™ ™
G Gmini mini 402 CamCor 402 CamCorder der
CamCor CamCorder and Camer der and Camera functions a functions
User Manual
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v 1.0
1 1 Video – R Video – Re ecor cord ding a video with your Gmini ing a video with your Gmini 402 Camcor 402 Camcorder der
1.1 V ideo Recording procedure
1. From the Main screen, select the CamCorder icon, then click on ENTER.
2. On this pre-recor
3 Video recording settings Resolution Options: VGA or Optimal. Optimal (448 x 336) will give the smoothest image quality, with the smallest fi le size. VGA (640 x 480) will give sharper images, which are less smooth during fast moving scenes. However, the fi le size is larger. Bitrate Options: Low, Medium or High. This setting determines the level of compression of the recorded video fi le. A higher bitrate will result in a smoother-looking video, but will also require more storage spa
5 TM TM 2 2 P PHO HOT TO O – T – Taking pho aking phot to os with your Gmini s with your Gmini 402 Camcor 402 Camcorder der 2.1 Taking a photo 1. From the Main screen, select the Camera icon, then click on ENTER. 2. On this Viewfi nder screen, you can adjust the exposure settings by pressing the F2 button (Settings). You can also zoom in and out using the up and down buttons. For more information on the F3 button (Fix), see the section Controlling the image quality. 3. On the Sett
7 2.3 Where is the photo saved? The default location for photos is the folder called Pictures. If you click on the Photo icon in the main menu, you will go to this folder. Notice that the right Function button is labeled Record. Each time you use this button to go to the Viewfi nder screen instead of going through the Camera icon on the Main menu, you set the default location to the current folder. For example, let’s say you have a folder called /Pictures/Holiday. If you go to this