Lenovo M93z 10AC0011USの取扱説明書

デバイスLenovo M93z 10AC0011USの取扱説明書

デバイス: Lenovo M93z 10AC0011US
カテゴリ: ノートパソコン
メーカー: Lenovo
サイズ: 6.35 MB
追加した日付: 3/12/2013
ページ数: 150



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Lenovo M93z 10AC0011US 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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LenovoWelcome. . . . . . . . . . . . 113 AppendixC.WEEE and recycling HelpandSupport. . . . . . . . . . . . 113 information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 SafetyandWarranty. . . . . . . . . . . 113 ImportantWEEEinformation . . . . . . . . . 123 LenovoWebsite . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 RecyclinginformationforJapan. . . . . . . . 123 LenovoSupportWebsite. . . . . . . . . 114 RecyclinginformationforBrazil . . . . . . . . 124 BatteryrecyclinginformationforTaiwan. . . . . 124 Helpandservice. . . . .


iv ThinkCentre M93z User Guide


Important safety information CAUTION: Before using this manual, be sure to read and understand all the related safety information for this product. Refer to the information in this section and the safety information in the Safety, Warranty, and Setup Guide that you received with this product. Reading and understanding this safety information reduces the risk of personal injury and damage to your product. Ifyounolongerhaveacopyofthe Safety, Warranty, and Setup Guide,youcanobtainaPortableDocument


or CRU, do not open the static-protective package containing the part until the instructions direct you to install it. WhenyouhandleoptionsorCRUs,orperformanyworkinsidethecomputer,takethefollowingprecautions to avoid static-electricity damage: • Limityourmovement. Movementcancausestaticelectricitytobuilduparoundyou. • Alwayshandlecomponentscarefully. Handleadapters,memorymodules,andothercircuitboardsbythe edges. Never touch exposed circuitry. • Prevent others from touching components. • When you


Plugs and outlets Ifareceptacle(poweroutlet)thatyouintendtousewithyourcomputerequipmentappearstobedamaged orcorroded, donotusetheoutletuntilitisreplacedbyaqualifiedelectrician. Donotbendormodifytheplug. Iftheplugisdamaged,contactthemanufacturertoobtainareplacement. Do not share an electrical outlet with other home or commercial appliances that draw large amounts of electricity;otherwise,unstablevoltagemightdamageyourcomputer,data,orattacheddevices. Someproductsareequippedwithathree-prongedplug.


For your safety and to maintain optimum computer performance, always follow these basic precautions with your desktop computer: • Keep the cover closed whenever the computer is plugged in. • Regularly inspect the outside of the computer for dust accumulation. • Removedustfromventsandanyperforationsinthebezel. Morefrequentcleaningsmightberequiredfor computers in dusty or high-traffic areas. • Do not restrict or block any ventilation openings. • Donotstoreoroperateyourcomputerinsidefurniture,asthi


Power supply statement Neverremovethecoveronapowersupplyoranypartthathasthefollowinglabelattached. Hazardousvoltage,current,andenergylevelsarepresentinsideanycomponentthathasthislabelattached. Therearenoserviceablepartsinsidethesecomponents. Ifyoususpectaproblemwithoneoftheseparts, contact a service technician. Cleaning and maintenance Keep your computer and workspace clean. Shut down the computer and then disconnect the power cord before cleaning the computer. Do not spray any liquid detergent


x ThinkCentre M93z User Guide


Chapter 1. Product overview Thischapterprovidesinformationaboutthecomputerfeatures,specifications,softwareprogramsprovided byLenovo,andlocationsofconnectors,components,partsonthesystemboard,andinternaldrives. Features Thissectionintroducesthecomputerfeatures. Theinformationcoversavarietyofmodels. To view the information about your specific model, do one of the following: • Go into the Setup Utility program by following the instructions in Chapter 7 “Using the Setup Utility program”onpage81. Then


Audio subsystem • Integrated high-definition (HD) audio • Microphone connector and headphone connector on the left • Internal stereo speakers with sound enhancement technology Connectivity • 100/1000 Mbps integrated Ethernet controller System management features • Ability to store power-on self-test (POST) hardware test results • Desktop Management Interface (DMI) Desktop Management Interface provides a common path for users to access information about all aspectsofacomputer,includingprocessorty


Input/Output (I/O) features • 9-pin serial connector (optional) • Six Universal Serial Bus (USB) 3.0 connectors • One Ethernet connector • One DisplayPort-out connector • One VGA-in connector • One Personal System/2 (PS/2) keyboard connector (optional) • One PS/2 mouse connector (optional) • Twoaudioconnectorsontheleftpanel(microphoneconnectorandheadsetconnector) Formoreinformation,see“Locatingconnectors,controls,andindicatorsonthefrontofyourcomputer”on page10and“Locatingconnectorsontherearofyou


Preinstalled operating system Your computer is preinstalled with one of the following operating systems: • Microsoft Windows 7 operating system • Microsoft Windows 8 operating system • Microsoft Windows 8.1 operating system 1 Operating system(s), certified or tested for compatibility (variesbymodeltype) ® • Linux 1. The operating system(s) listed here are being certified or tested for compatibility at the time this publication goes to press. Additional operating systems might be identified by Le


Specifications This section lists the physical specifications for your computer. Dimensions (no stand) • Touch models: Width: 568 mm (22.36 inches) Height: 401 mm (15.79 inches) Depth: 67.6 mm (2.66 inches) • Non-touch models: Width: 568 mm (22.36 inches) Height: 401 mm (15.79 inches) Depth: 67 mm (2.64 inches) Weight (no stand) • Touch models: Maximum configuration as shipped: 10.14 kg (23.35 lb) • Non-touch models: Maximum configuration as shipped: 8.60 kg (18.96 lb) Environment • Air temperat


Lenovo programs Your computer comes with Lenovo programs to help you work more easily and securely. Depending on the Windows operating system preinstalled, the programs might vary. Accessing Lenovo programs on the Windows 7 operating system On the Windows 7 operating system, you can access Lenovo programs from either the Lenovo ® ThinkVantage Tools program or from Control Panel. Accessing Lenovo programs from the Lenovo ThinkVantage Tools program ToaccessLenovoprogramsfromtheLenovoThinkVantageTo


User Guide
Machine Types: 10AC, 10AD, 10AE and 10AF


Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read and understand the “Importantsafetyinformation”onpagevandAppendixA“Notices”onpage117. Third Edition (January 2014) ©CopyrightLenovo2013,2014. LIMITEDANDRESTRICTEDRIGHTSNOTICE:IfdataorsoftwareisdeliveredpursuantaGeneralServicesAdministration “GSA”contract,use,reproduction,ordisclosureissubjecttorestrictionssetforthinContractNo. GS-35F-05925.


Contents Importantsafetyinformation . . . . . . v Settingthevolumefromthedesktop . . . . 26 Serviceandupgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . v SettingthevolumefromControlPanel . . . 27 Staticelectricityprevention. . . . . . . . . . . v UsingCDsandDVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Powercordsandpoweradapters . . . . . . . . vi HandlingandstoringCDandDVDmedia . . 28 Extensioncordsandrelateddevices . . . . . . . vi PlayingaCDorDVD . . . . . . . . . . 28 Plugsandoutlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Record


Replacingtheinternalspeakers . . . . . . 55 Selecting or changing the startup device sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Replacingthethermalsensor . . . . . . . 56 EnablingErPcompliancemode . . . . . . . . 84 Replacingtheintegratedcamera. . . . . . 58 ICEperformancemode . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ReplacingtheWi-Ficard . . . . . . . . . 60 ICEthermalalert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Replacingtheambientlightsensor. . . . . 61 ExitingtheSetupUtilityprogram . . . . . . . 86 Replacingthecardre


Table 2. Programs in Control Panel Program Control Panel section Green text in Control Panel Communications Utility Hardware and Sound Lenovo-WebConferencing Fingerprint Software SystemandSecurity Lenovo-FingerprintReader Hardware and Sound Lenovo Solution Center System and Security Lenovo - System Health and Diagnostics Password Manager SystemandSecurity Lenovo - Password Vault UserAccountsandFamilySafety Power Manager HardwareandSound Lenovo - Power Controls System and Security Recovery Media


Note: Dependingonyourcomputermodel,someoftheprogramsmightnotbeavailable. • Communications Utility TheCommunicationsUtilityprogramprovidesacentrallocationforintegratedcameraandmicrophone settings. It controls advanced settings for the integrated microphone and camera to optimize Web conferencing and Voice over IP (VOIP) experience. • Fingerprint Software The integrated fingerprint reader provided on some keyboards enables you to enroll your fingerprint and associate it with your power-on password

# 取扱説明書 カテゴリ ダウンロード
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