EPSON Equity 4+
Memory 4MB RAM standard; expandable using
hard disk power
1MB, 4MB, or 16MB SIMMs to 36MB
access light
(maximum); SIMMs must be 36-bit,
fast-page mode type with 70ns (or faster)
access speed
ROM 128KB system BIOS, video BIOS, and
SETUP code located in EPROM on main
system board
Video RAM 512KB DRAM on main system board,
expandable to 1MB using 256k x 4-bit
Shadow RAM Supports shadowing of system and video
bay for hard disk, diskette drive,
EPSON Equity 4+ Keyboard PS/2 compatible keyboard interface built Video Modes into main system board; num lock setting Mods 1 Resolution 1 colors selectable through SETUP; 6-pin, mini DIN 1640X480 1 16 connector 640X480 1256 x 480 Mouse PS/2 compatible mouse interface built into main system board; 6-pin, mini DIN 1 16 800X600 connector 800X600 Option slots Four 16-bit (or S-bit) I/O expansion slots, ISA compatible, 8 MHz bus speed; three slots accommodate any size card, bottom slot can hold redu
EPSON Equity 4+ Main System Board Diagram parallel port 2 I I 1 CN13 / option card - VGA feature - 1 c \ hard disk 5 ; : 5 - z SIMM = u41 = L U42 L u43 u44 L; L = L cache sockets u47 L > , u37 z - jumpers I I processor in 10/1/93 EPSON Equity 4+ 3 speaker PGA socket piezo-electric connector battery J4-J9 U46 external u45 LI sockets clc3- DIP switches u9 I) connector dtive connector diskette drive -+ OSCl optional) (512KB video memory connector connector riser board connectors SUPPly nnnnn
EPSON Equity 4+ Serial Port Connectors (CN9 and CN10) Major Subassemblies Serial Port Connector Pin Assignments 1 6 Data 7 Request to send 2 Receive data 3 Transmit data 8 Clear to send 4 Data terminal ready 9 Ring indicator 5 Keyboard Connector (CN5) and Mouse Connector (CN4) pin 6 + + pin 3 I CN3 drive bays pin 1 pin 2 Although the keyboard and mouse connectors are physically identical, they cannot be used interchangeably. Connector Pin Assignments Keybmrd and Mouse Connector Pin Assignments
EPSON Equity 4+ VGA Feature Connector (CN14) System I/O Address Map pin 25 1 ~oooooooooooow, pin 2 /’ ’ pin 26 clock OAO - OBF 1 VGA Feafwe Connector Pin Assignments OCO - ODF 1 Clear math coprocessor busy OF1 Reset math coprocessor - OFF Math coprocessor - 1 200 - 207 I Game 278 - Parallel printer port 2 280 - Alternate enhanced graphics (adapter 0) 2E3 Data acquisition (adapter 0) - Serial port 2 360 - 363 1 PC network (low address) 378 - 37F 380 - SDLC, bisynchronous 2 - 393 390 Hard
EPSON Equity 4+ Hard Disk Drive Jumper Settings I Single Drive I 1 Slave I C/D I CD and DSP I no jumpers’ Quantum DS l If CS (cable selection) is the drive is a master if pin-28 is grounded and a stave if pin-28 is not grounded. DIP Switch Settings Function Extended memory l * 1 ON 33 MHz CPU speed 25 MHz CPU 2 ON 25 MHz CPU speed OFF 33 MHz speed ON 3 CPU present in PGA socket OFF CPU absent from PGA socket 4 ON’ Enable password feature 0199909 Off password security feature 5 ON’ Selec
EPSON Equity 4+ Hard Disk Drive Types If the computer has 512KB of video memory, you can install The table below lists types of hard disk drives supported by four 256K x 4 bit, 70ns, 20-pin DRAM ZIP (Zig-zag Inline the computer. Check this table and the hard disk manual to Package) chips to increase the video memory to 1MB. The find the correct type number(s) for the hard disk drive(s) following table lists compatible DRAM ZIP chips. installed in the computer. Enter the type number(s) when you s
EPSON Equity 4+ Password lnstallation / Support Tips Make sure that you do not forget the password you set up. If you do: Mouse and Keyboard Cl When connecting the mouse and keyboard to the 1. Disable it by setting DIP switch 4 on the main system computer, be careful to plug them into the proper ports. board to OFF. Although the ports are physically identical, they are not 2. Then turn the computer on and off again. interchangeable, and damage may occur to the main system board if you plug the c