Star Micronics LC-200の取扱説明書

デバイスStar Micronics LC-200の取扱説明書

デバイス: Star Micronics LC-200
カテゴリ: プリンタ
メーカー: Star Micronics
サイズ: 4.87 MB
追加した日付: 9/11/2013
ページ数: 152



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Star Micronics LC-200 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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ZX 80820487




Self Declaration Radio interference.regardingthis equipmenthas been eliminated accordingto Vfg 1046/1984 an- nouncedby the DBP. DBP has been informedof the introductionof this speciafequipmentandhasbeen grantedthe rightto examinethe whole series. It is the user’sresponsibilityto see drathis own assembledsystemis in accordancewith the technieal regulationsunderVfg 1046/1984. Toeonfonnto FIZ-regulationsit is necessarytomakeallccxurections totheprirrter withshieldedcable. The eqniprtentmay only be


HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Thismanualis organizedintoninechapters.Tolearnhow to makethebest use of yourprinteryou areurgedto readthroughchapters1through3. The remainingchaptersmay be treatedas a referenceguidefor programming operations,etc. It assumes a degree of knowledgeof the operation of computers(forinstance,it assumesyouknowabouthexadecimalnumbers). The chaptemare as follows: Chapter 1— Settingup the printer This chapterexplainshowto gettheprinterunpackedandsetup. Readthis chapterbeforeyou do


I Chapter 6 — MS-DOSand yourprinter Since the PC or PC-AT family of computersrunningunder MS-DOS is currentlythe most popular conf@ration of microcomputer,we have in- cludeda fewhints andtips to helpyouuse yourprinterwithsuchsystems. SincevirtuallyallPCsaresoldwithaMicrosoftBASICinterpreter,wehave also included some hints, and a sample program in this language to demonstratethe capabilitiesof the printer. Chapter 7 — Troubleshootingandmaintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourpn


FEATURES OF THE PRINTER Thisprinterhasafullcomplementoffeatures,makingit anexcellentpartner for a personalcomputer.It supportsthe IBM/Epsonprintercommandsand charactersets, enablingit to printjust aboutanythingyour computercan generate,bothtextandgraphics.Someofitsmainfeaturesarethefollowing: ● Extensivesoftwaresupport Sinceit is compatiblewith the Epsonand IBMprinters,it workswith any softwarethat supportsthoseprinters.That includesmost word-processing and graphicsprograms,spread-sheets,and int


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Chapter 1 SETTING UP THE PRINTER 1 Locating thePrinter 2 Unpacking andInspection 2 Checking thecartoncontents 3 Identifying printerparts 4 SettingUp Mountingtheplatenknob 4 Installtheribboncartridgeandtherollerunit 4 8 Connectingtheprinterto yourcomputer 9 LoadingSingleSheets Automaticloading 9 Manualloading 11 12 Loadingand ParkingFanfoldForms 12 Loadingthepaperffomtherear of theprinter 15 Loadingthepaperffomthebottomof theprinter 16 Paperparking 17 Paperunparking 18 Loading


31 Forwardmicro-feed 31 Reversemicro-feed 31 Changingtheautoloadingvalue 32 Clearingthebuffer/Allreset 32 Selectingtheprintcolor 33 Storemacrodefinition 35 Chapter 3 DEFAULT SETTINGS 35 HowtosettheEDSmode 36 Functionsof theEDSsettings 40 Bidirectionaltest./Adjustment mode 41 Chapter 4 PRINTER CONTROL COMMANDS 42 FontControlCommands 47 CharacterSetCommands 50 CharacterSizeandPitchCommands 55 VerticalPositionCommands 62 HorizontalPositionCommands 67 GraphicsCommands 70 DownloadCharacterCommands 74


107 Chapter 7 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE Troubleshooting 107 Powersupply 108 Printing 108 Paperfeeding 110 113 Maintenance 113 ReplacingthePrintHead Chapter 8 SPECIFICATIONS 115 Chapter 9 CHARACTER SETS 119 120 Standard Character Set#l 122 Standard Character Set#2 123 International Character Sets IBMCharacter Set#2 124 124 Codepage#437(U.S.A.) Codepage#850(Multi-lingual) 126 Codepage#860(Portuguese) 127 Codepage#861(Icelandic) 128 Codepage#863(Canadian French) 129 Codepage#865(Nordic) 130 I


chapter 1 SETTING UP THE PRINTER Subjects covered in Chapter 1 include — . Locatingthe printer ● Unpackingandinspection(partnames) ● Settingup and comecting ● Loadingsinglesheets ● Loadingandparkingfanfoldforms ✎ Adjustingthe printinggap LOCATING THE PRINTER Beforeyou startunpackingandsettingup yourprinter,makesurethat you have a suitableplaceon whichto locateit. By“a suitabIeplace”,wemean: ● A firm,level surfacewhichis fairlyvibration-free ✎ Away fromexcessiveheat (suchas directsunlight,heaters


UNPACKING AND INSPECTION Checkingthe cartoncontents Now unpackthe contentsof theshippingcarton,andcheckeachiteminthe box againstFigure 1-1to makesurethatyouhaveeverything(thereshould be sevenitems). If anyof these items are missing,contactyour supplier. Figure I-I. Check to make sure you have all seven items: 1) Printer, 2) Paper guide, 3) Roller unit, 4) Platen knob, 5) Color ribbon cartridge, 6) Monochrome ribbon cartridge, and 7) Manual set (User’s manual, User’s guide and Sticker).


Theoptionalaccessorieswhichyoumayhaveorderedwithyourprinterare: ● Serial-Parallelconverter(SPC-8K) ● Automaticsheetfeeder(SF-1ODN) ● Roll paperholder(RH-1OZ) Identifyingprinterparts Make an external inspection of the printer. Note the locations of the followingparts in Figure 1-2. Figure 7-2. The printer’s external parts Roller unit: holdsthe paperagainstthe platen. Release lever: releasestheplaten.ThisIevermustbebackfor singlesheets,and forwardfor fanfoldforms. Top cover: protectstheprintheadan


SEITING UP Placethe printerin the desiredlocation,and removeall packingmaterial from inside the top cover. This packing material is intendedto prevent darnageto theprinterwhileintransit.Youwillwanttokeepallthepacking material,alongwiththeprintercarton,incaseyouhaveto movethe printer to a new location. Mountingtheplaten knob Theplatenknobis packedintoa recessofthe whitefoampackingmaterial whichheldyourprinterinsidethe carton.Be sureto removetheknobfrom the packaging. Mountthe knobon the platensha


F@r8 1-4.Removing the top cover 1. Turn the tension knob counterclockwise on the ribbon cartridge to tighten the ribbon if it is slack. 2. Guide the ribbonbetweenthe Printhead and the silverprinthead shield, making certain that the spindles on the cartridge holder fit into the ~~cketson the cartridge itself. Figure 1-5.Instelliflg the ribbon cartridge


3. ‘l%enbbonshoul dpassbetweenthe printheadandtheprinthead shield (seeFigure 1-6). I Figure 7-6. Pass the ribbon between the print head and print head shield 4. After youhaveinstalledthe ribboncartridge,installthe rollerunit. 5. Openthe rear coverusingthe two gripson eitherside. 6. Grippingthelockleversonbothsidesoftherollerunit,fitthemounting bracketsontothe shaftinsideof the printermechanism.You will need to tilt the rollerunit slightlybackward. 7. Secure the roller unit firmly by lowering int


Roll Figur@1-7. Install the roller unit onto the printer To replacethe top cover,insertthe tabs into the slots on the printercase. Swingthe frontedgedownto closethe cover. Leavethe top coverclosedduringnormaloperation.The coverkeepsout dustanddirtandreducestheprinter’soperatingsounds.Openthecoveronly to changethe ribbonor make an adjustment. NOTE: When you remove the color ribbon cartridge, press the ribbon releasecatchtowardyouwithyourindexfinger.Oncetheribbonis free of the print head,the cartr


Connectingtheprinter toyour computer Connectthe printer to your computerusing a standardparallel interface cable.OnaPC orPC/AT-typecomputer,thismeansthatyouusethe25-pin D-typeconnectoratthe computerend,andthe Amphenol-type36-pincon- nector at the printer end. The contlgurationof the printer’sconnectoris given in Chapter 8 should you need a cable for connectingto another computer. If youneed to connectto a serialport,usethe optionalSerial-Parallelcon- verter,SPC-8K. Interface cable Figure 1-8.Con


LOADING SINGLE SHEETS sectionwilltakeyouthroughtheproceduresfor loadingsinglesheets This of paper. If youareusingthe optionalautomaticsheetfeeder(SF-10DN),referto the ASF instructionbooklet. Automaticloading Single sheets can be loaded manually with the power off, or automatically with the power on. We will start the easy way with automatic loading. 1. Place the paper guide in position by inserting the tabs, located on the bottomof the assembly,intothe slotson the rear coverof the printer. Figur


4. Make surethatthe releaselever is back. st~~.~~c 1 ) Iffanfoldpaperisalreadymountedintheprinter,pressthe C buttonto parkthepaperin theoff-linestate,thenmovethe releaselever backwards. 5. Place a singlesheetbetweenthe guides,placingthe sideon whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter.Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntil you feelit stop. S,~A.&ICT Nowpressthe ( ) button.Thepaperwillbefedintotheprinter 6. and adjustedpast the printhead to a positionreadyfor printing. 7. If youwantto set


Manualloading It is alsopossibletoloadpapermanuallywhiletheprinter’spowerisoff.The procedureis: 1. Place the paper guidein positionby insertingthe tabs, locatedon the bottomof the assembly,intothe slotson the rear coverof the printer. 2. Checkthat printerpoweris off andthe releaselever is back. 3. Adjustthe paper guidesto match the size of paper you will be using. Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft-handedge of the carriage. 4. Placea singlesheetbetweenthe guides,placingthe side

# 取扱説明書 カテゴリ ダウンロード
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3 Star Micronics 800C 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
4 Star Micronics 8 Series 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
5 Star Micronics 4III 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
6 Star Micronics 4 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
7 Star Micronics 8111 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
8 Star Micronics CBM-820 取扱説明書 プリンタ 6
9 Star Micronics ATAR LC-500 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
10 Star Micronics Automatic Sheet Feeder 10DK 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
11 Star Micronics Automatic Sheet Feeder SF-10DJ 取扱説明書 プリンタ 4
12 Star Micronics 8III 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
13 Star Micronics Automatic Sheet Feeder SF-15HA 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
14 Star Micronics Delta 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
15 Star Micronics FR-10 取扱説明書 プリンタ 8
16 Sony DPP-M55 取扱説明書 プリンタ 0
17 Sony LPR-1000MD 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
18 Sony iP1200 取扱説明書 プリンタ 1
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