User Manual
Digital I/O Board for the IBM PC/XT/AT
September 1995 Edition
Part Number 320288B-01
© Copyright 1989, 1995 National Instruments Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
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Limited Warranty The PC-DIO-24 is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period. This warranty includes parts and labor. The media on which you receive National Instruments software are warranted not to fail to execute programming instructions, due to defects in
WARNING REGARDING MEDICAL AND CLINICAL USE OF NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PRODUCTS National Instruments products are not designed with components and testing intended to ensure a level of reliability suitable for use in treatment and diagnosis of humans. Applications of National Instruments products involving medical or clinical treatment can create a potential for accidental injury caused by product failure, or by errors on the part of the user or application designer. Any use or application of Nati
FCC/DOC Radio Frequency Interference Compliance This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in strict accordance with the instructions in this manual, may cause interference to radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the following two regulatory agencies: Federal Communications Commission This device complies with Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules for a Class A digital device.
Contents About This Manual xi ............................................................................................................. Organization of This Manual xi ......................................................................................... Conventions Used in This Manual xii ..................................................................
Contents Chapter 4 Register-Level Programming 4-1 ......................................................................................... Introduction 4-1 .................................................................................................................... 82C55A Modes of Operation 4-1 ......................................................................................... Mode 0 4-2 ...............................................................................................
Contents Figures Figure 1-1. The Relationship between the Programming Environment, NI-DAQ, and Your Hardware 1-3 ................................................................................................... Figure 2-1. PC-DIO-24 Parts Locator Diagram 2-2 ................................................................... Figure 2-2. Example Base I/O Address Switch Settings 2-3 ..................................................... Figure 2-3. Jumper Settings–PC6, PC4, PC2, and N/C 2-4 ...
About This Manual This manual describes the mechanical and electrical aspects of the PC-DIO-24 and contains information concerning its operation and programming. The PC-DIO-24 is a 24-bit parallel, digital I/O interface designed around an 82C55A programmable peripheral interface (PPI). The PC-DIO-24 is a member of the National Instruments PC Series of PC I/O Channel expansion boards for
About This Manual • The Index alphabetically lists the topics in this manual, including the page where you can find each one. Conventions Used in This Manual The following conventions are used in this manual. bold Bold text denotes menus, menu items, or dialog box buttons or options. bold italic Bold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning. italic Italic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a key concept. monospace Lowercase text in this font denotes text or ch
About This Manual • Your SCXI hardware user manuals—If you are using SCXI, read these manuals next for detailed information about signal connections and module configuration. They also explain in greater detail how the module works and contain application hints. • Your DAQ hardware user manuals—These manuals have detailed information about the DAQ hardware that plugs into or is connected to your computer. Use these manuals for hardware installation and configuration instructions, specification
Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter describes the PC-DIO-24, lists what you need to get started, describes software programming choices, optional equipment, and custom cables, and explains how to unpack the PC-DIO-24. About the PC-DIO-24 Thank you for purchasing the National Instruments PC-DIO-24. The PC-DIO-24 is a low cost, 24-bit parallel, digital I/O interface for the PC. An OKI 82C5
Introduction Chapter 1 With the PC-DIO-24, the PC can serve as a digital I/O system controller for laboratory testing, production testing, and industrial process monitoring and control. Detailed specifications of the PC-DIO-24 are in Appendix A, Specifications. What You Need to Get Started To set up and use your PC-DIO-24, you will need the following: PC-DIO-24 board PC-DIO-24 User Manual One of the following software packages and documentation: NI-DAQ for PC compatibles LabVIEW for Windows LabW
Chapter 1 Introduction NI-DAQ Driver Software The NI-DAQ driver software is included at no charge with all National Instruments DAQ hardware. NI-DAQ is not packaged with SCXI or accessory products, except for the SCXI-1200. NI-DAQ has an extensive library of functions that you can call from your application programming environment. These functions include routines for analog input (A/D conversion), buffered data acquisition (high-speed A/D conversion), analog output (D/A conversion), waveform ge
Introduction Chapter 1 Register-Level Programming The final option for programming any National Instruments DAQ hardware is to write register- level software. Writing register-level programming software can be very time-consuming and inefficient, and is not recommended for most users. Even if you are an experienced register-level programmer, consider using NI-DAQ, LabVIEW, or LabWindows/CVI to program your National Instruments DAQ hardware. Using the NI-DAQ, LabVIEW, or LabWindows/CVI software i
Chapter 1 Introduction • Electronic Products Division/3M (part number 3425-7650) • T&B/Ansley Corporation (part number 609-5041CE) The standard ribbon cable (50-conductor, 28 AWG, stranded) that can be used with these connectors is as follows: • Electronic Products Division/3M (part number 3365/50) • T&B/Ansley Corporation (part number 171-50) Recommended manufacturer part numbers for the 50-pin edge connector for connecting to a module rack with an edge connector are as follows: • Electronic Pr
Introduction Chapter 1 Unpacking Your PC-DIO-24 board is shipped in an antistatic package to prevent electrostatic damage to the board. Electrostatic discharge can damage several components on the board. To avoid such damage in handling the board, take the following precautions: • Ground yourself via a grounding strap or by holding a grounded object. • Touch the antistatic package to a metal part of your PC chassis before removing the board from the package. • Remove the board from the package
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation This chapter describes how to configure and install the PC-DIO-24, including I/O connector signal descriptions, handshake timing diagrams, and cabling instructions. Board Configuration The PC-DIO-24 contains one DIP switch and two jumpers to configure the base I/O address and interrupts, respectively. The PC-DIO-24 also contains one fuse to protect
Configuration and Installation Chapter 2 1 2
4 3 1U2 2W1 3F1 4W2 Figure 2-1. PC-DIO-24 Parts Locator Diagram Base I/O Address Settings The base I/O address for the PC-DIO-24 is determined by the switches at position U2 (see Figure 2-1). The switches are set at the factory for the I/O address hex 210. With this default setting, the PC-DIO-24 uses the I/O address space hex 210 through 213. Note: Verify that this space is not already used by other equipment installed
Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation U2 DIP switches, press the side marked OFF to select a binary value of 1 for the corresponding address bit. Press the other side of the switch to select a binary value of 0 for the corresponding address bit. Figure 2-2 shows two possible switch settings. The black side indicates the side that is pushed down. 123 45 678 O N O F F U2 A. Switches Set to Default Setting (Base I/O Address Hex 210) 123 45 678 O N O F F U2 B. Switches Set to Base I/O Address