HP 3000 Business Servers Networking
HP SNA Services (30292B):
- SNA NRJE Network Remote Job Entry
¥ SNA NRJE is able is able to
communicate with JES2, JES3, and
- SNA IMF/iX Interactive Mainframe Facility
VSE/POWER host job entry subsystems.
¥ Automatically route job output based
- LU 6.2 Application Programming Interface
on destinations selected by the user at
- SNA Distributed Host Command Facility/iX
the time of job submittal - ÒJob
¥ Automatically route output based on
2 SNA NRJE/iX requires the installation and use executing NRJE intrinsics. MPE commands of SNA/SDLC Link/iX (30291A), SNA/Token can be executed in the middle of SNA NRJE Ring Link/iX (J2249A, requires MPE/iX operations. The HP 3000 will concurrently Release 5.0 or later) or SNA/X.25 Link/iX process user applications and data (30298A), SNA NRJE/V requires SNA Link/V communications with an IBM mainframe. (30246A). SNA/SDLC Link/iX, SNA/Token Ring Link/iX, SNA X.25 Link/iX, and SNA In addition t
3 The Output Management feature of SNA Product Requirements NRJE allows users to have job output routed based on the form selected by the user’s host Both SNA NRJE/iX and SNA NRJE/V require an JCL and a Lookup Table which provides a IBM System/370-compatible mainframe (Model mapping between host form names and HP 370, 30xx or 43xx) with an IBM 37xx 3000 file equations. Again default forms will communications controller. The following be used if none are indicated. software must be running on t
4 HP will support certain versions, releases, Installation and Configuration Policy modifications, and Product Temporary Fix (PTF) levels of the above software. The SNA NRJE is customer installable. However, Network Implementations Support Plan Hewlett-Packard will perform minimum (NISP) will help the customer engineer configuration of SNA NRJE in order to verify determine support requirements in advance of minimum product functionality. These tasks SNA NRJE in a particular network. performed
5 • Updating the HP 3000 system to the proper HP effort spent on problems that are not release level and installing the SNA NRJE caused by HP installation and configuration software using AUTOINST. Refer to the activities is considered HP Consulting Support HP 3000 MPE/iX Installation and Update and is billable to the customer at normal HP Manual (36123-90001) for MPE/iX systems time-and-materials rates. or the HP 3000 Software Update Manual (32033-90036) for MPE V systems. System Environment •
6 Features SNA IMF/iX Interactive ¥ SNA IMF/iX and an SNA Link product Mainframe Facility allow the HP 3000 to emulate the base function set of an IBM 3270 control unit The SNA Interactive Mainframe Facility/iX (SNA IMF/iX) using SNA (PU2 or 2.1, LU1, 2, 3) product provides IBM 3270 device emulation for protocols. Hewlett-Packard terminals, printers, and HP 3000 Series ¥ Other HP SNA service products can all 900 systems. (SNA IMF/V, P/N 30247A, provides similar be supported simultaneously over
7 applications via intrinsics. The customer’s application Features (continued) program decides which intrinsics to call. In Pass Thru mode, an HP-written application program on the HP ¥ SNA IMF/iX allows programs on an HP 3000 to communicate with 3000 also emulates IBM 3270 terminals and printers, programs o the host system, through exchanging data with host applications via intrinsics. In a set of high-level intrinsics. Pass Thru mode, the selection of which intrinsics to call Programs may b
8 Program access is accomplished through use written for use with IBM 3270 controllers will of a set of intrinsics that are powerful work with SNA IMF/iX with little or no procedures, which perform the low-level task modification. For customers who are in the of decoding the data streams. process of changing from centralized to distributed processing, this feature helps (Table 1 provides a list of available intrinsics.) provide a smooth transition. The intrinsics can be used with the intrinsics
9 Table 2. Using the Pass Thru mode does not require 3270 Typewriter Keyboard the use of dedicated terminals. HP 700/96 Keyboard Program Function Keys User specifies by typing desired program function The Pass Thru mode of SNA IMF/iX is mot number or through user- intended as a replacement for real IBM 3270 defined configuration of devices. HP function keys. FIELD MARK, TEST REQ, No equivalent on HP For HP terminals being used in the Pass Thru CURSOR BLINK, ALT terminals CURSOR, IDENT, DEV mode,
10 • SNA IMF/iX does not support the numeric 50% performance improvement in Pass lock feature. Thru mode and greater functionality over • Pass Thru mode does not support slave other terminals. printers (printers attached to terminals). – HP 700/96 – HP Vectra Functional Specifications – PC with Reflection 7 PLUS Version 3.3 (or later) • SNA IMF/iX emulates the base function set • In Pass Thru mode, non-MDT terminals are of the IBM 3274 terminal controller; the not supported with all host applic
11 • Link Level Message encoding: Installation and Configuration Policy – SNA IMF/iX supports both NRZ and NRZI encoding. The customer is responsible for loading the • Access to the SNA IMF/iX intrinsics in pro- SNA IMF/iX software onto the system. grammatic mode is provided in capability- mode as well as native-mode with the use of Hewlett-Packard will perform minimum HP-provided switch stubs. configuration of SNA IMF/iX in order to verify • In Pass Thru mode, terminals configured as minimum p
12 • Verifying that all of the necessary software Network Startup includes implementation modules have been successfully installed by scheduling and coordination assistance, AUTOINST and are at the network configuration and verification testing, NMMAINT.PUB.SYS utility. and network documentation. • Performing full system backups as neces- sary and ensuring that the HP 3000 system System Environment and personnel with the HP 3000 system management knowledge are available when SNA IMF/iX is availa
13 Features LU 6.2 Application Programming Interface ¥ HP LU 6.2 API provides: ¥ High-level Intrinsics ¥ Support for Major Languages This data sheet describes HP LU 6.2 API (Application ¥ Support for IBM Applications Programming Interface) for both MPE V and MPE/iX ¥ Multiple Sessions operating systems. The term HP LU 6.2 API is used to ¥ Peer-to-peer Connectivity refer to both HP LU 6.2 API/V and HP LU 6.2 API/iX ¥ Parallel Sessions products. The terms HP LU 6.2 API/V and HP LU 6.2 ¥ Support
14 for the HP 3000. These HP SNA products HP LU 6.2 API provides may all be running simultaneously over the same SNA Link/V, SNA/SDLC Link/iX, • High-level Intrinsics: HP 3000 program- SNA/Token Ring Link/iX* or SNA/X.25 mers can use a set of high-level intrinsics to Link/iX to the SNA network. The SNA Link implement program-to-program communica- products manage the physical link to the tion in an SNA network. IBM host and implement protocols in the • Support for Major Languages: lower three l
15 LU 6.2 API intrinsics are summarized in the Functional Description following table. HP LU 6.2 API provides a set of high-level LU 6.2 API Intrinsics Summary intrinsics for application programmers to use Intrinsics Function for program-to-program communication MCALLOCATE Establishes a mapped conversation between an HP 3000 application program and between two TPs. an application program running on an IBM MCCONFIRM Sends a confirmation request to the host mainframe. HP LU 6.2 API/iX also pro-
16 If connecting to an IBM mainframe: Product Requirements An HP 3000 Series 900 running a supported release of MPE/iX. The SNA/SDLC Link/iX Requirements for IBM mainframe hardware product (30291A), SNA/Token Ring Link/iX and software are the same for both HP LU 6.2 product (J2167B) or the SNA/X.25 Link/iX API/V and HP LU 6.2 API/iX. product (36939B). IBM Mainframe Hardware Requirements: If connecting to an IBM AS/400: • An IBM System/370 mainframe. This may be An HP 3000 Series 900 running M
17 – Physical network map identifying relevant Additional Implementation network hardware components. Assistance • Verifying that the necessary host mainframe or AS/400 software is installed and config- For implementation needs that go beyond ured to support HP LU 6.2 API. The cus- installation, the customer can either provide tomer should consult the “HP SNA Products self-support, or can purchase additional Remote System Configuration Guide” services from HP. These services include (P/N J222
18 Features SNA Distributed Host Command Facility ¥ SNA DHCF/iX provides IBM 3270 display stations with HP terminal The HP SNA Distributed Host Command Facility/iX (HP capabilities including support for TTY- SNA DHCF/iX) software product provides IBM mainframe mode (simple ASCII) applications and users who use IBM 3270 display stations with interactive many VPLUS applications. access to an HP 3000 Series 900 system. Together with ¥ VPLUS has been optimized for the IBM Host Command Facility (HCF
19 When the VPLUS forms have been designed Functional Description and are ready to be compiled, the applications designer will select the “IBM 3270” box in the HP SNA DHCF/iX is a software product that Terminal Selection Menu of FORMSPEC, in provides an IBM 3270 display station with addition to any HP terminal options normally access to applications on an HP 3000. SNA selected, in order to include the IBM 3270 DHCF/iX emulates many features of a format in the VPLUS forms file. Please note remote
20 HP 3000 applications that use special screen- If the target application violates any of these mode or block-mode features that are specific restrictions, then it is not supported by SNA to HP terminals are not supported. Some of DHCF/iX. An error condition will be returned these restrictions include: to the application when an unsupported feature is used. Prior to installation of SNA • HP terminal escape sequences used for cur- DHCF/iX, target HP 3000 applications should sor positioning, term