Install a Disk and Connect the SC101T Install the SC101T Software
Warning: Be sure the SC101T power cord is Note: This software must be installed on each PC that will access the
unplugged before adding or removing the disks. Storage Central Node.
Storage Central SC101T
Failure to observe this precaution could render your
disks useless.
The instructions below explain how to set up a single
Installation Overview
1. Insert the NETGEAR CD into your PC. If this screen does not
disk. Repeat thes
Allocate Storage Troubleshooting Tips Technical Support Note: If you enable sharing, each computer on the network that will share the drive must Here are some tips for correcting simple problems you may have. Thank you for selecting NETGEAR products. After completing the Smart Wizard have the SC101T software installed. configuration assistant, locate the serial number on the bottom label of your product and 1. Use the Storage Central Manager Wizard Setup option. Click Next to proceed. use i