Trek In CITe ACH And ACH dIgITAl
Bicycle Computer Owner’s Manual
This manual explains the installa-
tion and use of the Trek Incite ACH
and ACH Digital bicycle computers.
Please read this manual carefully
and save it for future reference.
If you do not understand the
information in this manual, or you
have a question about your Incite
ACH computer that this manual
does not cover, consult your Trek
dealer. If you have a question or
problem that your Trek dealer can’t
handle, contact us
COnTenTS Safety and general guidelines ......................................................... 1 Functions ......................................................................................... 2 Installation ....................................................................................... 5 Placing the computer on the handlebar...................................... 6 Placing the magnet and sensors ................................................. 8 Positioning of the hear
SAfeTy And gener Al guIdelIne S While riding your bicycle, do not stare at the computer for long periods of time (Figure 1). If you do not watch the road, you could hit an obstacle, which may cause you to lose control and fall. Make sure the computer wire cannot contact the tire or wheel spokes (Figure 2). The wire could be damaged causing the computer to malfunction. Also, the wire could get caught, causing you to lose control and fall. Fgure - Watch the road when rdng. Fgure 2-
funCTIOnS Table - Functon abbrevatons, names and explanatons f unction explanation Al TiTude Heght relatve to sea level. CuR- Current TRP- Trp (snce last Restart) TTl - Total ganed snce last ReSet MAX- Hghest value snce last ReSet effectve range: FT -250 to +3080 M -38 to +9200 CAdenCe Revolutons of the crankset per mnute dsplays n whole numbers Hghest readng: 240. ACH dgtal (only) AVG- Average cadence snce last
GRAde Rato of elevaton gan to dstance expressed as percent- age. CuR- Current +/- ndcates uphll (+) or downhll (-) TRP AVG- Average grade snce last Restart TRP MAX- Maxmum grade snce last Restart HeART RATe Rate of heart n beats per mnute CuR- Current ACH dgtal (only) AVG- Average heart rate snce last ReSet MAX- Maxmum heart rate snce last Restart Zone - Arrows ndcate whether your heart rate s wthn a set zone, above, or
SPeed Always dsplays Current speed of the bcycle n mles per hour (MPH) or klometers per hour (KPH) AVG- Average speed snce last Restart, dsplayed to tenths. MAX- Hghest value snce last Restart Hghest readngs: 80.5 mph or 29.6 kph TeMPeRATuRe Always dsplays Current temperature dsplayed n Fahrenhet or Celsus n whole numbers. l owest readng: -2° F +/-2°, -9° C +/-° Hghest readng: 40° F +/-2°, 60° C +/-° WHeel Always dsp
InSTAllATIOn Stem mount Handlebar Speed sensor Cadence sensor mount Fgure 3- l ocaton on bcycle of sensors and computer Tools needed: • Electrical tape • Slot-type screwdriver • Phillips-type screwdriver • Scissors installaton 5 06 Incite ACH 07_13.indd 5 7/14/06 7:25:56 AM
Placing the computer on the handlebar The Trek Incite ACH computer can be mounted on the handlebar or on the stem (Figure 3). To install the computer on handlebar 1. Select the bar clamp that fits your bike. 31.8mm bars: large clamp 25.4mm and 26.0mm: small clamp 22.2mm bar: small clamp with rubber shim 2. Insert the handlebar clamp into the back of Fgure 4- Clamp and frcton pad the computer base (Figure 4) and slide it n computer base towards the front of the base. 3. Insert the rubbe
Check that the computer base cannot be rotated around the handlebar, and that the computer cannot slide backwards on the computer base (Figure 5). To install the computer on the stem 1. Insert the rubber friction pad into the computer base, aligned along the computer base. 2. Insert two nylon ties through the Fgure 5- Make sure the com- computer base (Figure 6). puter cannot be bounced off. 3. Place the base on the stem and tighten the nylon tie. 4. Slide the computer into the computer
Placing the magnet and sensors The wheel magnet must be aligned so that it passes across the sensor. As the magnet passes the sensor, it must be no further from the sensor than 1 to 3mm (1/32 to 1/8 inch). The wheel magnet has a ‘T’ shaped slot with two configurations: round spokes and flat or bladed spokes (Figure 7). The cadence sensor, with the wire, mounts near the crankset. It must be aligned so that the magnet passes within 1-3mm, and in line with the small line on the sensor (Figu
To install the sensor These instructions are written for the cadence sensor, which goes on the frame’s left chainstay. The instructions apply equally to installing the ACH Digital cadence sensor or the wheel sensor on the fork- where there is no wire on the sensor. 1.0 - 1. Align the sensor with the magnet. 3.0mm The magnet must pass across the line on the sensor (Figure 9). 2. Orient the sensor so that the clearance Fgure 9- Magnet algnment and clearance between the sensor and the ma
5. With the computer in the computer base, check the alignment of the sensor and magnet by spinning the wheel and noting if the computer is displaying cadence (or for the wheel sensor, speed). If the computer shows cadence (RPM) or current speed, the sensor is reading the magnet. If the computer is not displaying a value, realign the sensor and magnet until one is displayed. 6. Tighten the nylon ties and trim the excess length (Figure 11). Fgure - Trm excess nylon te length 0 inst
POSITIOnIng Of THe HeAr T r ATe STr AP To monitor your pulse, or heart rate, you must be wearing the heart rate strap. The strap senses each contraction, or beat, of your heart. The beat is sensed electrically, so proper location of the strap is important to attain the strongest signal. To be near to your heart, wear the heart rate strap around your lower rib cage, just under the breasts (Figure 12). For best results, the contact between the sensor and your skin should be moist. Wet th
eASy SeTuP (reSeT) The computer must be set, or “programmed,” so that it gives its readout in the units you prefer, and so that it calculates with the correct wheel size. using the buttons Mode When setting the computer, there are Scroll three ways to use the buttons: Set Push- touch once Fgure 3- Buttons on the incte Cycle- push repeatedly as needed ACH computer Hold- push and hold in for two or three seconds To set the ACH, you must use the four buttons (Figure 13) in a specific s
Mode Set Scroll Choose a method to ReSet the computer: • Push any button to wake the INCITE computer from shipping mode • Push the ReSet button (AC) on the back of the computer • Install a new battery The Wheel select icon appears with a tire size: 700-23 (Figure 14). ACH To set the wheel size Fgure 4- Tre sze screen 1. Cycle Scroll to your preferred wheel size (options are shown on Table 2). Table 2- Wheel sze selectons 2. Push Set• to select. (last settng) 650-23 The computer displa
Mode Set Scroll To set units and Time This setting tells the computer which conversion to use: metric or SAE (“English”), which clock style to use (12-hour or 24-hour) and sets the time. 1. Cycle Scroll to your preferred setting: • MPH for miles • KPH for kilometers 2. Push Set• to choose your setting. “F” (Figure 15) appears. 3. Cycle Scroll to your preferred tempera- ture setting: • F for Fahrenheit • C for Celsius 4. Push Set• to choose your setting. “12” flashes. Fgure 5- Set unts sc
Mode Set Scroll 9. Cycle Scroll to the hour: • 1, 2, 3, etc. from 1A through 12P (for 12-hour clock) • 1, 2, 3, etc. through 24 (for 24-hour clock) 10. Push Set• to choose your setting. “00” flashes. 11. Cycle Scroll to the minute: • 00, 01, 02, 03, etc. through 59 12. Push Set• to choose your setting. The screen will show one of two things: • SPD - you are ready to ride. However, your computer has many other features; see the Advanced Features section on pages 22-37. • PAIR? - see next sect
Mode Set Scroll 1. Cycle •Mode to SPEED. The PAIR? signal appears. 2. Make the wheel sensor send a signal (spin the bicycle wheel). 3. Place the computer within 3 feet (1 meter) of the sensor and Hold the Set• button. The screen changes to PAIR.... 4. Release the Set• button. The computer works for a moment, then returns to the SPEED screen. If the ERROR screen appears, there may be a problem: • There is interference (proximity to another signal) Move away from other computers, cell phones
Mode Set Scroll reS TAr T- geTTIng reAdy TO rIde Your computer stores data for two intervals- since last ReSet and since last ReStart. ReSet sets ALL data to zero. ReStart sets only the Trip data to zero. To r eStart (set the Trip data to zero) The trip data includes five modes for seven total sets: • ODOMETER TRP • SPEED AVG, MAX Fgure 6- Stopwatch mode • ALTITUDE TRP, MAX showng tme wth seconds • GRADE AVG • CLOCK (Stopwatch) 1. Cycle •Mode to CLOCK. 2. Cycle Scroll to Stopwatch
Mode Set Scroll AddITIOnAl Inf OrMATIOn Changing mode Once the computer is programmed and installed, it is very easy to use. To change to different modes (functions), simply Cycle the •Mode button on the left of the computer until the desired function appears, shown by the spelled name of the function. To move within that function, Cycle the Scroll buttons. r emoving the computer from the computer base The computer is held on its base by a flexible snap. To remove the computer, press firmly