Infinityr 15SEER
Single Packaged Air Conditioner and
GasFurnace System with PuronR (R---410A) Refrigerant
Owner’s Information Manual
Fig.1-- Unit48XL--A
For your convenience, please record the model and serial numbers of your new equipment in the spaces
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should your system require maintenance or service.
Model #
SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS ! Improperinstallation, adjustment, alteration, servicemaintenance, WARNING or use can cause explosion, fire, electrical shock, or other FIREANDEXPLOSIONHAZARD conditions which may cause death, personal injury, or property damage. Consult a qualified installer, service agency, or your Whatto do ifyou smellgas: distributor or branch for information or assistance. The qualified 1.Donottrytolightanyappliance. installeroragency mustuse factory--authorized kits oraccessories 2.Do
UNITINTRODUCTION This48XL--Aunitisasmallpackagedgasheat/electriccoolingsys- temthatcanutilizethecomfortofgasheatingpackagedalongwith ® efficientelectricairconditioning.ThisunitusesPuron , theenvi- ronmentallyfriendlyrefrigerant,forcooling. OPERATINGYOURUNIT TheoperationofyourunitiscontrolledbytheInfinityrUserInter- face(UI). You simply program theUIand itmaintains theindoor temperatureatthelevelyou select. SeeUImanualfordetailedin- structions. Flue Hood Tobetterprotectyourinvestmentandtoeliminat
E N S E P O O L C 4. Removethefrontaccesspanel. Toshutoffunitelectriccooling: 5. MovetheselectorswitchontheinternalgasvalvetotheOFF Referto Fig.6 whileproceeding with thefollowing steps. position. 6. Replacethefrontaccesspanel 1. SetthetemperatureselectoronUItohighesttemperatureset- ting and setsystemSWITCHto OFF. 7. Restoreelectricalpowertotheunitandsetsystemswitchto COOL. 2. Closetheexternalmanualshutoffvalve. 8. Set thetemperatureselectoronUIslightlybelow theroom temperatureto startunit. 3.
E S O L C MAIN ON 55 OFF STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 A09134 Fig.5 -- ToShut--offUnitGasHeat CoolingMode MAINTENANCEANDSERVICE This section discusses maintenance that should be performed on WiththeSYSTEMorMODEcontrolsettoCOOL,yourunitwill yoursystem.Mostmaintenanceshouldbeperformedbyyourdeal- runincoolingmodeuntiltheindoortemperatureisloweredtothe er.You,astheowner,maywishtohandlesomeminormaintenance levelyouhaveselected.Onextremelyhotdays,yourunitwillrun foryournewunit. forlongerpe
E S O L C MAIN ON 90 OFF STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 MAIN ON OFF STEP 6 STEP 7 72 STEP 8 A09135 Fig.6-- ToStartUnitElectricCooling 6
E S O L C MAIN ON 90 OFF STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 A07797 Fig.7 -- ToShut--offUnitElectricCooling BURNER FLAME Table1—AirFiltersLocatedInsideUnit (ForReplacementPurposes) BURNER UnitSize Quantity FilterSizein.(mm) 12x20x1 A24---A30 2 (305x508x25) 12x24x1 A36---A60 3 (305x610x25) MANIFOLD To replaceorinspectfiltersin accessory filterrack (SeeFig.2): 1. Removethefilteraccesspanelusing a5/16--in.nutdriver. C99021 Fig.8 -- MonoportBurner 2. Removethefilter(s)bypullingitoutoftheunit.Ifthefilter(s) isdirty
CondenserFan 3. Inspectionandcleaningofblowerwheelhousingandmotor. 4. Inspection of all supply--air and return--air ducts for leaks, ! obstructions, andinsulation integrity.Any problemsfound WARNING shouldberesolvedatthistime. PERSONALINJURYANDUNITDAMAGEHAZARD 5. Inspectionoftheunitbasetoensurethatnocracks,gaps,etc., Failuretofollowthiswarningcouldresultinpersonalinjury, existwhich may causeahazardouscondition. death orproperty damage. 6. Inspectionoftheunitcasingforsignsofdeterioration. Do not