Wayne-Dalton TORSION SPRING 9400の取扱説明書

デバイスWayne-Dalton TORSION SPRING 9400の取扱説明書

デバイス: Wayne-Dalton TORSION SPRING 9400
カテゴリ: ガレージドア自動開閉装置
メーカー: Wayne-Dalton
サイズ: 0.17 MB
追加した日付: 11/9/2014
ページ数: 8



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Wayne-Dalton TORSION SPRING 9400 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書Wayne-Dalton TORSION SPRING 9400の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


Table of Contents
Pre - Installation 2
Important Safety Instructions 2
Removing an Existing Door/Preparing the Opening 2
Installation 2
Optional Installations 5
t o r s i o n
Maintenance 5
Cleaning Your Garage Door 5
Trolley Arm Configuration 5
cikuq sartt eugdi
Painting Your Garage Door 6
Operation and Maintenance 6
Warranty 7
Dealer Locator Information 8
The Quick Start Guide is only meant to be used as an aid and/or introduction to


Removing an Existing Door/ Pre - InsT alla TIon Preparing the Opening IMPORTANT: COunTERBAlAnCE SPRInG TEnSIOn MuST Al WAYS BE RElEASED BEfORE AnY ATTEMPT IS MADE TO START REMOVInG An ExISTInG DOOR. Important Safety Instructions W WARNING ARNING Definition of key words used in this manual: A POWERfuL sPRING RELEAsING ITs ENERGy suDDENLy CAN CAusE sEvERE OR f ATAL INjuR y. TO AvOID INjuR y, hA vE A TRAINED DOOR sysTEMs TECh- NICIAN, usING PROPER TOOLs AND INsTR uCTIONs, RELEAsE ThE sPRING


IMPORTANT: PuSH & HOlD THE HInGE lEAfS SECuREl Y AGAInST THE SECTIOnS WHIlE SE- jAMB BRACkET sChEDuLE CuRInG WITH 1/4”-14 x 5/8” SElf TAPPInG SCREWS. THERE SHOulD BE nO GAP BETWEEn TRACK THE HInGE lEAfS AnD THE SECTIOnS. DOOR HEIGHT 1ST SET 2nD SET 3RD SET lEnGTH Top Brackets 64” (1626 6’0” 5 M 6 B nA Tools: Power drill, 7/16” Socket driver mm) 9 69” (1753 6’5” 3 B 6 M nA mm) To install the top brackets, align the top holes in the top bracket base with the second set of 72” (1829 holes i


Attaching hor Tracks to Q.I. flag Angles Center Bearing Bracket Tools: Ratchet wrench, 9/16” Socket, 9/16” Wrench, level, Step ladder Tools: Step ladder, Power drill, 7/16” Socket driver, 1/4” Torx bit, Level, 14 18 Tape measure, Pencil NOTE: If you have Q.I. flag angles, complete this step. locate the center of the door. Mark a vertical pencil line on the mounting surface above the door, at the center. Measure from the center of the bearing, in one of the end bearing brackets, To instal


in Preparing the Opening, in the pre-installation section of this manual). Avoid pushing weather seal too tightly against face of door. W WARNING ARNING fAILuRE TO PLACE vICE CLAMPs ONTO vERTICAL TRACk CAN ALLOW DOOR TO RAIsE AND CAusE sEvERE OR f ATAL INjuR y. Winding springs Tools: Step Ladder, Approved winding bars, 3/8” Wrench oPTIonal InsT alla TIons 23 Position a ladder slightly to the side of the spring so that the winding cone is easily accessible, Trolley Arm Configuration and


exposure to sunlight. only or a high friction area only. If you are unable to reach the lift handles/ suitable gripping points only, use pull rope affixed to the side of door. Door should close completely with little Cleaning the door will generally restore the appearance of the finish. To maintain an aesthetically resistance. pleasing finish of the garage door, a periodic washing of the garage door is recommended. using an electric opener: ThE fOLLOWING CLEANING sOLuTION Is RECOMMENDED: IMPO


WarranTy Lifetime limited warranty Models 9100, 9400, 9600 Subject to the terms and conditions contained in this lifetime limited Warranty, Wayne-Dalton Corp. (“Manufacturer”) warrants the sections of the door, which is described at the top of this page, for as long as you own the door against: i) The door becoming inoperable due to rust-through of the steel skin from the core of the door section, due to cracking, splitting, or other deterioration of the steel skin, or due to structural failur


Covered by one or more of the following Patents; 5,408,724; 5,409,051; 5,419,010; 5,495,640; 5,522,446; 5,562,141; 5,566,740; 5,568,672; 5,718,533; 6,019,269; 6,089,304; 6,644,378; 6,374,567; 6,561,256; 6,527,037; 6,640,872; 6,672,362; 6,725,898; 6,843,300; 6,915,573; 6,951,237; 7,014,386; 7,036,548; 7,059,380; 7,121,317; 7,128,123; 7,134,471; 7,134,472; 7,219,392; 7,254,868. Canadian: 2,384,936; 2,477,445; 2,495,175; 2,507,590; 2,530,701; 2,530,74; 2, 2,532,824. Other us and foreign Patents

# 取扱説明書 カテゴリ ダウンロード
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3 Wayne-Dalton TORSION SPRING 9400 取扱説明書 ドア 0
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