Furuno GPS NAVIGATOR GP-150の取扱説明書

デバイスFuruno GPS NAVIGATOR GP-150の取扱説明書

デバイス: Furuno GPS NAVIGATOR GP-150
カテゴリ: GPS受信機
メーカー: Furuno
サイズ: 1.16 MB
追加した日付: 8/6/2014
ページ数: 97



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Furuno GPS NAVIGATOR GP-150 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書Furuno GPS NAVIGATOR GP-150の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。




The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. F FURUNO URUNO Au Autth ho or riiz ze ed d Di Dis sttr riib bu utto or r//D De ea alle er r 9- 9-52 52 A Ashi shihar hara- a-cho, cho, N Niishi shinom nomiiy ya 662- a 662-8580, 8580, J JAPAN APAN Te Telle ep phone hone : : 0798- 0798-65- 65-2111 2111 Fax Fax 0798- 0798-65- 65-4200 4200 :: FIR FIRS ST E T ED DITION ITION : : F FEB. EB. 2006 2006 A All r ll riig gh ht ts r s re ese ser rv ve ed d. . P Pr rinte inted in J d in Ja apa pan


IMPORTANT NOTICE • This manual is intended for use by native speakers of English. • No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced without written permission. • If this manual is lost or worn, contact your dealer about replacement. • The contents of this manual and equipment specifications are subject to change without notice. • The example screens (or illustrations) shown in this manual may not match the screens you see on your display. The screen you see depends on your sys


SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION WARNING Use the correct fuse. Do not open the cover of the equipment. Use of the wrong fuse can cause fire or equipment damage. This equipment uses high voltage electricity which can No single navigation aid (including this shock, burn or cause death. unit) should ever be relied upon as the Only qualified person- exclusive means for navigating your nel should work inside the vessel. equipment. The navigator is responsible for checking Do not dissasemble or mo


5.4 Finding Range and Bearing Between Two Points..................................... 5-7 TABLE OF 6. SETTING UP VARIOUS DISPLAYS CONTENTS 6.1 Selecting Data to Display on the Data Display.................................. 6-1 6.2 Selecting Position Format .............6-2 6.3 Demo Display ................................. 6-4 FOREWORD............................................. iv 7. ALARMS SYSTEM CONFIGRATION ........................ v 7.1 Arrival Alarm, Anchor Watch Ala


The main features of the GP-150 are FOREWORD • Comprehensive navigation data displays • Storage for 999 waypoints and 30 routes A Word to GP-150 Owners • Alarms: Waypoint Arrival, Anchor Watch, Congratulations on your choice of the Cross-track Error, Ship's Speed, Water FURUNO GP-150 GPS Navigator. We are Temperature, Depth and Trip confident you will see why the FURUNO • Man overboard feature records latitude and name has become synonymous with quality longitude coordinates at ti


SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Antenna Unit GPA-018S* Antenna Unit GPA-019S* Antenna Unit GPA-017S** Radar, Echosounder, Autopilot etc. Display Unit DGPS Beacon Receiver 12-24VDC GR-80** *: w/internal beacon receiver **: w/o internal beacon receiver CATEGORY OF UNITS Unit Category ANTENNA UNIT Exposed to weather DISPLAY UNIT Protected from weather v


This page intentionally left blank. vi


1. OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW 1.1 Control Description Cursor pads Shift display and cursor. MENU NU/CU Opens/closes menu; Selects display orientation; ESC ENT quits current operation. registers selections on menus. DISPLAY EVENT Inscribes event mark at Selects display mode. 1 6 SEL MOB ship’s position; marks man overboard position WPT GOTO Registers waypoints Sets destination. 2 RTE 7 and routes. PLOT MARK Inscribes mark on Turns recording and plotting 3 ON/OFF8 the display. of ship’s track on/off.


1. OPERATION When turning on the power the following 1.2 Turning On and Off the occurs: Power The GP-150 takes about 90 seconds to find 12 seconds after turning on the power, position when turned on for the very first time. accurate position (in latitude and longitude) Thereafter it takes about 12 seconds to find appears on the display. position each time the power is turned on. If position could not be found, "NO FIX" Turning on the power appears at the GPS receiving condi


1. OPERATION 1.3 Adjusting Display 1.4 Selecting the Display Contrast and Brilliance Mode 1) Press the TONE key. The display shown 1) Press the DISPLAY SEL key. The display in Figure 1-3 appears. shown in Figure 1-4 appears. Select Display Plotter 1 Plotter 1 [-] [+] Plotter 2 Tone: 17 (0~31) Highway Navigation Brilliance: 7 (0~7) Data (DATUM: WGS-84) : Select MENU : Escape MENU : Escape * Shows currently selected geodetic chart Figure 1-3 Screen for adjust


1. OPERATION Plotter 1 display Plotter 2 display Cursor position data, when cursor is on Bearing from own ship Ship's position appears when cursor is off to destination waypoint RAIM Course GPS receiving Own ship's reliability* bar condition track Own ship Alarm Distance for D3D 100m mark range RAIM reliability 34 ° 23.456´ N 135 ° 45.678´ E SAFE 30 D3D 100m 34° 23.456´ N 135 ° 45.678´ E SAFE [01] 30 BRG [01] 44° 40 50 COG Waypoint H 40 32° 50 H BRG TO + ° 123 20 WGS84 RNG TO + 2.00 nm


1. OPERATION Navigation display 2) With autopilot connection, automatic mode 1) No autopilot connection D3D 100m SAFE Cross track Bearing from own TO; 012 error meter ship to destination SOG E waypoint 12.3 kt Bearing Destination Speed over ground scale Velocity To waypoint no. N VTD Destination BRG: 10.3 kt 63 ° D3D 100m SAFE TO; 012 COG: S RNG E SOG 123° 0.1nm 0.1nm 123 12.3 kt nm N VTD TRIP BRG Auto Pilot Hdg Str 10.3 kt 63° 789 nm Auto 123 ° P 23 ° COG S RNG 123° 0.1nm 0.


1. OPERATION Data display Refer to Chapter 6 for user-defined window setting. The ZOOM icon can be displayed by pressing the CURSOR ON/OFF key. Position in latitude and longitude or LOPs U: UTC J: JST Fixing date and time* Zoom icon S: Ship's time D3D 100m SEP 12, 2005 23:59'59" U SAFE POSITION 12° 23.456' N 123° 23.456' E WGS84 TO : 001 RNG BRG MARINE nm 223.4° 31.23 POINT1 NEXT : 002 SOG COG MARINE 12.3 kt 123.4° POINT2 Next destination waypoint User-defined Current destination waypoint


2.3 Shifting the Cursor 2. TRACK The cursor can be shifted with the cursor pads. 1) Press the CURSOR ON/OFF key to turn 2.1 Enlarging/Shrinking the on the cursor. Display 2) Press the cursor pads. You may enlarge and shrink the display on The cursor moves in the direction of the the Plotter 1, Plotter 2 and Highway displays, cursor pads pressed. When the cursor with the ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT keys. The reaches the edge of the display, the display horizontal range is available among


2. TRACK Cursor turned off 2.5 Centering Cursor Ship's position (in latitude and longitude or Position LOPs), speed and course appear on the 1) Press the CURSOR ON/OFF key to turn display. on the cursor. Own ship Own ship position 2) Press the cursor pad to position the mark in latitude and longitude cursor. 3) Press the CENTER key. D3D 100m 34 ° 23.456´ N 135 ° 45.678´ E SAFE 2.6 Centering Own Ship's BRG Position 234° COG 1) Press the CURSOR ON/OFF key to turn 345° off the


2. TRACK Hold icon 2.8 Erasing Track (appears while recording of track is stopped) The track stored in the memory and displayed on the screen can be erased. D3D 100m 34 ° 23.456· N 135 ° 45.678· E SAFE CAUTION BRG Track cannot be restored once erased. Be 234° absolutely sure you want to erase all track. COG 345° H Recording RNG 1) Press the MENU ESC key. The MAIN is stopped. 123 nm MENU appears. SOG MAIN MENU kt 12.3 1. DISPLA 1. DISPLAY Y SETUP SETUP 2. TRACK/MARK SETUP This po


2. TRACK 3) Press or to select Track Rec. Are you sure to erase ? 4) Press to select Time. 5) Enter plotting interval in four digits. To ENT: Yes MENU: No enter 30 seconds, for example, press 0, 0, 3, 0. Figure 2-6 Prompt for erasure 6) Press the NU/CU ENT key. of track 7) Press the MENU ESC key. 5) Press the NU/CU ENT key. Plotting interval by distance The setting range for plotting by distance is 2.9 Selecting Track Plotting 0.00 to 99.99 nautical miles. To plot


2. TRACK 3) Press 1 to display the PLOTTER SETUP 2.10 Apportioning the menu. Memory PLOTTER SETUP The memory holds 2,000 points of track and Trk = 1000 / 2000Pt Memory Apportion marks and may be apportioned as you like. Bearing Ref. True Mag The default memory setting stores 1,000 Mag Variation Auto Man points each of track and marks. (07 ° W) (00 ° E) R.L Calculation G.C CAUTION User defined #1 RNG All data are erased whenever the memory User defined #2 SOG apportion setting is change


2. TRACK Entering magnetic variation 2.11 Selecting Bearing Reference The location of the magnetic north pole is different from the geographical north pole. Ship's course and bearing to waypoint may This causes a difference between the true be displayed in true or magnetic bearing. and magnetic north direction. This difference Magnetic bearing is true bearing plus (or is called magnetic variation, and varies with minus) earth's magnetic deviation. respect to the observation point o

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