Introduction 2
I. Hardware Bag Contents & Tool List 3
II. Attaching the Wheels 3
III. Install Rear Refl ectors 4
IV. Setting Up & Folding
Your Burley Nomad 5
V. Hitching Your Nomad to the Bi cy cle 10
VI. Trailer Maintenance and Care 12
VII. Safety Guidelines
Congratulations! ® You’ve just pur chased a Burley trailer, the lead ing choice of dis crim i nat ing bi cy cle trailer own ers world wide. Every ef fort has been made to ensure your purchase is of top quality and proven design, ready to provide you with many years and thou sands of miles of happy, safe trailering. IMPORTANT: Because some of the features and guidelines for using the Burley Nomad merit close attention, it is very im portant that y ou fa mil iar ize yourself with the trailer
I. Hardware Bag Contents and Tool List IMPORTANT: Please verify that you have received all of the con tents listed. Do not pro ceed with as sem bly if any parts are missing; contact Bur ley im me di ate ly for replacement parts. Hardware Bag Contents Rear refl ectors: (2) Refl ector bracket Tools Required: (2) Self-tapping Phillips screw, bracket Phillips screwdriver (2) Rear refl ector, red Flat blade screwdriver (2) Self-tapping slotted screw, refl ector Roll-ba
Wheel axle assembly inserts into hollow trailer axle Once the wheels are fully seated in the hollow axle, the quick-release laver should be positioned so that it is aimed to the rear of the trailer in the “CLOSED” position (the lever is marked for OPEN or CLOSED positions). The wheel quick-release/axle assembly comes preadjusted from Burley. Make sure wheels are held securely, with wheel shaft fully inserted into the hollow axle. You should not be able to rock or shift wheels. Improperly
The refl ector brackets mount on the outside of each side panel, 2.5” up from the plastic connec- tor on the side panel. The holes for the mounting screws are covered by the fabric. 2.5” First, insert the screw into the refl ector bracket and drive the Phillips-head self-tapping screws through the fabric into the holes provided to mount the bracket. (Don’t worry; this won’t harm the fabric.) right Then mount the red refl ectors onto the brack- rear ets with the slotted-head, self-tapp
All four side-panel hold-downs must be snapped in place before using trailer. Otherwise side rails can shift or collapse resulting in loss of cargo. Side Rail Side Rail Side Rail Guide Side Panel Hold-Down (Snapped in Place) Side Panel Hold-Down (Flipped Open) Side Rail Side Rail Side Rail Guide Side Panel Hold-Down Side Panel Hold-Down (Snapped in Place) (Flipped Open) 6 Burley Nomad Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
Install Tailgate and Splashguard Snap the tailgate into place as shown in the illustration below. Start by ensuring there is suffi cient slack in the 1” webbing to allow you to loop the webbing over the side panel and lock it into place in the corresponding side release buckle sewn to the inside of the side panel. Repeat for the other side of the tailgate. In a similar fashion, attach the front splashguard to the front side panels. The tailgate and splashguard are adjustable to accommoda
Install Roll Bar and Cover 1. Locate the two roll-bar knobs in the hard ware bag, and the tonneau cover. 2. Lay the cover over the side rails so that it is right side out and oriented so the end with “Burley” and “Nomad” is at the front of the trailer. 3. Next, slip one of the roll-bar knobs through one of the grom mets on the cov er. Slide roll bar through the casing in the top of the mesh divider. 4. Align one end of the roll bar with its cor respond ing hole on the si
Install Tongue To fa cil i tate tongue in stal la tion, tip your Bur ley Nomad frame onto its back end. If you are working on a rough or dirty surfac e, lay down a cloth or other protective barrier. Installing your Burley Nomad tongue involves four simple steps (see the following illustrations): 1. Slide the tongue onto the piv ot pin at the left front. 2. Remove the hairpin cotter and lock pin from the front tongue re cep ta cle, rotate the tongue up into place, and snap it into the t
Installing the Safety Flag Insert the fl ag into the webbing strip on the outside of the left panel. Folding Your Burley Nomad Folding your Burley No mad is ba si cal ly the re verse of set ting it up. Fa mil iar ize your self with set ting up the trail er as out lined in this sec tion above. To knock down your trail er: 1. Remove the safety fl ag. 2. Remove the tongue by pulling out the hairpin cotter and lock pin and reversing the process previously described. 3. Unscrew the rol
Make sure that the cone is wedged se cure ly into the stays. The knob should be fi nger- tight; do not overtighten. The hitch should not move, but should al low the bicycle complete move ment, in clud ing lying it down on the ground. It should clear any racks, bags, or fi t tings you have on your bicycle. If there is any interference, contact your Burley dealer. . IMPORTANT: Remove trailer from your bicycle when it’s not in use to pre vent deforming the plastic hitch. B A Do not operate traile
Do not use or store trailer at tem per a tures below 32˚ Fahrenheit as hitch rubber fl ex con nec tor can become brittle and pos si bly break, caus ing an accident re sult ing in serious injury. VI. Trailer Maintenance and Care Hitch and Tongue Maintenance Your trailer is designed for low main te nance and easy care. Clean and grease the eyebolt threads on the hitch pe ri od i cal ly to ensure that the eyebolt knob can be pr op er ly tight ened . Because of ultraviolet deg ra da tion, we r
VII. Safety Guidelines Bicycling with a trailer is different from bicycling without one, in ways which aren’t always obvious. It is therefore essential that you read and understand all of the following safety guide lines—in addition to the warnings and instructions in the previous sections—prior to using your trailer. Before loaning your trailer to others, make sure they too un der stand its proper, safe use. Contact your dealer or Burley if any of these in struc tions are unclear. Bicycli
Prevent Trailer Tip Over Just like automobile and mo tor cy cle trailers, bicycle trail ers can tip over. To avoid over turn ing: Do not pull your trail er over curbs or hit holes or other obstructions in the road. Do not make high-speed turns or de scents when pulling the trail er. Always corner with caution at 5 m.p.h. or less, as the trailer can not lean into a turn the way a bicycle can. Do not under any circumstances travel faster than 15 m.p.h.—all road ir reg u lar i ties and your sl
Avoid Riding in Traffi c We recommend against riding in traffi c. If you must ride in traffi c, do not pull your trailer on highways, busy streets, or on streets unsafe for bicycling with children. Never assume that you will be given the right-of-way, even if it is legally yours. Use care when pulling your trail er on bike routes or along bike lanes, especially at in t er sec tions . Ride on Clean, Paved Surfaces Your Burley Nomad is not intended for off-road use. Any bumps or irregularitie
not react to it appropriately. If you must ride at night, wear bright, refl ective clothing, use a bright headlight and a red blinking tail light on your bike. Do not operate without properly attached refl ectors; replace cracked or missing refl ectors. Wear Helmets Numerous studies have shown that: Head injury is the leading cause of bicycling fatalities; and, Helmets prevent or reduce bi cy clists’ head injuries. Proper Wheels and Tires are Essential Use only th
VIII. Safety Checklists Before Each Ride, Ensure the Following: √ Wheels tightly attached √ Tire pressure 30–35 P.S.I. √ Hitch properly secured with safety strap in place √ Roll bar, tongue, and side rails securely attached √ Maximum load 100 lbs. √ Bicycle safety check, especially brakes and tires √ Safety fl ag and cover in place Monthly Checklist √ Inspect tongue and hitch for damage, scratches, or loose fasteners √ Inspect tongue pivot for smooth operation √ Inspect frame tubing and
IX. Parts Lists & Drawings Note: Subassemblies are indented. 1 (1)Preassembled Main Frame Assembly 2 (1)Front Main Frame, 1" Aluminum Tube 3 (1)Rear Main Frame, 1" Aluminum Tube 4 (1)Left Frame, 1" Aluminum Tube 5 (1)Right Frame, 1" Aluminum Tube 6 (1)Bag Holder, 3/4" Aluminum Tube 7 (1)Axle Assembly 8 (1)Fabric Bottom Bag 9 (1)Front Tongue Receptacle, Plastic 10 (1)Rear Tongue Receptacle, Pl
23 21 19 17 18 20 16 15 14 10 4 3 13 12 5 2 7 9 1 8 6 11 25 24 22 26 19 Burley Nomad Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
About Burley Design Cooperative Burley has been supplying products to the bicycle industry since 1975. Burley products are designed and man u fac tured at our Eu gene, Oregon shop. As worker-own ers of our cooperatively owned busi ness, we bring an un com mon degree of personal pride and attention to our work. Use our products with confi dence and satisfaction! Burley Trailer Limited Warranty Burley will re pair or replace any original equipment parts it de ter - mines to be defective for th