_ Owner's Manual
Model No. 875.199810
3/8-in. Impact Wrench
When unpacking this product, Carefully
inspect for any damage that may have
occurred during _ransit. Make sure any
ioose _ttings,bolts,etc. are tightened
before pt_ting this product into sewice.
WARNING: Please read and save these safety and ope[aUng instructions. Read carefully
before attempting to assemble, Install, operate or maintain _e ploduct described.
Prefect yourse/f and others by observing all safety information. Fai
Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 90 PSi M_mum This tool is designed to operate at an air pressure of 90 pounds per square inch ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON • Features & Benefits Read Operating In_0'l_ctions gauge pressure (90 PSI) maximum, at the Please becon_ familiar with all the CRAFTSMAN TOOL SpeCifications toG. U_e of higher air pre_sure can, and ,_ Product W'arranty insP=_Jo,",s a_'_ _,-a_Ings b_fore }f this Cfa_:sman tool fails to give complete Oomp_so{
Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 Discoi_nect the air tool from air supply SOme materials such as adhesives and before.changir_ tools or atta_menls_ ..... servicing and during non-operation. could cause serious injury with Too_ whP..h cut, sheer, ddll, staple, air powered tool Always examine DO not wear loose fitting clothing, prolonged exposure. Always work in a punch, r__hiseJ, etc. =re capable of accessories before mounting for chips, scarves, or neck tie
Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 be a flexible hose in order to isolate Air Tool Hook Up movement of the compressor. This toolsfeatures a power regulator ,a_zlve Route the initial take-off line (pipe) as (fig. 2). Rotate regulator untiJ desired output is achieved. The settings on the regu!etor straight up the shop wall and as high are onlyfor reference and do not denote a as possible, This will help minimize specific power output.Turn regulator to water lea
Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 1.Disconnect the impact wrench from the airsupply. 2. RRnlOvo the siol;ted screw or Allen Lubdcatien head screw from the oil port hole An in-line filter-regulator-lubricator (fig 1) (Ref, No. 51) (Refer to figure 3}. is recommended as it increases tool life 3, Squeeze app_oxirrm.tely 1 oz. of 30 weight oil ar_l keeps the tool insustained operation. through the oil port hole. Replace the screw. The in-line lubdcalor should be
Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 Owner's Manual Model No. 875.199810 ,=, ..m , , 1. Flush the tool with air tool oil, gum Toolruns !. Grit or gum in tool 1. Lack of lubrication I. Lubricate the air motor and the Impactssrowiy solvent, or an equal mixture of SAE 10 slowor v_ll impact mechanism. (See Lubrication or wiltnot impact motor oil and kerosene. Lubricate the tool notoperate. section of this n-_uaT_ after cleaning. 2. Adjust the regulator on the tool to 2, Tool regulator set in wrong po
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