Lowel Caselite Instructions
General Warnings Contents
The Lowel Caselite is a profes- Opening the Unit 2
Fluorescent Warnings
sional lighting system. Read
n Avoid looking directly at the tubes Stand Mounting 2
these instructions and lamp man-
for extended periods of time.
Tilting & Pointing 2
ufacturers’ warnings before oper-
n Fluorescent tubes contain highly
Controlling Light Intensity 3
poisonous mercury.
Fuse Change 3
n In the event of lamp breakage,
Lamps & Lamp Changes 3
n Do
® Caselite Operations Opening the Unit Stand Mounting Tilting & Pointing Laying the Caselite down, with its rear With the Caselite fixture face down, The Stand-fitting Tilt-bracket is mounting adaptor facing up, release attach the mounting plate C to the designed to place the fixture’s center the twist-locks and lift the fixture half adaptor receptacle in the center of the of gravity squarely over the center of the straight up off the lid half. Lay the fixture, as shown. Turn the 4 twist-lock s
® Caselite Operations Controlling Light Intensity Fuse Change Light intensity is controlled through The Caselites come with a user-replace- Caselite 2 Switch the individual lamp switches. In each able mini fuse which is installed in Caselite, the first tube is controlled a small holder on the same plate as the by the AC switch in the power cable exterior AC power socket. Access the and remaining lamps are controlled fuse by removing the cap with a small by the switch(es) on back of fixture. fla
® Lowel Caselite Instructions Light Controls Closing/Transporting Replace eggcrate, if used, on the lid flap Barndoor/Intensifiers Gel Clips and snap its locks into the retaining The dual purpose Barndoor/Intensifiers Gel Clips are installed on each end holes. Fold Barndoor/Intensifiers in add versatility & output to the Caselite. of the fixture to hold gel pieces towards lamps. Loosen stand fitting With the mirror-finish Intensifier side cut to the size of the lamp area. at stand and remov