Case Study: Troubleshooting
Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls
This appendix contains two case studies:
• Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls
� Troubleshooting Intercluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls
Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls
The case study in this section discusses in detail the call flow between two Cisco Unified IP Phones
within a cluster, called an intracluster call. This case study also focuses on Cisco Unified CallManager
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Figure B-1 Sample Topology of Intracluster Cisco IP Phone-to-Cisco IP Phone Calls IOS Gatekeeper IP IP IP IP Unified Unified Unified Unified CM3 CM4 CM1 CM2 IP WAN PSTN Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Zone 1 Zone 2 = T1/PRI = T1/CAS = RAS Cisco Unified IP Phone Initialization Process The fo
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Step 6 Once the Cisco Unified IP Phone connects and registers with Cisco Unified CallManager, the Cisco Unified CallManager tells the Cisco Unified IP Phone which executable version (called a load ID) to run. If the specified version does not match the executing version on the Cisco Unified IP Phone, the Cisco Unified IP Phone will request the new executable
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls 16:02:51.031 CCM|UnicastBridgeManager - Started 16:02:51.031 CCM|MediaTerminationPointManager - Started 16:02:51.125 CCM|MediaCoordinator(1) - started 16:02:51.125 CCM|NodeId: 1, EventId: 1543 EventClass: 2 EventInfo: Database manager started 16:02:51.234 CCM|NodeId: 1, EventId: 1542 EventClass: 2 EventInfo: Link manager started 16:02:51.390 CCM|NodeI
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls In the following trace, Cisco Unified CallManager has received new connections for registration. The registering devices are MTP_nsa-cm1 (MTP services on Unified CM1), and CFB_nsa-cm1 (Conference Bridge service on Unified CM1). Although these are software services that are running on Cisco Unified CallManager, they get treated internally as different externa
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls The following traces show that the Cisco Unified IP Phone (1001) has gone off hook. The trace below shows the unique messages, TCP handle, and the called number, which display on the Cisco Unified IP Phone. No calling number appears at this point because the user has not tried to dial any digits. The information below appears in the form of Skinny Station me
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls 16:05:43.406 CCM|StationInit - InboundStim - KeypadButtonMessageID kpButton: 0 tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30 16:05:43.406 CCM|Digit analysis: match(fqcn="", cn="1001", pss="", dd="100") 16:05:43.406 CCM|Digit analysis: potentialMatches=PotentialMatchesExist 16:05:43.562 CCM|StationInit - InboundStim - KeypadButtonMessageID kpButton: 0 tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30 16:05:43.562 C
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intracluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls At this point, the called party’s Cisco Unified IP Phone goes off hook; therefore, Cisco Unified CallManager stops generating the ringer tone to calling party. 16:05:45.140 CCM|StationD - stationOutputStopTone tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30 In the following messages, Cisco Unified CallManager causes the Skinny Station to begin receiving a Unicast RTP stream. To do so, C
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intercluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls 16:05:45.312 CCM|StationD - stationOutputStartMediaTransmission tcpHandle=0x4fbb150 myIP: e64610ac ( 16:05:45.328 CCM|StationD - RemoteIpAddr: e74610ac ( RemoteRtpPortNumber: 18448 msecPacketSize: 20 compressionType:(4)Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 16:05:46.203 CCM|StationInit - InboundStim - OnHookMessageID tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30 The cal
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intercluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls In this call flow, a Cisco Unified IP Phone (2002) located in Cluster 2 is calling a Cisco Unified IP Phone (1001) located in Cluster 1. Remember that you can follow a device through the trace by looking at the TCP handle value, time stamp, or name of the device. The TCP handle value for the device remains the same until the device is rebooted or goes offlin
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intercluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls 16:05:33.484 CCM|StationD - stationOutputSetLamp stim: 9=Line instance=1 lampMode=LampOn tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30 In the following traces, the user dials the called number (2000) of the Cisco Unified IP Phone, and the process of digit analysis tries to match the number. 16:05:33.484 CCM|Digit analysis: match(fqcn="", cn="1001", pss="", dd="") 16:05:33.484 CCM|Digi
Appendix B Case Study: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Intercluster Cisco Unified IP Phone Calls Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager Release 5.0(2) B-12 OL-9420-01