Owner's Manual
550 Series B&S Engine
22" Side Discharge
Model No
• EspaSol, p 17
Read and follow all
Safety Rules and Instructions
before operating this equipment
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Visit our Craftsman website: www.sears.com/craftsman
Maintenance ...................................... 10-13 Warranty ................................................... 2 Safety Rules .......................................... 2-4 Service and Adjustments ................... 13-14 Product Specifications .............................. 4 Storage .............................................. 14-15 Assembly / Pre-Operation ........................ 6 Troubleshooting ................................. 15-16 Operation ...................................
I. GENERAL OPERATION • Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields when operating • Read, understand, and follow all mower. instructions on the machine and in the manual(s) before starting. Be thoroughly II. SLOPE OPERATION familiar with the controls and the proper Slopes are a major factor related to slip & use of the machine before starting. fall accidents which can result in severe in- • Do not put hands or feet near or under jury. All slopes require extra caution. If you r
• Neverfill containersinsidea vehicle,on • Keepnutsand bolts,especiallyblade a truck or trailer bedwitha plasticliner. attachmentbolts,tight and keepequip- Always placecontainerson the ground mentin goodcondition. awayfrom yourvehiclebeforefilling. • Nevertamperwithsafetydevices.Check • Removegas-poweredequipmentfrom theirproperoperationregularly. thetruck or trailerand refuel it on the • Keepmachinefree of grass, leaves,or ground. Ifthis is notpossible,then otherdebrisbuild-up.Cleanoil or fuel
Repair Protection Agreements Congratulations on making a smart pur- • Fast help by phone- phone sup- chase. Your new Craftsman® product is port from a Sears representative on designed and manufactured for years of products requiring in-home repair, plus dependable operation. But like all prod- convenient repair scheduling. ucts, it may require repair from time to Once you purchase the Agreement, a time. That's when having a Repair Protec- simple phone call is all that it takes for you tion Agree
Read these instructions and this manual in HOW TO SET UP YOUR MOWER its entirety before you attempt to assemble TO UNFOLD HANDLE or operate your new lawn mower. IMPORTANT: Unfold handle carefully so IMPORTANT: This lawn mower is shipped as not to pinch or damage control cables. WITHOUT OIL OR GASOLINE in the 1. Raise handles until lower handle sec- engine. tion locks into place in mowing position. Your new lawn mower has been as- 2. Remove protective padding, raise up- sembled at the factory wit
KNOW YOUR LAWN MOWER READ THIS OWNER'S MANUAL AND ALL SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATING YOUR LAWN MOWER. Compare the illustrations with your lawn mower to familiarize yourself with the location of various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference. These symbols may appear on your lawn mower or in literature supplied with the product. Learn and understand their meaning. CAUTION ENGINE ENGINE FAST SLOW CHOKE FUEL OIL DANGER, KEEP HANDS OR WARNING ON OFF AND FEET AWAY Operator pre
The operationof any lawn _CAUTION: Do not run your lawn mower mowercanresultinforeign without discharge guard, approved grass objectsthrownintothe catcher or mulcher plate in place. eyes,whichcan resultin Hinge rod severeeyedamage.Always Discharge wear safety glassesor eyeshieldswhile operatingyourlawn moweror performing anyadjustmentsor repairs.We recom- menda standardsafetyglassesor wide visionsafetymaskwornoverspectacles. HOW TO USE YOUR LAWN MOWER Housing ENGINE SPEED opening The engine spee
MOWING TIPS CAUTION: Alcoholblendedfuels _, CAUTION: Do not use de-thatcher (calledgasoholor usingethanolor metha- nol) canattractmoisturewhichleadsto blade attachments on your mower. Such separationand formationof acids during attachments are hazardous, will damage storage. Acidicgas candamagethe fuel your mower and could void your warranty. systemof anenginewhilein storage. To • Under certain conditions, such as very avoidengine problems,thefuel system tall grass, it may be necessary to raise
• For bestresults,adjustthe lawnmower cuttingheightso that the lawnmower 1/3 cutsoff only the topone-thirdof the grassblades. Ifthe lawn is overgrownit will benecessaryto raisethe heightof cut to reducepushingeffortand to keep • Certain types ofg rass and grass conditions from overloadingthe engineand leaving may require that an area be mulched a sec- clumpsof mulchedgrass. For extremely ond time to completely hide the clippings. heavygrass,reduceyourwidthof cut When doing a second cut, mow acro
LUBRICATION CHART NOTE: Protect your hands with gloves and/or wrap blade with heavy cloth. Wheel 4. Remove blade bolt by turning counter- adjuster (on clockwise. each wheel) 5. Remove blade and attaching hardware (bolt, lock washer, hardened washer). NOTE: Remove the blade adapter and check the key inside hub of blade adapter. The key must be in good condition to work properly. Replace adapter if damaged. TO REPLACE BLADE 1. Position the blade adapter on the en- gine crankshaft. Be sure key in a
GRASS CATCHER 4. After oil has drained completely, replace (If purchased as an accessory) oil drain plug and tighten securely. • The grass catcher may be hosed with 5. Fill engine with oil. (See "ADD OIL" in water, but must be dry when used. the Operation section of this manual). • Check your grass catcher often for dam- 6. Reconnect spark plug wire to plug. age or deterioration. Through normal AIR FILTER use it will wear. If catcher needs replac- Your engine will not run properly and may ing, r
CLEANING • Clean engine often to keep trash from accumulating. A clogged engine runs IMPORTANT:For bestperformance,keep hotter and shortens engine life. mowerhousingfree of built-grassand • Keep finished surfaces and wheels free trash. Cleanthe undersideof your mower of all gasoline, oil, etc. aftereach use. • We do not recommend using a garden ,_I,CAUTION: Disconnect spark plug wire hose to clean lawn mower unless the from spark plug and place wire where it electrical system, muffler, air filte
ENGINE lawn mower to a Sears or other qualified service center for repair and/or adjust- ENGINE SPEED ment. Your engine speed has been factory set. Do IMPORTANT: Never tamper with the not attempt to increase engine speed or it engine governor, which is factory set may result in personal injury. If you believe for proper engine speed. Overspeeding that engine is running too fast or too slow, the engine above the factory high speed take your mower to a Sears or other qualified setting can be dange
OTHER stabilizerto gasolineinfueltank or stor- age container.Alwaysfollowthe mix ratio • Donotstoregasolinefrom one season found onstabilizercontainer. Runengine to another. at least 10minutesafteraddingstabilizer • Replaceyourgasolinecanif yourcan to allowthestabilizerto reachthe car- startsto rust. Rustand/ordirt inyour buretor. Donotemptythe gastank and gasolinewill causeproblems. carburetorif usingfuel stabilizer. • If possible,storeyour unitindoorsand coverit to protectit from dustand dirt.
TROUBLESHOOTING - See appropriate section in manual unless directed to a Sears Parts & Repair Center, PROBLEM CAUSE CORRECTION Loss of power 1. Rear of mower housing or 1. Raise cutting height. blade dragging in grass. 2. Cutting too much grass. 2. Raise cutting height. 3. Dirty air filter. 3. Clean/replace air filter. 4. Clean underside of mower 4. Buildup of grass, leaves, and trash under mower. housing. 5. Check oil level. 5. Too much oil in engine. 6. Walking speed too fast. 6. Cut at slower
Garantia ......................................................... 17 Programa de Mantenimiento ......................... 25 Servicio y Adjustes ................................... 28-29 Reglas de Seguridad ................................ 17-19 AImacenamiento ....................................... 29-30 Especificaciones del Producto ....................... 19 Montaje / Pre-Operacion ............................... 21 Identificacion de problemas ...................... 30-31 Operaci6n ..........
I. OPERACION • Siempre use gafas de seguridad o anteojos con protecci6n lateral cuando opere la sega- • Antes de empezar, debe familiarizarse dora. completamente con los controles y el uso correcto de la maquina. Para esto, debe leer y comprender todas las instrucciones que II. OPERACION SOBRE LAS CUESTAS aparecen en la maquina y en los manuales Los accidentes ocurren con mas frecuencia en de operacion. las cuestas. Estos accidentes ocurren debido a • No ponga las manos o los pies cerca o resbal
• Nunca repostar la maquina al interior de un • Mantenga las tuercas y los pernos, espe- local. cialmente los pernos del accesorio de la • Nunca guardar la maquina o el contenedor cuchilla, apretados y mantenga el equipo en buenas condiciones. de gasolina donde hay una llama abierta, chispa o luz piloto como una caldera u otros • Nunca manipule de forma indebida los dispositivos. dispositivos de seguridad. Controle regular- mente su funcionamiento correcto. • Nunca Ilenar contenedores en un vehi
Acuerdos de Protecci6n para la Reparaci6n Congratulaciones por su buena compra. Su • Ayuda r&pida por telefono - soporte tele- nuevo producto Craftsman@ esta dise5ado f6nico por parte de un representento Sears y fabricado para funcionar de modo fiable por sobre productos que requieren un arreglo en muchos a5os. Pero como todos los productos, casa, y ademas una programacion sobre los puede necesitar alguna reparaci6n de tanto a reglos mas convenientes. en tanto. En este caso tener un Acuerdo de C