Azden Corporation
147 New Hyde Park Road
P.O. Box 10
Franklin Square, NY 11010
vox 516.328.7500 • fax 516.328.7506
azdenus@azdencorp.com • www.azdencorp.com
Rev. 4 © Azden Corp. 2007
14 23 3 15 22 27 2 25 26 24 9 19 13 10 18 21 9 1 20 17 4 16 13 12 11 8 7 5 6 FMX-42 SPECIFICATIONS Mic (-30 position) Standard -30 dBu (electronically balanced) GENERAL Maximum +4 dBu Frequency Response Balanced or Mic (-50 position) Standard -50 dBu (electronically balanced) Unbalanced Output 20 Hz - 30 kHz (+0 / -1.5 dB) Maximum -11 dBu Monitor Output 30 Hz - 30 kHz (+0 / -2 dB) Impedance Signal-To-Noise Line 20 k ohm Balanced Output -120 dBu (A weighted, Input Equivalen
OUTPUTS and SETTINGS INTRODUCTION: Thank you for purchasing Azden’s FMX-42 4-channel field mixer. The FMX-42 has Monitor “LEVEL” and “MONITOR” Output Jack: many unique features, making it very important to read and understand this manual The “MONITOR” “LEVEL” (22) adjusts the volume of headphones connected to the completely before use. Designed to work with most microphones that have a low- “MONITOR” output jack (23). Zero is the lowest (quietest) setting, 10 is the highest impedance XLR output
“INPUT LEVEL” Settings: “+4”, “-30 dBu”, “-50 dBu” “PAN” control left will decrease the sound output in the “R”ight channel. Moving the Each input channel of the FMX-42 has its own level setting (7). Select the input level “PAN” control right will decrease the sound output in the “L”eft channel. that is best suited for the microphone, wireless receiver or line-level audio compo- nent that you are connecting to each input. The “+4” setting is for line-level audio, “- “LIMITER” Switch: 30 dBu” and