Part No. 08162SL (Rev. A)
Service Manual
(Model 30413)
Groundsmaster 4100--D
The purpose of this publication is to provide the service
technician with information for troubleshooting, testing
and repair of major systems and components on the
Groundsmaster 4100--D (Model 30413).
This safety symbol means DANGER, WARNING
ATING, MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT TION. When you see this symbol, carefully read
the instruc
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TableOfContents Chapter1 -- Safety Chapter5 -- Electrical System General Safety Instructions .................. 1 -- 2 General Information ........................ 5 -- 2 Jacking Instructions......................... 1 -- 4 Special Tools .............................. 5 -- 3 Safety and Instruction Decals ................ 1 -- 5 Troubleshooting ............................ 5 -- 5 Electrical System Quick Checks .............. 5 -- 8 Chapter2 -- ProductRecordsand Maintenance Adjustments ...........
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Chapter1 Safety TableofContents GENERAL SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS............ 2 Before Operating............................ 2 While Operating............................. 2 Maintenance and Service .................... 3 JACKING INSTRUCTIONS ..................... 4 Jacking the FrontEnd........................ 4 Jacking the Rear End ........................ 4 SAFETYAND INSTRUCTION DECALS .......... 5 Groundsmaster 4100--D Safety Page1 -- 1 Safety
GeneralSafetyInstructions TheGROUNDSMASTER4100-Dwastestedandcerti- fiedbyTOROforcompliancewithexistingsafetystan- WARNING dards and specifications. Although hazard control and accident prevention partially are dependent upon the To reduce the potential for injury or death, designandconfigurationofthemachine,thesefactors complywiththefollowingsafetyinstructions. are also dependent upon the awareness, concern and proper training of the personnel involved in the opera- tion, transport, maintenance
MaintenanceandService 1. Beforeservicingormakingadjustments,lowerdeck, 10.Donotoverspeedtheenginebychanginggovernor stopengine,applyparkingbrakeandremovekeyfrom setting.Toassuresafetyandaccuracy,checkmaximum the switch. engine speed. 2. Makesuremachineisinsafeoperatingconditionby 11.Shutengine offbefore checkingor addingoil tothe keeping all nuts,bolts and screws tight. crankcase. 3. Never store the machine or fuel container inside 12.Disconnect battery before servicing the machine. wherethereis
JackingInstructions CAUTION When changing attachments, tires or perform- ing other service, use correct jacks and sup- ports. Make sure machine is parked on a solid, level surface such as a concrete floor. Prior to raising machine, remove any attachments that 1 1 mayinterferewiththesafeandproperraisingof 2 themachine.Alwayschockorblockwheels.Use 2 jackstandstosupporttheraisedmachine.Ifthe Figure 1 machine is not properly supported by jack 1. Framejackingpoint 2. Fronttire stands, the machine may
SafetyandInstructionDecals Numerous safety and instruction decals are affixed to theGroundsmaster4100--D.Ifanydecalbecomesilleg- ible or damaged, install a new decal. Decal part num- bers are listed in your Parts Catalog. Groundsmaster 4100--D Safety Page1 -- 5 Safety
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Chapter 2 Product Records and Maintenance Table of Contents PRODUCT RECORDS......................... 1 MAINTENANCE .............................. 1 EQUIVALENTS AND CONVERSIONS ........... 2 Decimal and Millimeter Equivalents............ 2 U.S.to MetricConversions ................... 2 TORQUESPECIFICATIONS ................... 3 Fastener Identification ....................... 3 Usinga Torque Wrench with an OffsetWrench.. 3 Standard Torquefor Dry, Zinc Platedand Steel Fasteners (Inch Series) ......
EquivalentsandConversions 0.09375 ProductRecordsandMaintenance Page2 -- 2 Groundsmaster 4100--D
TorqueSpecifications Recommended fastener torque values are listed in the Asnotedinthefollowingtables,torquevaluesshouldbe followingtables.Forcriticalapplications,asdetermined reduced by 25% for lubricated fasteners to achieve byToro,eithertherecommendedtorqueoratorquethat the similar stress as a dry fastener. Torque values may isuniquetotheapplicationisclearlyidentifiedandspe- also have to be reduced when the fastener is threaded cified in this Service Manual. into aluminum or brass. The specif
StandardTorqueforDry,ZincPlatedandSteelFasteners(InchSeries) Grade 1, 5 & SAE Grade 1 Bolts, Screws, Studs & SAE Grade 5 Bolts, Screws, Studs & SAE Grade 8 Bolts, Screws, Studs & Thread Size 8withThin Sems with Regular Height Nuts Sems with Regular Height Nuts Sems with Regular Height Nuts Height Nuts (SAE J995 Grade 2 or Stronger Nuts) (SAE J995 Grade 2 or Stronger Nuts) (SAE J995 Grade 5 or Stronger Nuts) in--lb in--lb N--cm in--lb N--cm in--lb N--cm # 6 -- 32 UNC 15 + 2 169 + 23 23 + 3 262 +
StandardTorqueforDry,ZincPlatedandSteelFasteners(MetricSeries) Class8.8Bolts,ScrewsandStudswith Class10.9Bolts,ScrewsandStudswith T Thread hreadS Size ize Regular RegularH Height eightN Nuts uts R Regular egularH Height eightN Nuts uts (Class8orStrongerNuts) (Class10orStrongerNuts) M5 X 0.8 57 +6in--lb 644 + 68 N--cm 78 +8in--lb 881 +90N--cm M6 X 1.0 96 + 10 in--lb 1085 + 113 N--cm 133 +14 in--lb 1503 + 158 N--cm M8 X1.25 19 +2ft--lb 26 +3N--m 28 +3ft--lb 38 +4N--m M10 X1.5 38 +4ft--lb 52 +5N--m
OtherTorqueSpecifications SAEGrade8SteelSetScrews WheelBoltsandLugNuts RecommendedTorque ThreadSize RecommendedTorque** Thread ThreadS Size ize SquareHead HexSocket 7/16 -- 20 UNF 65 + 10 ft--lb 88 +14N--m Grade 5 1/4 -- 20 UNC 140 + 20 in--lb 73 + 12 in--lb 1/2 -- 20 UNF 80 + 10 ft--lb 108 + 14 N--m 5/16 -- 18 UNC 215 + 35 in--lb 145 + 20 in--lb Grade 5 3/8 -- 16 UNC 35 + 10 ft--lb 18 +3ft--lb M12 X1.25 80 + 10 ft--lb 108 + 14 N--m Class 8.8 1/2 -- 13 UNC 75 + 15 ft--lb 50 + 10 ft--lb M12 X1.5
Chapter3 KubotaDieselEngine TableofContents GENERAL INFORMATION ..................... 2 Operator’s Manual .......................... 2 Stopping the Engine ......................... 2 SPECIFICATIONS............................. 3 SERVICEAND REPAIRS ...................... 4 Air Filter System ............................ 4 ExhaustSystem ............................ 6 Fuel System ................................ 8 Check Fuel Lines and Connections........... 9 Empty and Clean Fuel Tank ..............
GeneralInformation ThisChaptergivesinformationaboutspecificationsand tools are described in the Kubota Workshop Manual, repair of the diesel engine used in the Groundsmaster DieselEngine,V2403--M--T--E3B.Theuseofsomespe- 4100--D. cializedtestequipmentisexplained.However,thecost of the test equipment and the specialized nature of Generalmaintenanceproceduresaredescribedinyour somerepairsmaydictatethattheworkbedoneatanen- Operator’sManual.Informationonenginetroubleshoot- gine repair facility. ing,
Specifications Item Description Make / Designation Kubota Model V2403--M--T--E3B: 4--Cycle, 4 Cylinder, Water Cooled, Turbocharged, Diesel Engine Bore 3.43” (87.0 mm) Stroke 4.031” (102.4 mm) 3 Total Displacement cc (cu. in.) 148.5 in (2434 cc) Firing Order 1 (closest to gear case end) -- 3 -- 4 (closest to flywheel end) -- 2 Combustion Chamber Spherical Type (E--TVCS) Compression Ratio 23.0:1 Direction of Rotation Counterclockwise (viewed from flywheel) Fuel Diesel or Biodiesel (up to B20) Fuel
ServiceandRepairs AirFilterSystem 7 RIGHT 1 FRONT 9 12to15in--lb (1.4to1.6N--m) 12 6 14 11 13 4 15 8 2 5 10 11 17 16 VACUATOR 3 DIRECTION Figure 1 1. Aircleanerhose 7. Hoseclamp 13. Flatwasher(2used) 2. Hoseclamp 8. Aircleanerhose 14. Capscrew(2used) 3. Aircleanerassembly 9. Hoseclamp 15. Adapter 4. Indicator 10. Capscrew(2used) 16. Locknut(2used) 5. Aircleanerstrap 11. Flatwasher(4used) 17. Flatwasher(2used) 6. Locknut(2used) 12. Spring(2used) KubotaDieselEngine Page3 -- 4 Groundsmaster 4100--D