HTTP Client Requests and Header
This chapter contains the following sections:
• HTTP Client Requests
HTTP Header Settings
– HTTP Refresh Setting
– MIME Type and Other HTTP Headers
– Content Expiration Header Setting
Identifying the Capabilities of IP Phone Clients
– x-CiscoIPPhoneModelName
– x-CiscoIPPhoneDisplay
– x-CiscoIPPhoneSDKVersion
Accept Header
HTTP Client Requests
The following procedure designates how HTTP client requests are handled:
The Cisco IP Phone H
Chapter 5 HTTP Client Requests and Header Settings HTTP Header Settings The phone processes the supported HTTP headers. The phone parses the XML object if ContentType is text/xml. The phone presents data and options to the user per the server response. HTTP Header Settings The following list provides definitions for HTTP header elements for Cisco IP Phone services: “Refresh” (Time in Seconds, URL) – If no time is set or it is zero, the refresh gets set to manual. – If no URL is s
Chapter 5 HTTP Client Requests and Header Settings HTTP Header Settings 2. After a very short time, it displays the numeric Cisco stock parameters. 3. Finally, it shows a graph of Cisco intraday stock performance. The display then repeatedly cycles between the final two views. Figure 1 Refresh Display Sample Refreshing the display can occur without user intervention, because the display automatically cycles if a timer parameter is specified. On any given screen, however, the user can
Chapter 5 HTTP Client Requests and Header Settings HTTP Header Settings MIME Type and Other HTTP Headers Although delivering pages with the proper MIME type and other formatting items is not difficult, it requires moderately indepth knowledge of your web server. The following code excerpt, written in JavaScript and used with Microsoft IIS and ASP, sets these values in a few lines: <%@ Language=JavaScript %> <% Response.AddHeader( "Refresh", "3; url=http://services
Chapter 5 HTTP Client Requests and Header Settings HTTP Header Settings Use the following ASP sample script to set the MIME type and to serve the file that is specified in the #include command: <%@ Language=JavaScript%> <% Response.ContentType = "audio/basic"; %><% Response.End();%> Using script to generate the MIME header when playing a sound provides an advantage because you may also include a refresh header to take the phone to a subsequent URL.
Chapter 5 HTTP Client Requests and Header Settings Identifying the Capabilities of IP Phone Clients Identifying the Capabilities of IP Phone Clients Because XML services are now supported across a wide range of Cisco IP Phones, web application servers now need to identify the capabilities of the requesting IP phone to optimize the content returned to the phone. For example, if the requesting phone is a Cisco IP Phone 7960, which cannot support color PNG images, the application server
Chapter 5 HTTP Client Requests and Header Settings Accept Header These parameters get separated by commas as shown in the following example of a Cisco IP Phone 7970 header: x-CiscoIPPhoneDisplay: 298, 168, 12, C Note The pixel resolutions advertised by the device define the area of the display accessible by the phone services; not the actual resolution of the display. x-CiscoIPPhoneSDKVersion This Cisco-proprietary header contains the version of the IP Phone Services SDK the requesting
Chapter 5 HTTP Client Requests and Header Settings Accept Header For example, x-CiscoIPPhone/* indicates that all XML objects defined in the specified version of the SDK are supported, and x-CiscoIPPhone/Menu specifies that the object gets supported. As the example illustrates, the name of the XML object can be derived directly from the content-type by appending the sub-type (the part after the slash) onto "CiscoIPPhone." The content-type can also include an option