Quick Start Guide AXR-IRSM+ Swivel-Mount Remote IR Receiver Overview IR SNSR IR SNSR The AXR-IRSM+ (FIG. 1) is a remote IR receiver for use with both AMX 38/455 38/455 Axcess/NetLinx Central Controllers and operates via the AXlink bus to kHz kHz remotely control AXlink devices. The AXR-IRSM+ is in a swivel-mount Setting for 38 kHz Setting for 455 kHz enclosure for wall or ceiling installations. The AXR-IRSM+ (FG454-01) works with AMX 38 kHz or 455 kHz IR transmitters. FIG. 3 Receive frequen
consumption limits, you can connect a local 12 VDC power supply to the Checking IR Data Status AXlink connector. Locate the red IR Data LED on the front of the unit (FIG. 1). Point the system's AMX transmitter towards the sensor and press a button. The IR Preparing Captive Wires Data LED lights when the unit receives data. You will need a wire stripper and a flat-blade screwdriver to prepare the If the IR Data LED does not light: captive wires: Verify that the transmit LED on the transmitt