MP3 Player
S D / M M C
F o r C u s t o m e r s i n U . S . A . o r C a n a d a If you have any questions about this product, you can email to support@astone.com.hk R e g u l a t o r y I n f o rm a t i o n : NIVA This device complies with part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. F C C N o t i c e : This equipment has
F o r C u s t o m e r s o u t s i d e U S A If you have any question about this product, you can email to support@astone.com.hk F o r C u s t o m e r s i n E u r o p e This product conforms to the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) This product complies with EN55022/A1:2000 and EN 55024/A1:2001 for use in the following areas: residential, commercial and light industrial. Niva - 2 - www.astone.com.au
C on t e n t s P r e f ac e..............................................................................................................................................04 L i ab i l i t y e xe m p t i on s t at e m e n t........................................................................................................05 I m p or t an t.........................................................................................................................................06 S af e t y p r e
P r e f a c e Thank you for purchasing NIVA MP3 Player with SD/MMC. Before using this device, read carefully all the instructions in this user manual and keep it for future reference. Astone introduces this new NIVA MP3 player that uses SD/MMC memory cards to play your favorite. You can also use it as a traditional key chain storage device. Just plug it into your computer and save or download whatever files you desire. We try to provide products with appearance identical to the pictures included
L i a b i l i t y E x e m p t i o n S t a t e m e n t 1. All the information written in this manual was produced with our company's careful caution, but there still may be some mistakes. Astone will not be responsible for this maybe mistakes. 2. As we can't control users' understanding of this manual, Astone Holdings Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for any accident or other loss caused by misunderstanding of this manual. We shall not be held responsible either for any loss caused by using t
Important 1. Do not drop the player or give a hard impact, it could cause malfunction. 2. Do not subject the player to high temperature or direct sunlight. 3. Keep it far away from humidity or damp. 4. Do not disassemble it by yourself. 5. Use dry cloth to clean the device. 6. Keep it away from the chemicals such as benzene or diluents. 7. Take the battery out if the device is not in use for a long period of time. When the battery is firstly inserted or USB connection is disconnected, the unit
S a f e ty P r e c a u t i o n Before using this device, read carefully and understand all safety instructions included in this chapter, and observe them strictly when using to ensure that the device provides you with pleasure and entertainment for a long period of time. 1. Read carefully through this manual, and fully understand all the operation instructions and warnings of this device. 2. Check if the contents in the packing comply with the packing list. If not, contact the dealer immediately
Features of the product This device is a new generation of multi-functional MP3 player with SD/MMC, which can play music files (MP3, WMA,WAV). It can also serve as a plug-and-play U disk. This MP3 player supports SD/MMC. Now, we list some features here for your reference. Highlights - Formats: MP3, WMA and WAV - 512M or 1G on board flash memory (depending on version) - MMC/ SD card, up to 2G - Store, playback and transferring of audio and non-audio files. - LCD display VA 30 x 9mm, LED ba
H O L D Niva - 9 - www.astone.com.au H O L D
P l a y m o d e L o ck i n d i ca t o r B a t t e r y i n d i ca t o r S o n g t i t l e M o d e P l a y st a t u s T o t a l so n g n u m b e r i n f o l d e r E l a p se P l a y t i m e S o n g n u m b e r b e i n g p l a ye d R e p e a t o n e R e p e a t A l l R a n d o m I n t r o B a t t e r y i n d i ca t o r Niva - 10 - www.astone.com.au
O p e n t h e b a t t e r y P l a ce o n e A A A b a t t e r y C l o se t h e b a t t e r y d o o r i n t h i s i n t o t h e b a t t e r y d o o r d i r e ct i o n . co m p a r t m e n t . P a y a t t e n t i o n t o t h e p o l a r i t y . G B 1 P l a ce & p u sh yo u r T h e ca r d w i l l b e M M C / S D ca r d i n t h i s p r o t r u d e d a l i t t l e b i t . d i r e ct i o n u n t i l yo u h e a r T h i s i s n o r m a l . P u sh a cl i ck so u n d . P a y i n w a r d s a g a i n t o a t
Operation instructions of function keys Note: Short press-----press the key for less than one second Long press-----press the key for more than one second Under Music and Voice mode Key Operation Stop/pause Play state Enter menu in stop state Enter menu in play state state Play/Stop Long Power off Power off Power off Power off press Short Play Pause Select the option or enter Select the option or enter press the option and exit the option and exit Menu Long Enter record / Enter record mode and /
Under FM Radio mode Key Operation Radio reception state FM menu Play/Stop Long Power off Power off press Short Select the next saved channel Select the option or enter the option and exit press Menu Long Enter FM record mode Enter FM record mode press and start recording and start recording Short Enter FM menu / press Next Long Scan forward continuously Move forward continuously press Short Scan forward step by step Move forward press Prev. Long Scan backward continuously Move backward continuou
Under System Setting mode Key Operation First level selection state Long press Power off Play/Stop Short press Select the option or enter the option and exit Long press Enter record mode and start recording Menu Short press / Long press Move forward continuously Next Short press Move forward Prev. Long press Move backward continuously Short press Move backward Long press / Vol. + Short press / Long press / Vol. - Short press / Niva - 14 - www.astone.com.au
Under Folder Selection mode Press menu during stop state, press to select local folder or card folder then press Play/Stop to enter local folder or card folder. Key Operation Selection state Long press Power off Play/Stop Short press Select and enter the folder and exit Long press / Menu Short press / Long press / Next Short press Enter sub folder Prev. Long press / Short press Exit to previous folder Long press Move to the previous folders continuously Vol. + Short press Move to the previ
C o n n e c t e d t o c o m p u t e r C o m p u t e r s y s t e m r e q u i r e m e n t - Only supports Windows 98 Second Edition, 2000 (SP3 or above), ME, XP (SP1 or above), XP pro and XP home. Other systems are not supported.(Window 98 is not supported) - Pentium II 200MHz - 64 MB RAM - 500MB memory space - CD-Rom drive - USB 1.1 port or above (USB2.0 is recommended) - Connected to internet (necessary only when the firmware has to be upgraded) C o n n e c t e d t o c o m p u t e r v i a U S B
F i l e u p l o a d a n d d o w n l o a d After the device is connected to computer for uploading/downloading, no special operation other than simple "drag-drop" is needed. 1. Double click "my computer" in Windows, you will find a new icon "removable disk", which represents your MP3 player. 2. If you want to download files to the device from your computer, just drag the desired files to "removable disk", which represents your MP3 player. 3. You can also upload the files in your MP3 player to you
Basic Operation Power on Long pressing Play/Stop key to power on. When powered on, it enters Stop state in Music mode. Press Play/Stop key to play music. The Best 02:28 10/13 Notes: 1) If no card is inserted into the device, it will play music on the local folder after powered on. 2) Only insert or remove the card when the device powers off. Otherwise, the data in the device may be crushed or damaged. Astone will not be responsible for data lost or card damaged. Power off Long press P
However, under Stop state in Music mode, press Menu key and there are five options available as below, which you can select by pressing or key and enter by pressing Play/Stop key: - Mode - Local Folder - Card Folder (If a card is inserted) - Delete File - Exit Folder browsing When selecting Local Folder (internal memory), you can browse the folders by pressing key. Press Play/Stop key to select and press Play/Stop again to play the desired folder. Details, pls refer to pag