Developer Note
Macintosh PowerBook 165c
Developer Note
Developer Technical Publications
© Apple Computer, Inc. 2000
Apple Computer, Inc. Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada. © 2000, Apple Computer, Inc. LIMITED WARRANTY ON MEDIA AND All rights reserved. REPLACEMENT No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, If you discover physical defects in the or transmitted, in any form or by any manual or in the media on which a software means, mechanical, electronic, product is distributed, APDA will replace photocopying, recording, or otherwise, th
Contents Figures v Preface About This Developer Note vii Supplementary Documents vii Conventions and Abbreviations viii Typographical Conventions viii Standard Abbreviations viii Chapter 1 Hardware 1 Introduction 2 Features 2 Compatibility Issues 5 Color Display 5 RAM Expansion Slot 5 Hardware Overview 6 Memory Map 6 ROM 8 ROM Wait States 8 RAM 8 RAM Wait States 9 Battery Backup 9 Color LCD Interface 9 LCD Screen 10 RAM Expansion Interface 10 Chapter 2 Software 13 ROM Software 14 Sy
Figures Chapter 1 Hardware 1 Figure 1-1 Block diagram of the PowerBook 165c computer 4 Figure 1-2 32-bit memory and detailed I/O map 7 Figure 1-3 32-bit and 24-bit memory map comparison 8 Figure 1-4 Location of the RAM expansion connector 11 Figure 1-5 RAM expansion card design guide 12 v
PREF ACE About This Developer Note This document describes the Macintosh PowerBook 165c computer, emphasizing those features that are new or different from other Macintosh PowerBook computers. It is written primarily for experienced Macintosh hardware and software developers who want to create products that are compatible with this new computer. If you are unfamiliar with the Macintosh or would simply like more technical information on the hardware, you may want to
PREF ACE America Online APDA CompuServe 76666,2405 Internet APDA@applelink.apple.com Conventions and Abbreviations 0 This developer note uses typographical conventions and abbreviations that are standard in Apple publications. Typographical Conventions 0 Computer-language text—any text that is literally the same as it appears in computer input or output—appears in Courier font. Standard Abbreviations 0 Standard units of measure used in Apple reference books include: A amperes
PREF ACE SCSI Small Computer System Interface SVGA super VGA (a video display system used with PC-type computers) VGA video graphics adapter (a video display system used with PC-type computers) VRAM video RAM ix
CHAPTER 1 Figure 1-0 Listing 1-0 Hardware 1 Table 1-0
CHAPTER 1 Hardware This chapter describes the major features of the Macintosh PowerBook 165c computer, emphasizing the similarities and differences between it and other Macintosh PowerBook computers. IMPORTANT Only the major differences between the PowerBook 165c and the PowerBook 160/180 are described in detail here. For a complete understanding of the PowerBook 165c computer, refer to the Macintosh PowerBook 160 and Macintosh PowerBook 180 Developer Note. In
CHAPTER 1 Hardware Floppy disk: one internal 1.4 MB Apple SuperDrive with Super Woz Integrated Machine (SWIM) interface. Hard disk: one internal 2.5-inch SCSI hard disk drive. Disk capacities of 80 and 120 MB are offered. SCSI disk mode: by connecting an HDI-30 SCSI Disk Adapter cable, users can access the PowerBook’s internal hard disk from another Macintosh. I/O (input/output): one HDI-30 connector for external SCSI devices, one 4-pin mini-DIN ADB por
CHAPTER 1 Hardware Figure 1-1 Block diagram of the PowerBook 165c computer 256K x 16 Flat-panel DRAM display D15–0 A31–0 Pangola WD90C26 WD90C55 A18–0 bus D31–16 interface A12–9 VIA1 RTC D31–24 D31-24 Video Address bus controller A23-0 RAMDAC A31–0 Monitor CPU OSC CLUT connector Data bus MC68030 Video D31–0 D31-16 A20–2 RAM RAM 33 MHz expansion D31–0 connector Address A20-0 buffers A20–2 A4–1 PSRAM D31–0 D31–0 4 MB FPU Trackball D31–0 MC68882 ROM A19–2 I/O data Apple Desktop 1 MB D31–24
CHAPTER 1 Hardware Compatibility Issues 1 Because the Macintosh PowerBook 165c is identical in most respects to the Macintosh PowerBook 160/180 computers, most hardware and software designed for those models will operate without modification on the PowerBook 165c. This section highlights key areas you should investigate in order to ensure that your products work properly with the PowerBook 165c. These topics are covered in more detail in subsequent sections. Color Display 1 The
CHAPTER 1 Hardware Hardware Overview 1 This section discusses the hardware differences between the Macintosh PowerBook 165c and the Macintosh PowerBook 160/180 computers. IMPORTANT Memory sizes, addresses, and other data are specific to each type of Macintosh computer and are provided for informational purposes only. To ensure that your application software maintains compatibility across the Macintosh line and to allow for future hardware changes, you are strongly advised to use t
CHAPTER 1 Hardware Figure 1-2 32-bit memory and detailed I/O map $6000 0000 Expansion I/O space (no DSACKs) $5900 0000 Reserved $5400 0000 Reserved $5010 0000 Reserved $500C 0000 CPU GLU registers $5008 0000 Reserved $FFFF FFFF $5004 0000 Reserved $FEF0 FFFF Reserved $5003 0000 Slot E (external video) $FE00 0000 Reserved $5002 E000 Reserved $FD00 0000 Reserved $5002 C000 Slot C (internal video) $FC00 0000 Reserved $5002 A000 Reserved $5002 8000 Reserved Reserved $5002 6000 $6000 0000 Reser
CHAPTER 1 Hardware Figure 1-3 32-bit and 24-bit memory map comparison 32-bit memory map 24-bit memory map $FFFF FFFF $FF FFFF Reserved I/O space $FEF0 FFFF $F0 0000 Slot E (external video) Slot E (external video) $FE00 0000 $E0 0000 Reserved Reserved $FD00 0000 $D0 0000 Slot C (internal video) Slot C (internal video) $FC00 0000 $C0 0000 Reserved Reserved $6000 0000 $90 0000 I/O ROM $5000 0000 $80 0000 Reserved $4400 0000 ROM $4000 0000 Expansion RAM RAM (bus error) 8 MB maximum, o
CHAPTER 1 Hardware The RAM expansion slot is located on the RAM/ROM board, and supports up to 10 MB of PSRAM, for a total of 14 MB. See the “RAM Expansion Interface” section on page 10 for information about designing RAM expansion cards. RAM is always contiguous because only one size of RAM chip (4 Mbits) is used. As a result, software does not have to “stitch” memory. The RAM array is located in the system memory map between addresses $0000 0000 and $00DF FFFF, except following a
CHAPTER 1 Hardware the WD90C26 manages its frame buffer differently than QuickDraw expects, Pangola must perform byte packing and unpacking to support color modes other than 8-bit. For example, in 1-bit mode QuickDraw expects that each byte in the frame buffer represents eight pixels. For every byte QuickDraw writes to the frame buffer in 1-bit mode, Pangola unpacks the bits and sends 8 bytes to the WD90C26. Similarly, Pangola must pack 8 bytes into 1 byte each time QuickDraw re