Texas Instruments TI-73の取扱説明書

デバイスTexas Instruments TI-73の取扱説明書

デバイス: Texas Instruments TI-73
カテゴリ: 電卓
メーカー: Texas Instruments
サイズ: 0.28 MB
追加した日付: 3/19/2013
ページ数: 38



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Texas Instruments TI-73 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書Texas Instruments TI-73の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


Getting Started
with the
TI-73 Explorer™,
CBL 2™, and CBR™


Important Information Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials,


Contents Important Information ........................................................................ 2 Contents ............................................................................................ 3 TI-73 Explorer™ keys ....................................................................... 4 Turning on and turning off the TI-73 Explorer™ ............................... 5 Home screen ..................................................................................... 6 Entering text


TI-73 Explorer™ keys $ " # ! - Let you move the Accesses the cursor in four secondary directions on the functions of keys screen. (shown in yellow above keys). : Erases entries and answers on the Home screen and entry line. 9 Lists the applications installed on your TI-73 Explorer. b ^ Evaluates an Turns on the TI-73 expression, executes Explorer. an instruction, and selects a menu item. 4 © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated.


Turning on and turning off the TI-73 Explorer™ • To turn on the TI-73 Explorer, press ^ located at the lower left corner of the device.  To turn off the TI-73 Explorer, press -, and then the ^ key. The next time you turn on the TI-73 Explorer, the Home screen appears with the same settings and memory contents retained. Automatic Power Down™ The Automatic Power Down™ (APD™) feature prolongs battery life by turning off the TI-73 Explorer automatically after five inactive minutes. When you t


Home screen The first time you turn on your TI-73 Explorer™, this screen appears: Operating system version Note: Download the latest operating system (OS) to your Internet- enabled computer using the TI-Connectivity Kit. Both the latest OS and TI Connectivity Kit are available at education.ti.com/shop. To clear the screen, press : twice. A blank screen with a flashing cursor appears called the Home screen. You can use the Home screen to enter problems and view results. Home screen Note: If


Example: Multiply 5 x 4. Press Result 5 M 4 b Entering secondary functions - Secondary functions are printed in yellow above the keys. To select a secondary function, first press the yellow - key, and then press a key with a secondary function. For example, to view the CATALOG menu, press - |. Note: The flashing cursor (Ù) changes to Û when you press the - key. © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated. 7


Entering text -t You can use the Text Editor to key in text, such as alphabetic characters, braces, quotation marks, spaces, and relations.  To access the Text Editor, press - t.  To return to the Home screen from the Text Editor: Select Done in the Text Editor and press b. — or — To cancel the operation, press - l. Example: Insert R on the Home screen. Press Result - t R b Note: To select R, press !, ", # and $ as needed. R is pasted to the entry line. # # # (to select Done) b 8 © 200


Clear : and Quit - l Clear : The : key is located just below the four cursor keys at the upper right corner of the keyboard.  Pressing : while entering information clears the entry line.  Pressing : when the cursor is on a blank line clears the Home screen. Note: Although it does not affect calculations, consider clearing the Home screen before beginning a new problem. We recommend that you press : each time you begin a new example in this guide to ensure that the screen you see match


Using subtraction T and negation a keys Use T to enter subtraction operations. Use a to enter a negative number in an operation, expression, or on a setup screen. Note: The TI-73 Explorer™ subtraction and negation symbols appear slightly different to make them easier to distinguish. The negative symbol is raised and slightly shorter. Example: Subtract 10 from 25. Press Result b/c mode. 2 5 T 1 0 b b/c mode. Example: Subtract L10 from 25. Press Result 2 5 T a 1 0 b Example: Subtract L5 fro


Keyboard math applications Example: Add L456 + 123. Press Result a 4 5 6 \ 1 2 3 b Example: Divide 45.68 P 123. Press Result 4 5 ` 6 8 F 1 2 3 b Example: Multiply 28 Q 1.5. Press Result 2 8 M 1 . 5 b © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated. 11


Integer division - Œ - Œ divides two positive integers and displays the quotient and remainder (r). Example: Calculate 11 P 2 using integer division. Press Result 1 1 - Œ 2 b Note: The answer is 5 with a remainder of 1. Percent C Example: Convert 75% to a decimal. Press Result 7 5 C b 12 © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated.


Square 6 2 Example: Calculate 5 . Press Result 5 6 b 2 2 Example: Compare the results of L5 and (L5) . Press Result a 5 6 b D a 5 E 6 b © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated. 13


Square root -z Example: Calculate 256 . Press Result - z 2 5 6 E b Pi - „ The TI-73 Explorer™ displays p = 3.141592654 but uses 3.1415926535898 in calculations. Example: Multiply 4 Q p. Press Result 4 M - „ b 14 © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated.


Fractions This example shows the stacked fraction and manual simplification features of the TI-73 Explorer™. (See Chapter 3 of the TI-73 Explorer Software Graphing Calculator Guidebook.) Example: Add 1 3/4 + 2 4/8 and manually simplify the result. Press Result . # # # # " b - l (to select Mansimp) 1 < 3 = 4 " \ 2 < 4 = 8 b Note: The arrow on the screen indicates that the answer can be simplified. ? b (optional step to convert mixed fraction to simple fraction) B b (to simplify the resu


Choosing the simplification factor Example: Add 4/16 + 8/16 and choose the simplification factor to reduce the sum to lowest terms. Press Result - l : 4 = 1 6 " \ 8 = 1 6 b B 2 b B 3 b Because the result did not change, try another factor. B 2 b Simplification is complete. 16 © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated.


Constants with counter-creating number patterns The TI-73 Explorer™ Constant feature makes it easy to create number patterns. Watch the pattern in the example below take shape on the Home screen. Example: Set up a SINGLE counter, define a constant (+5), and create a number pattern. Press Result y † } (if necessary) b † \ 5 - l : 0 @ (Press @ repeatedly until you reach 30.) © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated. 17


Scrolling on the Home screen The TI-73 Explorer™ scrolling feature helps make number investigation easy by providing a copy and paste functionality. Example: Sum the second (5 + 5) and fifth (20 + 5) terms of the number pattern created in the previous example. (See “Constants with counter- creating number patterns” on page 17.) Press Result Press } repeatedly to select the second term (n=2). b \ Press } repeatedly to select the fifth term (n=5). b b 18 © 2003 Texas Instruments Incor


Using parentheses D E Example: Multiply 4 * 1 + 2 and 4 * (1 + 2). Press Result 4 M 1 \ 2 b 4 M D 1 \ 2 E b Example: Divide 1/2 P 2/3 (not using stacked fraction capability). Press Result D 1 F 2 E F D 2 F 3 E b 1 Example: Calculate 16 ^ -- - . 2 Press Result 1 6 7 D 1 F2 E b Note: Try each of the examples above without the parentheses and see what happens! © 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated. 19


TI-73 Explorer™ menus You use a menu to enter most TI-73 Explorer functions and instructions on the Home screen. To select an item from a displayed menu:  Press the number or letter displayed to the left of the item. — or —  Use the cursor keys († or }) to select the item, and then press Í. Some menus close automatically when you make a selection. If a menu remains open, press y5 to exit. Example: Find the gcd(12, 14) = 2. Press Result  2 — or — † Í 1 2 , 1 4 ¤ Í 20 © 2003 Texas Instrume

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