V9 Cast Iron Commercial Water or Steam Boiler
447 to 2367 MBH Input
Oil, Gas, or Oil/Gas Combination
30, 50, or 80 PSI
Cast Iron Sectional Design
Water or Steam
Top or Rear Venting
Exclusive Optional SBC Boiler Control
Ð M aximizes System Efficiency
V9 Series Cast Iron Commercial Water or Steam Boiler Cast Iron Commercial Water or Steam Boiler Your Commercial Heating Solution! Available in ten sizes with gross output ratings from 347 to Installation & Service Flexibility 1900 MBH, the V9 Series fires gas , oil or combination gas/oil The cast iron sectional design of the V9 boiler mak es it easy to and is available equipped with either steam or water trim. The maneuver through doorways and into the boiler room. In addi- product mee
V9 Series - Hot Water or Steam Boiler Maximum Allowable Working pressure (MAWp): 80 pSI-Water; 15 pSI-Steam Top or Rear Outlet Front Mounted Controls with adjustable lock-type for easy adjustment damper (not shown); includes and maintenance plugged tapping for outlet pressure readings Removable Side Jacket panels Easy access to all cleanouts and flue surfaces Cast Iron Vertical Design with pinned heating surface for maximum heat extraction Optional Tankless Heater Provides
ª SBC Boiler Control System exclusive Optional Feature for Burnham Commercial Boilers SBC Integrated Boiler Control System The Burnham Commercial SBC is a complete boiler monitoring and automation system. Available as an option, this exclusive feature was developed by Burnham Commercial engineers and is designed specifically for use on Burnham Commercial boilers. Designed to maximize system efficiency and minimize energy usage Easily connected to building management systems The SBC
V9 Series Dimensions BURneR MOUnTInG pLATe/ BURneR DIMenSIOn* AppROX. AppROX. ASSeMB. K.D. BLR/ BeCKeTT CARLIn pOWeRFLAMe WeBSTeR # OF MAX. FLUe SeCTIOn SHIp BOILeR # OF STeAM HeATeRS OUTLeT 'CF' 'CG' 'JR.' 'C' 'JB' WeIGHT WeIGHT MODeL SeCTIOnS 'A' 'B' RISeRS 'C' 'D' 'e' DIA. 'F' 'G'/'H' 'G'/'H' 'G'/'H' 'G'/'H' 'G'/'H' 'G'/'H' LBS. LBS. ** V903A 3 18-1/4 12 1 Ñ 9-1/8 1 7 8 / 9-3/4 8 / 20-7/8 8 / 23-1/4 8 / 20-1/8 Ñ Ñ 908 1278 V904A 4 24-1/4 18 1 Ñ 12-1/8 1 7 8 / 11-3/4 8 / 21-5/8 8 / 23-1/4
V9 Series Piping Recommendations Water and Steam WATeR BOILeR pIpInG To be used when system return water is not less than 135° F for prolonged periods of time and system flow does not impact flow through the boiler ReTURn pIpInG SIZe (In.) NO TES: SUppLy pIpInG SIZe ReTURn ReTURn BRAnCH 1. All piping is schedule 40. (In.) (1) ReTURn (2) HeADeR (2A) (QTy.) SIZe (2B) 2. Pipe sizes listed are based on a 20°F or 40°F differential (temperature drop). Select one to match application. 20¡F
V9 Series Burner Schedule V9 Series Burners OIL BURneRS OIL BURneRS BeCKeTT CARLIn pOWeR FLAMe WeBSTeR BOILeR BURneR BURneR BURneR BURneR MODeL MODeL H.p. MODeL H.p. MODeL H.p. MODeL H.p. V903A CF500 1/3 301CRD 1/4 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ V904A CF800 1/3 301CRD 1/4 C1-OS 1/3 Ñ Ñ V905A CF800 1/3 301CRD 1/4 C1-OS 1/3 JB1O-02 1/4 V906A CF1400 1/2 702CRD 1/2 C1-OS 1/2 JB1O-03 1/3 V907A CF1400 1/2 702CRD 1/2 C1-OS 1/2 JB1O-03 1/3 V908A CF1400 1/2 702CRD 1/2 C2-O AS 3/4 JB1O-03 1/3 V909A CF2300A 3/4 801CRD 3/4 C2-O
V9 Series Ratings & equipment Listing neT I=B=R RATInGS (2) (3) BURneR InpUT neT pReSSURe GROSS FIReBOX In FIReBOX STeAM BOILeR OUTpUT WATeR OIL GAS VOLUMe (In. WTR. I=B=R VenT MODeL (1) BOILeR H.p. MBH (2) MBH SQ. FT. MBH (GpH) (4) (MBH) (CU. FT) COLUMn) DIA. (In.) V-903A 10.3 347 260 1083 302 3.1 447 3.2 .33 7 V-904A 14.4 483 362 1508 420 4.2 606 4.8 .38 7 V-905A 19.3 646 485 2021 562 5.6 808 6.4 .31 8 V-906A 24.1 808 606 2525 703 7.0 1010 7.9 .38 8 V-907A 28.6 959 719 2996 834 8.3 1198 9.