Security System
Maintenance Info MI291a
MP3 - Service Release SR2
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
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Maintenance Info MI291a: Guarto MP3 SR2 1 Maintenance Info MI291a: Guarto MP3 SR2 The first edition of MP3 for Guarto was released in January 2003. See related Up- data sheet UPe128. This release MP3 SR2 becomes available in January 2009. MP3 is the common version for networked applications or standalone respectively. Mind the special version YCD01503 for the integration into the management sta- tion MM2000 with a relaxed check for the time synchronization via network. This Service
Maintenance Info MI291a: Guarto MP3 SR2 1.2 Fixed Application Problems The current RTC chip is not available anymore. So, a new pin compatible device with a new chip was produced in cooperation for Guarto and AlgoRex. This re- quires the use of a new RTC driver, which supports the current chip as well as the new device. Therefore, a new HW version is provided too, where the current RTC chip is re- moved from the board and a socket is mounted instead, so that the piggy-back de- vice with t
Siemens Switzerland Ltd Building Technologies Group International Headquarters Fire Safety & Security Products Gubelstrasse 22 CH-6301 Zug Tel. +41 41 – 724 24 24 Fax +41 41 – 724 35 22 www.sbt.siemens.com Document no. A6V10235243 Manual CS6 Edition 01.2009 Section 2