User Manual
Please read carefully before use
DVBT-MP32 User Manual IMPor Tan T SafeTy InSTrucTIonS anD PrecauTIonS • Read instructioncar efully before usingthis pr oduct • Observe all warningsand cautions when using thispr oduct. • Retain all manuals and documentationf or future referral. • Onlyuse thispr oduct in a mannerdescribed in this manual. • Dono tuse this pr oduct if youar ein control of amo torv ehicle. • If used ina mo tor vehicle isshould be used away from the driver to avoid
not be able to pick upall stations in all areas.F orbes t results use in a strong signal area and ensure thatthe antennahas a clear unobstructed view of the sky. • Do not bend, drop,crush, puncture, incinerate, or open this device. • Avoid use in extreme temperatures. extreme temperatures. • Do not use thisde vice in rain, or near washbasins oro ther wet locations. Take careno tt o spill any food orliquid intoit. In case this device getsw et, unplug all
DVBT-MP32 User Manual TaBLe of on c TenTS Important instructionand precaution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Accessory list and connection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Knowing your DVT . . . . . . . . .
acceSSory LIST 1. AC/DCP ower adaptor 5. Wrists trap 2. AV cord 6. Carrypouch 3. External Antenna 7. USB Drive Adaptor 4. MCX-to-ICEcable c onnecTIon GuIDe
DVBT-MP32 User Manual KnoI w nG your DVT 1 SDHC/MMC Card Slot 10 DCP ower in 2 MediaHo t keys 11 Charge IndicatorL ED 3 Hold Switch 12 USB hostP ort(A daptorsupplied) 4 Power Button 13 Battery Cover 5 (&15)Speak er 14 Fold Out Stand 6 Navigationk eys 15 (&5)Speak er 7 Strap Eyelet 16 External Antenna Socket 8 Earphone Socket 17 In-Built TelescopicAn tenna 9 Audio/Video OutSock et 18 LCD Screen
BaSIc oPera TIon
DVBT-MP32 User Manual MeDIa Ho T Key S Themedia ho t Keysar e located on the top of the device. They allowy ou to rewind, fast forward, play, pause and go to the previous or next file when playing music of video files. Previous/Fast Rewind Function -Press the key to play the previous video/audio file -Press and holdk ey to fast rewind during playback. Play/PauseFunction Next/Fast Forward Function -Press the key to play the next Video/Audio file. -Press andhold the key to fast
DVB-T TV mode. To enterD VB-T TV Mode. DVB-T Radiomode. To Enter DVB-T Radio Mode. Video File Playback mode. To enter Video file playback mode. Audio File Playback mode. To enter Audio file playback mode. Photo Viewing Mode. To enter the Photovie wing mode. Game Mode. To enterthe Game menu. System Settings To enter the System setting Menu to configure the device.
DVBT-MP32 User Manual QuIK c ST ar T GuIDe for fIr ST TIMe uSe Step 1: Charging the Device 1. Connect the poweradap tor tothe main unit. 2. When theba ttery startschar ging,the Char ge LEDwill Glow RED. 3. When theba ttery is fully charged The LED will Glow GREEN. ThePla yer can be remeoved from the adaptor. Step 2: Turning the Device on Press the Powerbutt ont o turn on.Pr ess again to trun thede viceo ff. Step 3: Press the [VOL + ]/[VOL - ] buttons to selec
Step 4: Press the [OK] button to enter the scan setup menu. Step 5: Select your own OSD language, your current region and whether it is summer time (for daylight savings). 1. Use the [CH +]/[CH -] buttons to highlight ther equired menuit em. 2. Use the [VOL +]butt on access thesubmenu if shown. 3. Usethe [CH + ]/[CH -] buttons to highlight to the required menu item. 4. Press the[OK] button to select the highlightedit emor pr ess the [MENU] button to exit to
DVBT-MP32 User Manual uSInG THe DVB-T raDIo 1. Inthe Main Menu press the [VOL +]/[VOL –] buttons to select the Radio Icon andthen press the [OK]butt ont oen ter the Radio Mode. 2. Press the [CH +]/[CH -]t o select thepr eferred radio channel. 3. The Radio service will startimmedia tely. Note: Thede vicecan only playD VB-Tr adio broad - casts. These stations are found when scanning forTV br oadcast To rescan for radio channels pleaser escan for TV chann
r ecorDInG funcTIon 1. During the TV ort Radio mode press the butt on to start recordingthe current TV or RadioPr ogram Whenthe unit is recording, will be displayed in the upper left screen. 2. Press the button ofthe [HOME] button to stopr ecording. 3. Recorded TV programs can be played backin Video Playback Mode. 4. Recorded RadioPr ograms can be playedback in Music Mode. Important Notes a) An SD card, MMC card or USB drive must be fitted or connect
DVBT-MP32 User Manual VIDeo fIL e PLayBacK The Laser Multimedia DVB-T will support MPG, DAT, VOB and AVI files. (MPEG4ASP, Xvid, DivX 4.0/5.0) format video files. The selection below will explain how to play your video files stored on the SD/MMC card or USB drive. 1.A fter selecting Video PlaybackMode fromthe Main Menu, the files browser screen will appear. Press the[OK] buttont o select the rootf older 2. All available video files will be displayed on the screen.Use the
MuSIc fIL e PLayBacK The Laser Multimedia DVB-T will support MP3 and WAV audio files. The selection below will explain how to play your audio files stored on the SD/MMC card or USB drive. 1. Afterselecting Music File PlaybackMode fr om the Main Menu, the files browser screen will appear. Press the [OK]butt on toselect the root folder 2. All available video files will be displayed on the screen. Usethe [CH+] andthe [CH-]butt onst o scroll up and down the fil
DVBT-MP32 User Manual PHoTo VIewInG MoDe The Laser MultimediaD VB-Twill supportJPG, BMP and GIF formatimage video files. The selection below will explain how to display your image files stored on the SD/MMC card orUSB drive. 1. After selectingPho toVie wing Mode from the Main Menu, the files browser screen will appear. Press the [OK] button to selectthe r oot folder 2. All available image files will be displayed on the screen.Use the [CH+]and the [CH-] butto
PHoTo VIewInG MoDe – aDV ance funcTIonS Rotating the Picture Press the [VOL+] buttont o rotatethe pictur eclockwise. Pr ess the [VOL-] button to rotate thepictur e counter clockwise. Slideshow Press the (Play/Pause)butt on to start ors topthe photoslidesho w. Zoom 1. Whenvie winga picture, pressthe [OK] butt on to activatethe zoom function. 2. Press [OK]or t oz oomin. 3. Press t o zoomout. 4. Use the [CH+]/[CH-]/[VOL+]/[VOL-]t oscr oll ar
DVBT-MP32 User Manual Sy STeM SeTTInGS This is the system settingmenu screen. Userscan adjust the Country/Language setting,the sound setup, Display, Time, and proceedt othe software upgradepage. Use the [VOL+] and[V OL-] buttons to highlightthe r equiredit em andpr ess the [OK] to select. Display Settings Tose t up the TVS ystem (PAL,N TCSor A uto), the Aspectr atio, adjust the brightnessand switch ON/OFF the Autobackligh t. 1. Press the[CH+]
Region and Langauges To Set upthe OSD langauge and DVB-T regional settings. 1.Press the [CH+]/[CH-] buttons to highlight the item youwan t to adjust. 2. Pressthe [VOL+]butt onand use the [CH+]/[CH- ] to scroll up anddo wnthe options. 3. Select one by pressing the [OK] button or exit the setting by pressingthe [MENU] button. 4. After adjusting,pr ess [MENU]butt ont oe xitthe “Region& language Settings” Sound Settings To selecta sound efect and se
DVBT-MP32 User Manual Software Version and Firmware upgrade To display the current firmware version number and upgrade 1. Insert the SD/MMC card containing the firmware file into the card slot. 2. After entering the Version/upgrade menu, press the [CH-] buttonun til the “SW Upgrade” option ishighligh ted. 3. Pressthe [OK] buttont o startthe upgrade process. Sy STeM SeTTInGS Important Only use the firmware file recommend for this model device. The use of Firmware files not spec