Reference Manual for the
54 Mbps Wireless Router
WGR614 v6
4 500 G reat A m erica P arkway
S anta C lara, C A 95054 U S A
202-1 0099-01
Ap ril 2 005
202-10099-01, April 2005
© 2005 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved. April 2005. Trademarks NETGEAR is a trademark of Netgear, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. Statement of Conditions In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document withou
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement This equipment is in the second category (information equipment to be used in a residential area or an adjacent area thereto) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at preventing radio interference in such residential areas. When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause of radio interference. Read instructio
iv 202-10099-01, April 2005
Contents Chapter 1 About This Manual A u d ience, S cop e, C onventions, and F orm ats ................................................................ 1 -1 H ow to U se Th is M anu al ................................................................................................ 1 -2 H ow to P rint th is M anu al ................................................................................................. 1 -3 Chapter 2 Introduction K ey F eatu res .......................................
Chapter 4 Content Filtering C ontent F iltering O verview ............................................................................................. 4 -1 B locking A ccess to Internet S ites ................................................................................... 4 -2 B locking A ccess to Internet S ervices ............................................................................. 4 -3 C onfigu ring a U ser D efined S ervice .....................................................
U sing th e R ou ter as a D H C P server ...................................................................... 6-1 1 U sing A d d ress R eservation .................................................................................... 6-1 2 U sing a D ynam ic D N S S ervice ..................................................................................... 6-1 3 C onfigu ring S tatic R ou tes ............................................................................................. 6-1 4 E n
IP C onfigu ration b y D H C P ........................................................................................... B -1 0 Internet S ecu rity and F irewalls .................................................................................... B -1 0 W h at is a F irewall? ................................................................................................ B -1 0 S tatefu l P acket Insp ection ............................................................................... B -1
A re L ogin P rotocols U sed ? ................................................................................... C -2 0 W h at Is You r C onfigu ration Inform ation? .. ............................................................ C -2 0 O b taining IS P C onfigu ration Inform ation for W ind ows C om p u ters ....................... C -21 O b taining IS P C onfigu ration Inform ation for M acintosh C om p u ters ..................... C -22 R estarting th e N etwork ............................
x Contents 202-10099-01, April 2005
Chapter 1 About This Manual This chapter describes the intended audience, scope, conventions, and formats of this manual. Audience, Scope, Conventions, and Formats This reference manual assumes that the reader has basic to intermediate computer and Internet skills. However, basic computer network, Internet, firewall, and VPN technologies tutorial information is provided in the Appendices and on the Netgear website. This guide uses the following typographical conventions: Table 1-1. Typographic
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 How to Use This Manual The HTML version of this manual includes the following: • Buttons, and , for browsing forwards or backwards through the manual one page at a time • A button that displays the table of contents and an button. Double-click on a link in the table of contents or index to navigate directly to where the topic is described in the manual. • A button to access the full NETGEAR, Inc. online knowledge base for the product
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 How to Print this Manual To print this manual you can choose one of the following several options, according to your needs. • Printing a Page in the HTML View. Each page in the HTML version of the manual is dedicated to a major topic. Use the Print button on the browser toolbar to print the page contents. • Printing a Chapter. Use the PDF of This Chapter link at the top left of any page. – Click the PDF of This Chapter link at the t
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 1-4 Ab ou t Th is M anu al 202-10099-01, April 2005
Chapter 2 Introduction ® Congratulations on your purchase of the NETGEAR 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6. The WGR614 v6 router provides connection for multiple computers to the Internet through an external broadband access device (such as a cable modem or DSL modem) that is normally intended for use by a single computer. This chapter describes the features of the NETGEAR 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6. Key Features The 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 with 4-port switch connects your l
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 • Flash memory for firmware upgrades. 802.11g Wireless Networking The WGR614 v6 router includes an 802.11g wireless access point, providing continuous, high-speed 54 Mbps access between your wireless and Ethernet devices. The access point provides: • 802.11g wireless networking at up to 54 Mbps. • 802.11g wireless networking, with the ability to operate in 802.11g-only, 802.11b-only, or 802.11g and b modes, providing backwards compati
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 • The WGR614 v6 prevents objectionable content from reaching your computers. The router allows you to control access to Internet content by screening for keywords within Web addresses. You can configure the router to log and report attempts to access objectionable Internet sites. Security The WGR614 v6 router is equipped with several features designed to maintain security, as described in this section. • Computers Hidden by NAT NAT
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 • IP Address Sharing by NAT The WGR614 v6 router allows several networked computers to share an Internet account using only a single IP address, which may be statically or dynamically assigned by your Internet service provider (ISP). This technique, known as NAT, allows the use of an inexpensive single-user ISP account. • Automatic Configuration of Attached computers by DHCP The WGR614 v6 router dynamically assigns network configura
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 • Visual monitoring The WGR614 v6 router’s front panel LEDs provide an easy way to monitor its status and activity. Maintenance and Support NETGEAR offers the following features to help you maximize your use of the WGR614 v6 router: • Flash memory for firmware upgrades. • Free technical support seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, for 90 days from the date of purchase. Package Contents The product package should contain the fol
Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 The Router’s Front Panel The front panel of the WGR614 v6 router contains the status lights described below. Figure 2-1: WGR614 v6 Front Panel You can use the status lights to verify connections. Viewed from left to right, the table below describes the lights on the front panel of the router. Table 2-1. Status Light Descriptions Label Activity Description P ower O n A m b er B linking P ower is su p p lied to th e rou ter a