EPSON Endeavor WG
Memory 4MB RAM standard soldered on main
power (SPEED) hard disk diskette power
system board; expandable using 1MB,
access light
light drive button
4MB, 16MB, or 64MB SIMMs to 128MB
(maximum); SIMMs must be 36-bit,
fast-page mode type with 70 ns (or faster)
access speed
ROM 128KB ROM containing system BIOS and
video BIOS; 64KB ROM containing SETUP
Video RAM 1MB video RAM on main system board
Shadow RAM Automatic shadowing of system and VGA
BIOS ROM into RAM; shadow RAM
EPSON Endeavor WG Serial Two RS-232C, programmable, Keyboard Detachable; two-position height; asynchronous interfaces built into main 101 sculpted keys; numeric/cursor control system board; port assignment and I/O keypad; four-key cursor control keypad; addresses selectable through SETUP; 12 function keys 9-pin, D-shell connectors Power Supply Keyboard PS/2 compatible keyboard interface built into main system board; keyboard speed, 145 Watt, fan-cooled Type delay, and num lock settings selectabl
EPSON Endeavor WG Extended VGA Modes Major Subassemblies J15-J9 option board main system riser,card board \ power supply ,vertical NI = Non-interlaced drive bay I = Interlaced Wingine Modes switch processor diskette horizontal drive drive bays \ speaker = Non-interlaced NI I = Interlaced 5/3/93 EPSON Endeavor WG3
EPSON Endeavor WG Main System Board Diagram EPSON Endeavor WG-4 5/3/93
EPSON Endeavor WG VGA Port Connector (CN2) Connector Pin Assignments pin 5 pin 1 Parallel Port Connector (CN5) pin 10 pin 8 pin 13 pin 1 pin 15 pin 11 VGA Port Connector Pin Assignments pin 25 pin 14 Parallel Port Connector Pin Assignments VGA Feature Connector (CN17) *Active low logic Serial Port Connectors (CN4 and CN8) VGA Feature Connector Pin Assignments Signal Pin Signal Pin EN PCLK* 10 BLANK 19 Not connected 11 HSYNC 20 12 VSYNC 21 Ground 13 Ground 22 Ground 14 Ground 23 Ground Serial Por
EPSON Endeavor WG Hardware Interrupts IRQ no. Function IRQ0 Timer output IRQ1 Keyboard IRQ3 Serial port 2 IRQ4 Serial port 1 IRQ5 Available (parallel port 2) IRQ6 Floppy disk drive controller IRQ7 Parallel port 1 IRQ8 Real-time clock IRQ9 Available Available IRQ10 IRQ11 Available IRQ12 PS/2 compatible mouse or optional pointing device IRQ13 Math coprocessor IRQ14 Hard disk drive controller IRQ15 Available * Recommended addresses for installing devices System I/O Address Map Jumper Settings See t
EPSON Endeavor WG Processor Chips Hard Disk Drive Types If you have the 4SX/33 system, you can install an Intel The table below lists types of hard disk drives you can use in OverDrive processor (ODP486-33) or a 487SX/33 the computer. Check this table and your hard disk manual to microprocessor (with built-in math coprocessor) on the main find the correct type number(s) for the hard disk drive(s) system board. Installing an OverDrive processor effectively installed in the computer. You need to e
EPSON Endeavor WG If the computer has an Epson 120MB or 240MB hard disk Q If you are using a copy-protected program that does not drive, select the appropriate type number from the table require a key disk but requires a special procedure to below. install it on a hard disk, set the speed to low while you install the program. Then set the speed to high while you Epson Hard Disk Drive Types load and run the program. If this does not work, try Type number Epson hard disk drive installing and loadi