instruction anual
FJJ[2J Video Camcorder
8m m Video Ca mc_lxJe_
'-_a_ Diep, m CA 92173
fl,lis issa_/Sa, On1!;rio ] 5N 218
_e!. !-S00-il[I_AC! i[
(I -SOO 448 22.:1&)
_lei, i--800 ! ']LV,iHt
{ 1-800- _48-22,14}
Q[,{)21!_I ]t_c i.ltd 1999 _ ' ' ...... i_
Important information .............................. { [WARNING: TO PREVENT FiRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, 90 NOT EXPOSE TH_S UNK TO RAiN DR MO!STURE. / ..................................................... i WARNING ; TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, USE THE REC-. OMMENDED ACCESSORIES ONLY. 7ho ocun',::ontler @_cf/\C cx3 :;,o o hQt'e ,%e ,fo ow- CAUTION; TO i_EDUCE THE J-_ISK OF ff'_Goouffof) moYk& /£ik:CTR!C SiqOCK, DO NOT OPEN, NQ USEF_oS!_t_VIC!::ABI E PARTS INSiDE_ REFE@ St!P, VICIN© K}) QUALIFIED S
Wpa_lli_g: ihi de'.i c,. :-ditio ,5: (l) If-is (t: _ ice ::a}." no[ cause harry:{[ ] i _[_"_f:ere-ee, a_d (2) ths device :n_,s_ a,cep: ak, h_t<,'f_.÷en:e ',eceived ich dh_ S [ _ er_,['e u _ _/af _<¢, c;. _se u/,desi_'ed ,.>Re_'atdo !. No_e:'Ib],,ei_f]: _e_'[asbee_tesfe and foundt{ compl} '_>iD [l_elimfs [,_ aCL_ss ,.ligi_al de_i_ e, p _r_uarlt o P_!r 5 of [he f_C<. l,h_le_, These li Y/ks ale desfgled to p;ovide
a _g tlOr to (a 8 e o r;'vo ( tO : Jiy Sat/8 (S _8 artlfsc it÷ O_ VC_r video prod ct SfC-, S _ _'0 fs( ()r r {; i _,f e,/_y ,_9_L;_2n_ _ut s_fety JS _0_ ¸ _spo!_sibilitv !oo Fi_i_ D_e iists I_}{}_ !a_i ir_fo_iio[_ [ha_ vvili h_D to sss_r(_ y_ _ov; _ _o pr _;0_ US_ Oi a Video ca:_co_de_ 8_ 8CC÷SSOW equ_P_ r_e_t i_l_ _d it C_:g/Ui_V i)SfOT_ _)p_{_tin_ yOU_ vid@O pr(}G_Ct and _e÷P i_ il-, 8 hsndv ©isce for fu_r_ r_fer_r_(:_ _NSTALLATtON 7 Po_a_÷_,-_o_ PYot_ctiO_ Po_e s piy cods ;toLd ! R¢eas_ a_d F
SERVtC£ ? . _:s 4c,, '_ ?: ,, ,., _:-q ÷ : USE t3 (;_ear_i_g 14 obiec: _'{# Liquid _ntrv 3_fyjL - . [(i _ > 'q ,- d - "_ _ u : ..... - tq C "' r_2,-÷O - /_ ] ¢ -r e- ,:- • St'e/ £ -,a: : t -3 ÷,; _9't ,'lg' _;. ¢_a J : _ / .... 7-, _ ,_ r_ _ V#4-H765LA/VM HS65LA/VM :;:565LA/VI_ ES:3{ A/_ M _:46.,1._A _5
Before You A!: probeJ:s thaioccur as a resul o any < t e _ ]]es:e sot t:_ieaw {:e can,coqer s : :?]ace 1o1]o_,',i _5 co:di¢: > _s v, it{ n,.'t K" <,.,w,u'eih}pi4 wh@'e the temperah_re exceeds 140_ (6{)
'* X22 optical zorn rsho Eas} h_ use Cok_ _@id c_ys a]d sp_a}, i,LC D) mo_Ker %'_%h X19[} digital zoom _:a o (sv, itch,_bb to Y,5(}0) '* Digimi effecs speaker _'ape analyzer A R5 (los V%i*}{765I,A/VM- * 8[able pix (l:]ec_;onic ] _/age Stabilizatiori fEIS)) (VM-_ 176-5[ A /%M_lS(sSLA/VM-ES65LA / H665L A_ VM>E56 BLA) TAI-_f>, hm_,o_ {St V%I H76_LAiVM- * Fade inifadeout }i0bSLA) " 14,_!o _rded da te search '_ Video effects _, Pez feet power { ithh/_r/-ien ba [tel->') _' 8uilb£_ DC li(4bt (_o_< VM4:
Table of Contenfs fiT;pod'ant Information ................................. 2 Using Auto Focus ................................. 30 For You_" Safety .......................................... 2 Using the Power Zoom ........................... 31 _mportant Safeguards .............................. 4 Using the Digita Zoom ...................... 31 Using Macro ................................................ 31 Before You Begin .......................................... 6 Playback .................
Components and Accessories ,,-_,_:_-<_ _, :),[-ACI 5,\ VM,_H765LA/VM*H685LAfVM-E585LA/V#4-£563£AiV_b_E465LA E£
identifying Controls 345 11 12 13 I \ 14 15 16 t 7 1, Buif-in DC Ughf @56) (for VM- 14. Hand Strap @16) t 5. Cassette Holder @22) I. ulh: _e_. 2, Lens Door (p28) 'H_e lens doo_' v,,fi )pet_ ,_4lbmal cally _hcn he 16, Microphone Jack cameo der is set _o the came,*2_ (CikM) _x ()dr (fo_ VM-H7 65LA/VM-H665LA/ & Power Zoom Control (p3t) Co mect exte_xm! mk:cophon{' @1££suppied) he_.'e 4 CasseHe Eject Switch (p22) 17,.Audio/Video Output Jacks 5,, Shoulder Strap Slot (p!6) (Behind the jack
18 19 2O i i i ! t& LCD Brightness Controls (p ] 4) 28, DAT£ Button {p26) 'o set th_ di_mJ_.4uo_"2by ha,: piciJare wih digib:' effuct added 2Z Clock Batte D" Compartment 31, FOCUStVOt Control Buttons (p!3) (p32, 36) 23 Sub Power Switch CAM mode: "o nv,_ch be _,,_,en aul
REMOTE CONTROL 35 Tape T_anspo_f and Menu Se#ing Buffons (p23_ 32) 39 Reco_de_ Remote Controf Tape T_onspod Buttons: _'_a___f,..:t thu ti _ ,_]ect/:< e-'l }Ictus ,u_d set detai s 41 AiV DUB Bu_ten (enly on the 36, FADE Button (p40) _emote eontro_) (p53) ") ey[ _hc <:
Loading C!ock ;Pc c; 3ck ©(v?T@O,/ _ c;ckT_ up ,2_!/V ,? _o_'7 oq, of s_? /Q it}@ cq;f;qooT(A._ : /t ¢£,'bb',F ;Jt_o Cot' ceFoe h? _Q÷,'-Un qbe CiC;tO, _;,q@ _F(_ d;Qy OJ_)@F S@_T#}_)? t,_,')(_/) h-_ifhOs','_;_Ysoxc@ L_ F@I_3OY4?C_,[ !_,;;¢ 0 _Jst JO3f7 Of ()_sOi; ¢3 yOdY @ CIook Battery WARNING; KEE_>THE BATTERY AWAY s+o;_i't!_ b._#e:y o p,'t?_ _:nt m/_p/ochsg _ROM CHtLDREN AND PETS, CONSULT A PHYSICIAN I[V1MEDIATELY FOR EMERGENCY 'TREATMENT. WARNING: BATTERY MAY EXPLODE IF NOZ HANDLED PROPERLY
NOte: Use ?he w] oies5 Gnote COtS!K) WithN tM@ r_n@e o_ H_e ilhfiored receive_ o_ 1Ire C_rY/- COl(Jet shown , 0 _ight Suciq _s @i_¢:? suN1igh[ OC ,2ry brght a fifk:<]l {]hti,-g Note: Cl÷or <,7_ dr
Cautions on kCD Monito_ Sc:een * I)onottouchtt:c1:.,U© creen:,, h},ou _h@c:>, as the _eruen could get dir:y and @:upicture >ill ::or be see:: cleasdy, tf the LCD sc_ee> becc r_es dLty, ::so a soft dot: to _iRe o: :he di'.t, 1[ the earacorde_ l_ used [',: a _old place and becomes bo cold, @e LC© screen w@ be dim iJ the LC© monito_ s hnmed 9() so _bat it faces {>r a while alter tha power 5s turne4 on W]_e:_ the same direction as J'_eIens wJ:e]_tlqe ca 7_ea _:e ie:npera:ure nside _he ca ::corder ri
< usu h_' '{ectro_lc v e4s.'[:_de];, t_n-i thc dioptez co_h o] fo_: ).o_;c opti,ruum foc{:ts adiusf*_.e]lL N K "_ 2 N¢ .... :?):_' i _'-
Charging the lafte y -P:e f_ t stop/_ ?o set #_e bole8, for chorging % c: (t$>* i-:a botte$" t?_oh it ro flee Oo 7 cort,_e£ ond ctr, neot fhe Vi.,4 ACESA AC Gdc:pto Cborge ,he botte v Gf c_te ppe oft ro Kb ",ge of S{t CV O C} - S./;°F (30"C) b prevent don oge it_ the bc,_?ory Not÷: TPs comte'tier eye 'aTes wih a imiu _ io' ba ®¢ ,_uch :'s VM B!4_ 3iVM-BP_ _CiV)¢_ gPl.60 Note: V/e cannot be esponsb e or oNy ,qhQ}tt_nctbr soi the < a_ co'tier wlc' oc(} ][ o%eF VOLJ/JSC _bc_t- ory pock_ ohe_ thor t
@Removing the Baffety Pack Side@eB:\T7. }
Checking the Batte@-% Charge A bc_foy c;h_rge .nd£:c_tor s 'o(.¢ed on the upper r:ght come o;'/h_;- vfevu%'_der ot LCD n" onh P)r, (},'!e oFs;* sy£q:->oS LYS;OL%/Svv>@"' /!De 8_otlsr y ts uted. Note: The bcJiie:ycdod ordoes of dpoear when }he oa ncowJe_ H ov,e ed th, the AC odo0br, 7his _iashi:tg sy _ _] h_d- ca_es a ba_c_}, r/eaNy o',,li: o{ p)>e/: [se ,.;ri s]terqahve poe c: 50HYe e7 t: /ai_:, hP ba_tm-}' be_ol:e _:or_tiz tli l8 !) de fJ_e cae_cgrdek Knowing Remaining Battery Power Tim
Camcorder Power Sources You 0(;; _use the c s,'4rged ©afiory pack, AC odGoK_; 0D,'ov tJo¢i) or Cc_rbctfery co<:: (o\o+,'o w_0 to po,4,e_ <-e Cc_,-0cordeK ,¢tfo{ use, be swe fo romote the !sowersuOo/y Using Battery Pack . ,:: , : 1 A ach th<' ch3ned baier} pack to _he cam_ corder. (See pages i?-dS for a[tacsment an< eha_ n£ ;{ b ittery pad<} .,<, * -<.,t i! Using the AC Adaptor ::: : : R ,e_Tseensuy<÷ 'hat "he CAfv_!O£F/VtDEO switch s k! the OFF posit o_,}_,_ t _ ev,_r a T_,;', _, ,g c; _ roc "J;