® ™
The Garmin GTM 21 FM TMC Traffic Receiver
Service Information
receives Traffic Message Channel (TMC) information
When you are in an FM TMC service area in the UK, your
broadcast over the FM radio data system. When a traffic
GTM 21 receives traffic signals as soon as you connect
message is received, your Garmin GPS device displays
it to your Garmin GPS device. You need to be in range
the incident on the map and can change your route to
of an FM station transmitting
The Status LED indicates the status of the GTM 21: Connecting Your GTM 21 1. Remove the power cable from your Garmin GPS Y ellow dot-dash fl ashes: determining 2. Connect the cable on the GTM 21 to the power which country you are currently in. connector on your Garmin GPS. Yellow solid light: searching for signal. To 12-Volt receptacle Red solid light: momentary sync loss. in vehicle Green solid light: normal traffi c data. Route on windscreen using the suction cups. Check the Map: Check
Avoiding Traffi c Severity Color Code The Map page shows a when there is a traffi c incident In the traffi c incidents list, the bars to the left of the traffi c on your current route or on the road you are traveling symbols indicate the traffi c incident’s severity: on. Touch the to view the traffi c information. Touch a Green = Low severity; traffi c is fl owing normally. traffi c incident to review it. Touch Avoid to route around Yellow = Medium severity; traffi c is a bit congested. the incide
The Traffic Subscription Code cannot be reused; you must Traffic Service End User Subscriber obtain a new code each time you renew your service. The Agreement code is specific for the GTM 21 it was purchased for; it The Traffic Service Provider holds the rights to the traffic cannot be used on multiple GTM 21 devices. incident data and RDS/TMC network through which it is delivered. You may not modify, copy, scan, or use any Register your GTM 21 other method to reproduce, duplicate, republish,