify international character set [Code] ASCII ESC R n Hexadecimal 1B 52 n Decimal 27 82 n [Defined Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ 14 n = 64 [Initial Value] Memory switch setting [Function] Specifies international characters according to the value of n. n International Characters 0 USA 1 France 2 Germany 3 UK 4 Denmark 5 Sweden 6 Italy 7 Spain 8 Japan 9 Norway 10 Denmark II 11 Spain II 12 Latin America 13 Korea 14 Ireland 64 Legal See each printer ’ s product specifications manu


Rev. 0.70 ESC 6 [Name] Switch to IBM character set #2 [Code] ASCII ESC 6 Hexadecimal 1B 36 Decimal 27 54 [Defined Area] --- [Initial Value] --- [Function] Switches from IBM character set #1 to #2. The subsequent <80> H to <9F> H codes are handled as character data. When the character code table settings are for the IBM character set #1, this command is ignored. This command is only effective in the standard mode. ESC 7 [Name] Switch to IBM character set #1 [Code] ASCII ESC 7 Hexadecimal 1


Rev. 0.70 ESC M [Name] Specify 7 x 9 font (half dots) (default) [Code] ASCII ESC M Hexadecimal 1B 4D Decimal 27 77 [Defined Area] --- [Initial Value] --- [Function] Specifies 7 x 9 (half) dot font. Sets the number of printable digits in one line to [total half dot count/(10 + character right space amount). ESC P [Name] Specify 5 x 9 font (2P-1) [Code] ASCII ESC P Hexadecimal 1B 50 Decimal 27 80 [Defined Area] --- [Initial Value] --- [Function] Specifies 5 x 9 (2 pulse = 1) dot fonts.


Rev. 0.70 ESC : [Name] Specify 5 x 9 font (3P-1) [Code] ASCII ESC : Hexadecimal 1B 3A Decimal 27 58 [Defined Area] --- [Initial Value] --- [Function] Specifies 5 x 9 (3 pulse = 1) dot fonts. Sets the number of printable digits in one line to [total half dot count/(18 + character right space amount). ESC SP n [Name] Specify character space [Code] ASCII ESC SP n Hexadecimal 1B 20 n Decimal 27 32 n [Defined Area] 0 ≤ n ≤ 15 [Initial Value] n = 0 [Function] Sets right space of characters wit


Rev. 0.70 3-3-2 Character Expansion Settings SO [Name] S p e c i f y d o u b l e - w i d e e x p a n d e d c h a r a c t e r s [Code] ASCII SO Hexadecimal 0E Decimal 14 [Defined Area] --- [Initial V alue] Cancel double-wide expanded characters [Function] Prints ANK characters and Kanji characters with characters expanded twice the normal width. This command is equivalent to ESC W n (n = 1). DC4 [Name] C a n c e l d o u b l e w i d e p r i n t i n g [Code] ASCII DC4 Hexadecimal 14


Rev. 0.70 ESC W n [Name] S p e c i f y / c a n c e l e x p a n d e d d o u b l e - w i d e p r i n t i n g [Code] ASCII ESC W n Hexadecimal 1B 57 n Decimal 27 87 n [Defined Area] n = 0, 1, 48, 49 [Initial V alue] n = 0 (Horizontal double-wide printing cancelled) [Function] Specifies/cancels horizontal double-wide printing for ANK characters and Kanji characters, according to an n value. n Function 0, 48 C a n c e l d o u b l e w i d e p r i n t i n g 1, 49 S p e c i f y d


Rev. 0.70 3-3-3 Print mode ESC E [Name] Select emphasized printing [Code] ASCII ESC E Hexadecimal 1B 45 Decimal 27 69 [Defined Area] --- [Initial Value] Emphasized printing cancelled. [Function] Specifies emphasized printing for subsequent data. When in emphasized printing, data is printed in two passes. This command is ef fective for both ANK characters and Kanji characters (prints with four passes for 2 pass Kanji characters, and with 8 passes for 4 pass Kanji characters). ESC F [Name]


Rev. 0.70 ESC – n [Name] Specify/cancel underling mode [Code] ASCII ESC - n Hexadecimal 1B 2D n Decimal 27 45 n [Defined Area] n = 0, 1, 48, 49 [Initial Value] n = 0 (Underline cancelled) [Function] Specifies underline according to the value of n. n Function 0, 48 Cancels underline 1, 49 S p e c i fi e s u n d e r l i n e th Underlines are applied to the 9 dot of the character. Underlines are not applied to horizontal tabs and to specified horizontal direction positions. When double-wid


Rev. 0.70 ESC 4 [Name] S p e c i f y w h i t e / b l a c k i n v e r s i o n a n d r e d c o l o r p r i n t i n g [Code] ASCII ESC 4 Hexadecimal 1B 34 Decimal 27 52 [Defined Area] --- [Initial V alue] White/black inversion cancelled/black color printing specified [Function] The following shows the details of this command. They vary according to the model. Spec. 1 • Specifies white/black inverted printing (only on models that do not handle two color printing) Subsequent char

# 取扱説明書 カテゴリ ダウンロード
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2 Star Micronics 4111 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
3 Star Micronics 800C 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
4 Star Micronics 8 Series 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
5 Star Micronics 4III 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
6 Star Micronics 4 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
7 Star Micronics 8111 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
8 Star Micronics CBM-820 取扱説明書 プリンタ 6
9 Star Micronics ATAR LC-500 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
10 Star Micronics Automatic Sheet Feeder 10DK 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
11 Star Micronics Automatic Sheet Feeder SF-10DJ 取扱説明書 プリンタ 4
12 Star Micronics 8III 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
13 Star Micronics Automatic Sheet Feeder SF-15HA 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
14 Star Micronics Delta 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
15 Star Micronics FR-10 取扱説明書 プリンタ 8
16 Sony DPP-M55 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
17 Sony LPR-1000MD 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
18 Sony iP1200 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
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