July 2003
30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET
General Description Features
This N-Channel MOSFET is produced using Fairchild
• 46 A, 30 V R = 12 mΩ @ V = 10 V
Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench process that
R = 14 mΩ @ V = 4.5 V
has been especially tailored to minimize the on state
resistance and yet maintain low gate charge for
• Low gate charge
superior switching performance.
• Fast Switching Speed
• DC/DC converter
• High performance trench
FDD6690A Electrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units Drain-Source Avalanche Ratings (Note 2) E Drain-Source Avalanche Energy Single Pulse, V = 15 V, I = 12A 180 mJ AS DD D I Drain-Source Avalanche Current 12 A AS Off Characteristics BV Drain–Source Breakdown Voltage V = 0 V, I = 250 μA 30 V DSS GS D ΔBVDSS Breakdown Voltage Temperature 24 I = 250 μA,Referenced to 25°C mV/°C D Coefficient ΔT J I DSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Cur
FDD6690A Electrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units Drain–Source Diode Characteristics and Maximum Ratings I Maximum Continuous Drain–Source Diode Forward Current 2.3 A S V Drain–Source Diode Forward Voltage V = 0 V, I = 2.3 A (Note 2) 0.76 1.2 V SD GS S I = 12 A, d /d = 100 A/µs F iF t t Diode Reverse Recovery Time 24 nS rr Q Diode Reverse Recovery Charge 13 nC rr Notes: 1. R is the sum of the junction-to-case and case-to
FDD6690A Typical Characteristics 100 1.8 V = 10.0V 4.5V GS V = 3.5V GS 6.0V 5.0V 4.0V 1.6 80 1.4 4.0V 60 4.5V 3.5V 5.0V 1.2 40 6.0V 10.0V 1 20 3.0V 0.8 0 0 20 40 60 80 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 I , DRAIN CURRENT (A) D V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) DS Figure 1. On-Region Characteristics Figure 2. On-Resistance Variation with Drain Current and Gate Voltage 1.6 0.03 I = 12A D I = 6A D V = 10V GS 1.4 0.025 1.2 0.02 o T = 125 C A 1 0.015 o T = 25 C A 0.8 0.01 0.6 0.005 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 2 4 6 8
FDD6690A Typical Characteristics 10 1800 f = 1MHz I = 12 A D V = 0 V V = 10V GS DS 20V 1500 8 C iss 1200 15V 6 900 4 600 C oss 2 300 C rss 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 Q , GATE CHARGE (nC) V , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) g DS Figure 7. Gate Charge Characteristics Figure 8. Capacitance Characteristics 1000 100 SINGLE PULSE R = 96°C/W θJA R LIMIT 100µs DS(ON) 100 80 T = 25°C A 1ms 10ms 10 100ms 60 1s 10 1 40 DC V = 4.5V GS SINGLE PULSE o R = 96 C/W 0.1 θJA 20 o T = 25 C A 0.01 0 0.1 1 10
TRADEMARKS The following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks. ACEx™ LittleFET™ Power247™ SuperSOT™-6 FACT Quiet Series™ ActiveArray™ MICROCOUPLER™ PowerTrench SuperSOT™-8 FAST Bottomless™ MicroFET™ QFET SyncFET™ FASTr™ CoolFET™ MicroPak™ QS™ TinyLogic FRFET™ CROSSVOLT™ MICROWIRE™ QT Optoelectronics™ TINYOPTO™ GlobalOptoisolator™ DOME™ MSX™ Quiet Series™ TruTrans