Earthmate GPS PN-20
An All-in-One Handheld GPS Solution from DeLorme,
the Leading Digital Mapping and GPS Company
User Manual
® Earthmate GPS PN-20 Accessories We offer a variety of products designed to help you get the most out of your Earthmate GPS PN-20. For more information, be sure to visit www.delorme.com/pn20. And, remember to use your compatible DeLorme software's NetLink tab to access aerial imagery and data downloads from DeLorme. Also Available from DeLorme DeLorme is a leading provider of mapping software for both consumer and professional markets. ® Our Street Atlas USA software titles deliver intellig
Table of Contents Getting Started ...........................................................................................................................................................................2 Basic Functions ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 Scenarios ...............................................................................................
Getting Started Thank you for purchasing the DeLorme Earthmate GPS PN-20. This versatile and compact GPS re- Tips: ceiver lets you create tracks of your travels, create routes so you never get lost, find points of interest, • S e t t i n g t h e c o r r e c t b a t t e r y and more! t y p e w i l l o p t i m i z e t h e b a t - t e r y ’ s p e r f o r m a n c e . F o r m o r e This manual provides instructions for using all of the functionality available on the Earthmate G
To turn off the Earthmate GPS PN-20, press the Power button and then press the ENTER button to Getting Started confirm you want to turn the Earthmate GPS PN-20 off. Step 3 — Using the Buttons on the Earthmate GPS PN-20 The buttons on the Earthmate GPS PN-20 give you access to all of the functions on the device. Each button has a unique purpose: In/Out Use the IN and OUT button to zoom in or zoom out on the map. • P r e s s t h e I N ( l e f t ) s i d e of t h e b u t t o n o n c e t o z o o m
Find The Find button is labeled with a magnifying glass. Use it to search for a point of interest, waypoint, address, coordinate, and more. You can search for a location based on its name or its proximity to the current map center. Mark Waypoint The Mark button is labeled with a push pin. Use it to mark a waypoint at your current GPS location or the cursor location (when panning). Once you mark a location, you can edit the waypoint name, coordinates, elevation, and provide comments about the
Power Getting Started Use the Power button to turn the Earthmate GPS PN-20 on and off, to change the backlight settings, or to reset the Earthmate GPS PN-20: • T o t u r n t h e E a r t h m a t e G P S P N - 2 0 o n , p r e s s a n d h o l d t h e Power button for 1.5 seconds. • T o t u r n t h e E a r t h m a t e G P S P N - 2 0 of f , p r e s s t h e Power button. When you see the “Press ENTER to power down” message, press the ENTER button to confirm that you want to turn off
GPS PN-20 vary by application. For more information, see the mapping application’s Help system for instructions on sending maps to your Earthmate GPS PN-20. • Online Map Cutter for Earthmate GPS PN-20—Visit http://data.delorme.com. You must have an Internet connection to use this website. For instructions on sending maps to your Earthmate GPS PN-20 with this online application, see the Online Map Cutter for Earthmate GPS PN-20 Help system. You can transfer many types of data, such
from the satellite to the receiver. Since radio waves travel at the speed of light, the time difference Getting Started can be used to calculate the distance from the satellite to the GPS receiver. The satellite’s identity code provides the location of the satellite, and the distance to the receiver creates a sphere of possible locations for the GPS receiver. Without more information, the receiver knows only that it is located somewhere on that sphere. Two additional satellites are necessary t
• S e t t i n g t h e G P S S e t t i n g s t o P o we r S av i n g m o d e • D i s a b l i n g G P S w h i l e i n d o o r s • U s i n g b a t t e r i e s w i t h h i g h e r m i l l i a m p r a t i n g s ( s u c h a s D u r a c e l l U l t r a s , E n e r g i z e r E 2 s , e t c . ) Why are the new batteries that I put in the device the last time I used it (a month ago) already dead? Because the Earthmate GPS PN-20 has a real-time clock that requires power even when the device is powered
Basic Functions Basic Functions This chapter provides descriptions for some of the basic functions of the Earthmate GPS PN-20. Panning the Map There are two ways to pan the map: • M a n u a l l y p a n t h e m a p b y p l a c i n g t h e c u r s o r a l o n g t h e m a p e d g e a n d h o l d i n g t h e a r r o w k ey p a d in the direction that you want to move the map. • A u t o m a t i c a l l y p a n t h e m a p w h e n G P S t r a c k i n g / n av i g a t i n g
(+, -, /, &), or punctuation (period, comma, apostrophe, exclamation point) you want to use. In addition, the following special functions are provided: Tips: • P r e s s O U T to h i g h l i g h t t h e Moves the cursor one space to the left without deleting characters. O K b u t to n w i t h o u t s c r o l l i n g Moves the cursor one space to the right without deleting characters. t h r o u g h t h e k e y b o a r d . • P r e s s Q U I T to c a n c e l y o u r Chan
Scenarios You can use your Earthmate GPS PN-20 for a variety of activities, including: • G e o c a c h i n g • B i r d w a t c h i n g • B i k i n g • M a n a g i n g G I S d a t a • A n d m u c h m o r e ! Below are some scenarios for using the Earthmate GPS PN-20 in these situations. Seeking a Geocache G e o c a c h i n g i s a p o p u l a r h i d e - a n d - s e e k s p o r t f o r G P S u s e r s . H i d e r s p l a c e a c a c h e ( p r i z e s a n d / o r l o g b o o k
7. Browse to the location where you saved the .loc file in step 2, select the file, and then click Open. The draw objects in the imported file display. A new waypoint layer is automatically created for the imported file. 8. Click Done to return to the Draw dialog area. 9. Click the Handheld Export tab in your software. 10. With the map centered on the geocache area, click the Select/Edit tool and then click the grids on the map that cover the map area you want to export to the Earthmate
The family decides to hide the cache along a public trail approximately 10 miles from their home. Scenarios Before they can add the cache to geocaching.com, they must get a very accurate coordinate for the location where they’re hiding the cache. To do so, they must mark a waypoint at the geocache location and then use the Averaging function on the Earthmate GPS PN-20. When a waypoint is averaged, a series of GPS readings for the waypoint’s location is recorded and averaged to increase the po
I n t h e s c e n a r i o b e l ow , T o m , a b i r d w a t c h e r , u s e s t h e E a r t h m a t e G P S P N - 2 0 , a e r i a l i m a g e r y , a n d t h e Safety Tip: B e s u r e to b r i n g a E a r t h m a t e G P S P N - 2 0 O n l i n e M a p C e n t e r t o p r e p a r e f o r h i s e x p e d i t i o n. m a p a n d c o m p a s s w i t h y o u o n Before Tom leaves for his trip, he uses the Earthmate GPS PN-20 Online Map Center to download y o u r e x p e d
and wants to use his Earthmate GPS PN-20 to mark a waypoint at the bird location. Scenarios 10. While at the spot of the tree, press the Mark button. 11. Scroll to the top of the Waypoints screen to highlight the waypoint symbol and press ENTER. Use the arrow keypad to find and highlight the bird icon and press ENTER. 12. Scroll to the label text field (to the right of the bird icon) and press ENTER. Use the arrow key pad to highlight the letter E and press ENTER. Repeat this step for each
power them on, and select the route they plan to use for navigation. 1. Press MENU, highlight the Routes option, and press ENTER. 2. Highlight the route and press ENTER. The map displays. 3. Highlight the Navigate button and press ENTER. The map displays. 4. Press MENU, highlight the Tracks option, and press ENTER. 5. Ensure the On button is activated. If it is not, highlight the On button and press ENTER to activate it. 6. To view the location in real time, press QUIT to display the Map Page
Mapping Assets in the Field Scenarios U p - t o - d a t e m a p s a r e o f t e n c r i t i c a l t o e f fi c i e n t l y m a n a g e a n d m a i n t a i n c o m p a n y a s s e t s . Y o u m a y n e e d s e v e r a l l a y e r s o f i n f o r m a t i o n t o l o c a t e a n d u p d a t e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e s e a s s e t s i n t h e fi e l d , s u c h a s r o a d , t o p o g r a p h i c , a n d h i s t o r i c m a p s , a s w e l l a s
5. From the Handheld Export tab, center the map on the quadrant and customize the handheld grid size to best fit the area. Then, click the Select/Edit tool and select the grids on the map that cover the quadrant. 6. Click the Options button and select the check box next to each dataset to transfer to the Earthmate GPS PN-20. For high-resolution aerial imagery, select XMap Raster Data Snapshot. For topographic, road, and GIS data, select XMap USA Topographic Data. For scanned historic